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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. i aint going to worry about it cause in my mind at least i got a friend
  2. i'm not reading i'm okay i guess i am and i am going nutz
  3. LORD OF THE G-STRINGS lets see um..... clockwork orange... chicago... dirty dancing... cruel intentions.... yeah pretty much any of those
  4. tell me about it. My best guy friend (my recent crush) and i have been spending time together more offen now. I'm always hugging him it seems and he even said "your so full of hugs a nd kishes today" i told him if its a bad thing then tell me to stop cause i will. He said dont worry about it then he brought up the fact that i have his number but i never call. I told him that if i did he'd probibly be all "i'm sick" or "i'm washing my hair out of the country." his answer "How would you know you've never tried" then he says he dosnt like me like that but continues to flirt with me and touch me which i'm now addicted to grrr. This is fallowed by dont give up, things change.... cause he's never been persued like that before. Then he offers to help me learn guitar i just have to call him. So it sounds like he wants me to call but ack i want him to like me. grrrr dang it.
  5. but deep down i dont want to kill him you see i just want him to explain things to me
  6. once again i'm broke now i got somethin else to save for
  7. so would most forms of math
  8. mary walks in staring at a napkin with a number on it "i'll call him....no no i wont.... but he wants me too.... he's just being nice... okay its settled i'm just going to kill him."
  9. oh thanks leave me lying lifeless on this beach you guys are great is this about your finger cause i didnt do that well i did but i didnt write that
  10. Soon it had all finished. Mary had now had little strength left to utilize the power of the cutlass and it fell to the sand along with Mary's nearly lifeless body.
  11. <------ is totally lost
  12. Not so fast diego! Thats not the way i remeber it. (lol) Now Mary stood out on that rock when a bunck of her ghostly crew came for her in a small boat. "Feast your eyes upon it my dears for the likes of ye will soon to over run it they dont realize that your kind had been there long before." With a mighty swoosh of the cutlass zombies began to rise from under the ground right below the now circled fools. MUWAHAHAHAHA! "Soon ye all shall know my wrath! (especially diego j/k).
  13. the wenches look kinda funny to me *shrugs* oh well
  14. i so have to get tickects this time damn it!
  15. aye and i supose you had nothin to do wit dat at tall did ye Ya Know, Mary-I been Married So Long that Whenever a Woman Accuses Me o' Somethin' I Automatically Pleads Guilty...So, Aye, Mistress- I Be Zombie Mary's Father-and 'tis Proud of Me Undead Daughter I am. RtR awe thanks your the best zombie dad i've ever had
  16. that truly would be an interesting piece however not quite in tune with me outfit
  17. Holy cow! now i'm really jealous of your abilities! thats quite an beautiful frock rue congrats
  18. Good gracious thats beautiful! wow i'm jealous my sewing skills are so bunk its not even funny. still must move on i caught to either steal beg or borrow a cloak before escondido cause its going to be cold.
  19. sounds interesting although my kit is really full as it is what i should be looking for is a feast gear set but this sounds like more fun and easier to carry around
  20. i'll be stayin over night at that one a friend is letting me help with the guild so i get to stay in escondido insted of going back and forth witch is a pain in the ass. I'll be looking for you rue
  21. aye and i supose you had nothin to do wit dat at tall did ye
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