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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. It's probley Pew's new book, not his original one, that is making the rounds right now. I didn't get the impression that if Pew & I's orginal books were returned that we were supposed to put them back in circulation. Besides, I'd be willing to be that he doesn't have his old book back yet, because I don't have mine. I was just saying that if Jenny has mailed Pew his orginal book back then it has the artwork that I did for him this round of the sketchbook game in it. I don't mind doing another set of sketches in his replacement book if his orginal book is still lost. However, if the orginal book was returned then Pew has a set of my sketches already and I can be removed from the list of people who need to still work in it. Then he'll get his new replacement book back a month earlier than Patrick forcasted.
  2. Pew, did you get your orginal book back from Jenny yet? I had put artwork in that book before it was lost. If you get your orginal book back, this list could skip me and you'd be getting your new book back a month earlier.
  3. That sounds like Pew's book. Carter said he was the only one to have put any artwork in it.
  4. My friends and I had an amazing time. We actually spent alot of time in a little greek bar. They yelled at us to come in from their open doors and windows, and who are we to pass up such an invitation? I actually won second place in the costume contest!
  5. Happy Birthday! I hope you celebrated it properly last weekend!!!
  6. I currently have Ransom's book. If I follow the current schedule she will have her book back in the next round.
  7. Yahoo Weather has already changed their forcast for Saturday since this morning. This morning it said, "Some showers with a chance of thunder storms". Now it says, "Times of sun and clouds. Highs in the low 70s and lows in the low 50s." Much better!
  8. That's a real shame Gute, I'm sorry to hear that. A pirate afraid to get wet!?!?!?
  9. Pew is sending me your book Ransom. He IM'd me about it and I should be getting it soon.
  10. Alas, the first week in June I've got plans to go camping. However, I'm not sure if I'm heading up for Celtic fling yet. I just checked the dates, and I don't have anything else planned. I think I'll wait until the Pirate Invasion in Baltimore is over (this coming Saturday) and then spring it on my friends. Or better yet, I'll spring it on them during the Invasion...when we've all been drinking.
  11. Well it's good to know I'm not the only one drinking tonight
  12. Last year there was a night-time cruise upon a tall ship that I promised myself I wouldn't miss if it happened again. That isn't happening this year is it? If it is how does my crew sign on?
  13. I was really late too Ransom.. Patrick's book is on it's way to you now.
  14. I haven't heard anything from Red Cat Jenny reguarding my book. Did she contact you Pew? Does she definatly have them? Whoops, I haven't seen Ransom's book either - I think that makes it Ransom and GOF's books that I still need to do work in.
  15. Is this round 2 of the sketchbook project really almost done? I think the only book I haven't seen yet is Gentleman of Fortune's. I'm sorry I haven't mailed Patrick's book to Ransom yet. Things have been a bit hectic, but I'll have it in the mail by Monday at the very latest.
  16. Silkie I wish I could help. I promised my coworker who is letting me crash at her place that I wouldn't have anymore people in her house. She already seemed alittle concerned that I was bringing 7 other pirates with me..... I can't believe it's only a little over two weeks away!
  17. No but my boyfriend bought a fried twinkie at the PA Renn Faire one year. It was pretty gross, all the filling melted into the cake and batter.
  18. Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great one!
  19. That's pretty interesting Mission, I think I'm forwarding this one on to some Peep enthusiast friends.
  20. Here's to a quick recovery!
  21. Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope it was a great one!
  22. I needed that laugh Rumba!
  23. Whoops!! I have Patrick's book from Pew, I just forgot to post that I have it. Sorry
  24. In keeping with long and glorious tradition, you are burned at the stake. I always knew I was a little witchy
  25. I have a set of pirate mardi gras beads, a little pirate keychain and a 2 pirate bumper stickers decorating my desk space. It's not much but it gets me through the day
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