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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. This is going to make me sound like a grouchy old woman at the ripe age of 30 . (I am by no means calling 30 old, that would be obnoxious, and worthy of a pet peeve of it's own.) Snarky teenagers/college kids annoy me. I was in the self checkout line at the grocery store ringing myself up when some college kids got behind me. I had items that I had to enter codes in and I guess they decided I was taking too long. After waiting less than 30 seconds for me to finish up, they snorted, rolled their eyes at me and got in another line. It was so nice to finish up 30 seconds later and walk past the two of them stuck in their line. They had to have a clerk help them use the self check out.
  2. Disney bought all the magic and now we have to pay royalties. We are still chalk full of shenanigans though. Eeeevil shenanigans. "I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans." I love Super Troopers.
  3. We have Chessie here on the Chesapeake Bay.
  4. I've got an annoyance. When you buy new shoes that look great and seem to fit perfect so you wear them to an event. Then an hour later you're walking barefoot because your poor feet are blistered and sore.
  5. Happy Birthday Bess!
  6. I bought my tickets last night. I am officially in.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS! You guys look great!
  8. Photoshop and boredom are about as dangerous as Photoshop and beer.
  9. Train horns on trucks. There is some punk that lives in my area that has one. You can hear his obnoxious horn from about a mile away, I swear I'm not exaggerating. He'll honk it at all hours. He thinks it's funny to honk at people who are walking down the street and scare them. I'm waiting to hear about someone suffering a heart attack because of this jerk, he just about gave me one last autumn. I think I love this thread. It just feels good to vent.
  10. I agree Ransom! Ugh that just makes me ill!
  11. All this time I thought "a-hoy" was just how pirates said hello...
  12. How about when you hold a door open for a person, but instead of saying thank you, they act like you aren't even there. Worse yet they glare at you.
  13. The boss doesn't care. He thinks it's funny. Something tells me he wouldn't think my poetry was funny
  14. Oh, I thought of another one! My coworker who sleeps all day but feels entitled to dump all his work on a different coworker and treat her like she's less than human. Did I mention he knows everything? Now when I catch him sleeping I take a photo with my phone, e-mail it to myself and post it to facebook with a poem that I write about him. It's immature, but it makes me smile.
  15. ARRRGGHHH!!! People who don't scoop their dog's poop drive me nuts! I always scoop up after my yellow lab mix, and then carry his "presents" around in a baggie for the rest of the walk. So I was really annoyed to watch my neighbor let his massive mutt poop in my yard. When he caught me looking at him he smiled and waved as if nothing was amiss. Grrrrrrr..... I also can't stand "blinker nerds". The people who have their blinker on when they are driving but they never actually turn. Worse is when people turn but never put on their blinker!
  16. Tired. I drank 4 rum and cokes then 1 rum and rootbeer (because we ran out of Coke) last night. Now I am at work and I am so tired.
  17. That's the plan. My crew and I haven't bought tickets yet though. I just sent them out an e-mail to light a fire under their behinds! That night is my boyfriend's birthday too, it seems like a memorable way to celebrate.
  18. That's amazing! A punk rock dolphin! That's on my list of things to do before I die Syren. One of these days...
  19. So what do we have to do to get Duff and Mary Alice from Ace of Cakes to come hang out? I bet they'd make great pirates!
  20. From a piratical stand point, that's smart money management and having your priorities straight!
  21. I just had a vision of everyone at the pirate ball/invasion wearing "Hello My Name Is" badges so we could tell who was who. I'm kidding of course that would be terrible, but it's a really funny picture once you visualize it.
  22. Best of luck for a speedy recovery Rumba!
  23. I love the "R MA8TY" one!
  24. Best of luck Syren! I hope this makes you fell a million times better!
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