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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. That sounds fantastic! What kind of material are you using for the fin?
  2. Hey, it takes guts to wear a coconut bra!
  3. That's nice!
  4. Yup, the hair is right on: straight, long and parted in the middle. You made me a bit skinnier than I am in real life, but I don't mind that one bit!!! I just gives me something to work towards in the gym! This is a picture I found of myself online from the PA Renn Faire in October. (I don't know who that guy was, but he was nice enough ) http://flickr.com/photos/74771420@N00/2947227126
  5. So do Ransom and Jill carry me around or do they push me in a wheel barrow?
  6. I go to Atlantic City for the weekend and come home to find out that I'm a cartoon! How cool! Thanks Patrick, that made my day.
  7. The gentleman seem to be of the same opinion! I am SO excited!
  8. Other than she has no heart, and hydraulics in her chest...... Nice boobs verses a good heart: A heart can be broken pretty easy, nice boobs are more sturdy Everyone can tell if you have a nice set of boobs, it takes time to find out if someone has a good heart. If you see a heart on tv most people cringe, if you see boobs on tv every guy in the house runs in to see them too. It's rare to hear the statement, "Would you look at the heart on her!". (this is all in jest of course - the benefits of a good heart (physically and otherwise) out weight a good set of boobs in the long run) I would go to the Barbie Pyrate Convention to save Candi!
  9. Oh no! Not Candi! She just got new boobs, new eyes and an airship!
  10. My tankard looks alot like D.Man's. I got it at an antique store. However I want this tankard:
  11. My 15 year old female cousin was Dr. Who for Halloween. She absolutely loves the show and David Tennant. I've watched a few of the new episodes and I really enjoy them
  12. No complaints here. I design ads for a living, ads keep me in a job!
  13. And that's only because I didn't know it existed
  14. Happy Birthday!!!
  15. The Pirate's Ball sounds like fun. Does $35 include any beverages?
  16. Thanks for the heads up! That's good to know!
  17. I'm glad I didn't have a drink in my mouth when I read that. It would have been all over my screen.
  18. Thank god you're ok! (or bumped up but alive!) My best wishes for a speedy healing with as few aches and pains as possible!
  19. I'm sorry to hear things are going rough Jessi. Hopefully things will start to turn around. I know how you feel though. My boyfriend lost his job of 12 years back in October when his company was sold. He's been struggling to find something else ever since. No one wants to hire and everyone is trying to get hired. He was the major breadwinner between the two of us so we're trying to put together a back up plan so that we don't lose our house when his severance runs out in three months. Scary stuff.
  20. I'm afraid that was me at the Lock House in Havre de Grace, MD 2007 You were all very patient with me I'm pretty much all Hollywood (hell half the time I'm a mermaid!). I put more effort into my outfits than just stopping at the Hot Topic, but I'm afraid I am far from historically accurate. I can honestly say that no one in the pub has ever given me a hard time for not being authentic. That's just one of the many reasons I like it here. After all we are in this for the fun right? I appreciate the work "Authentics" put in to everything they do: the dress, the reenactments and everything in-between. I think it's great that you guys take so much time to educate people in the way it really was. It's so easy for people to get caught up in the fantasy of the hobby and forget about the history behind it.
  21. I don't know that I'd dislike 4th edition, I haven't even tried it to be honest. I just don't want to spend money for new books (again). I've flipped through the books and the artwork is fantastic. Yup, that's what it all comes down to. I've met so many great people through this game. My friend Sara who doesn't play, is the wife of one of my gaming buddies Dan. She told me a great story recently: Sara's college age nefew just recently got into D&D. During Christmas his parents were talking about it. Someone had told them that D&D led people into evil cults and that it causes you to lose your grip on reality. They were worried. When Sara told them that her husband plays they asked her how she felt about it. First, she told them that she didn't mind him gaming because she knew where he was and what he was doing (instead of being out drinking or something of the sort) and that it was easier than being the wife of a sports fanatic. Then they asked her if she liked his gamer buddies. She admitted that at first we were pretty annoying, but only because we always wanted Dan to be gaming or out hanging out with us and she was first time pregnant and later, dealing with a new infant. Once things settled down though she was amazed at how good of friends we had all become. She gave the example that when one of our friend's father died he asked all of his close friends, that started out as just gaming buddies, to walk behind the horse drawn hearse with him and his wife. And we did, half a mile in our funeral clothing and hateful dress shoes, with the temperature in the high nineties while most of the guests drove behind us. And we'd do it again in a second. After talking to her and discovering that their perfectly normal brother in-law plays D&D they felt much better and didn't give their son a hard time about the game. And that's my D&D public service announcement for the day.....
  22. My thoughts about Darkon were pretty similar, I was entertained but sometimes it just blew my mind just how weak some of the "actors" grip on reality was. In the special features, one of the guys (it might have been Skip) said something along the lines of, "My wife just has to understand that sometimes Darkon comes before family". Wow. I wonder how much of a reaming out he got when she saw that! The dark elves were pretty well done, I just kept thinking "Facial hair? On a drow?" I had some Armory character sheets back when I first started playing D&D. I might still have some photocopies laying around somewhere.
  23. Happy Birthday Matt! Hope you get something great!
  24. Thanks Capt Thighbiter. I think I'll look into some places alittle farther away and consider a cab. Thank you for the compliment, but I don't think I'll be wearing the mermaid costume this year. I wore that thing so much this year that I rarely got to dress as a pirate!
  25. I'll do my best to hunt you down this time! This year my group needs to try and stick with the main body of pirates. I can't say enough how much I loved that little Greek bar we wound up in though. I wish I knew their name, it was right across the road from the Green Turtle. They were so happy to have pirates there. The drinks weren't the best I'd ever had - but they were buy one get one, so who's complaining?
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