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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Well better late than never they say... So, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
  2. That is absolutely horrible. This would be an excellent situation for a judge to "make and example of someone" and seriously throw the book at this sick bastard. Maybe if people were punished more harshly for animal cruelty some idiot couldn't call it "just a joke" and brush it off.
  3. I bought one of her bodices about two months ago. I'm not sure if this link will work, but two out of three of us are wearing her bodices in this photo. I'm the one on the right in black and green. My friend Ella is wearing the jacket/bodice, she's the one on the left. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2024...p;id=1637301952 I'm really happy with it overall. I should have told her that I'm short, because it was a little hard to sit while wearing it. It's very, very supportive so I had to sit poker straight, no slouching.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. I'm still cracking up over "Expose yourself to Cajun music"
  6. Happy Happy Birthday!!!
  7. Happy Birthday! With so many pub members having birthdays around this date we need to change to zodiac fit in a pirate!
  8. Happy Happy Birthday Patrick!!!! A toast to you!
  9. Happy Belated Birthday Jill!
  10. Happy Birthday Ransom! I hope it was great!
  12. Thank you! You and your crew looked great too.
  13. I got it, I just deleted it Hopefully the next thing to be deleted will be that person's membership!
  14. I have a really weird sunburn, but I had an amazing time!
  15. Eye hope you had a great birthday!!!
  16. I'm glad to hear you're ok. Car accidents can just shake you to the core (or at least make you shake your fist at the insurance company!). When I was hit by a dump truck on I-95 my old car was announced totaled. The car would still run and actually wasn't very torn up (it was a very tough Geo Prism ) but the insurance company totaled it and wouldn't give me enough to buy another. So I wouldn't give them my car. I took the payout they gave me, took back my car and had a friend of the family patch it up. I still had problems from time to time but it ran for another two years after that.
  17. So would ninjas trying to get into pirate events have fake pirate ids? :angry:
  18. Hangovers. Not the ones where you are in bed all day trying to keep the contents of your stomach in order, those are major annoyances. I'm talking about the little ones that you just are a little headachey and a little nauseous. They are just annoying to put a damper on your day and keep you from drinking agian for a few days.
  19. Happy Birthday!!!
  20. What kind of flavor does the lavender add to your food? (What a dumb question....it taste's like lavender) I'm intrigued. I'll have to try some of these. Thanks Syren!
  21. I was about to write the same thing Cheeky!
  22. Awesome! Whenever I try and go to the Invasion website all I get is a white screen, is that going to be updated soon?
  23. At least they're hiring "In this economy" one must take work where they can find it. I bet the benifits are questionable though. If you get sick they eat you, if you need an eye doctor they eat you, if you need a dentist they eat you......
  24. ...We could open a bar.....a tiki bar....
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