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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. CRAPPY!!! It's almost midnight, I'm still at work, and I just found out the girl who has only been at my job for a year is now making more money than me. I've been working at this place for almost 5 years and I always get excellent reviews, work my butt off, take on extra responsibilities and I'm a team player. I think I might just be getting screwed! Actually that can't be, if I was getting screwed I might enjoy it....
  2. That's a bummer Cheryl, but I definatly will know where you're coming from soon enough. The boyfriend is getting laid off so he has six months to find a new job before his severance runs out. He's stressed, but he's also very positive about starting somewhere new so I think we'll be ok. I'm keeping my fingers (and toes!) crossed! It will be great to meet you guys Matt! One of my friends gave me a pile of Pirates Magazine recently and I enjoyed them. As for being a mermaid.. Do you guys think I need a stage name or a fake accent? I was planning on making up something alittle more "mer" than Kelly. I'm probly just over thinking the whole thing, like I said I'm really looking forward to it.
  3. That's horrible, but it reminds me of something I've seen before..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoceQ0Te0RE
  4. I'm going to miss it this year My boyfriend is riding in the Delaware MS 150 bike ride this weekend and I'm going to Rehoboth to support him.
  5. I'm playing internet radio DJ for my coworkers. I think the 80's radio station is playing Ozzy and Lita Ford right now.
  6. Water...whoopeee!!! But if I have any say in it, I'm getting something fancy to drink tonight.
  7. Cold! It's comfortable outside and it's freezing in this office. Burrrrr
  8. That's good to hear that the situation isn't as bad as it could have been. I'll keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery from your catherization when it occurs.
  9. Is anyone planning on attending the PA Renn Faire's Pirate Invasion? I'm going to be the mermaid working at the Pirate's Den on the farside of the grounds. It's my first time being a paid entertainer/photo op so I'm alittle nervous but very excited. If you go, come say hi to me!
  10. I love Halloween! The boyfriend and I have been busy planning our 3rd annual Halloween party since the beginning of September. This year we ordered custom trophies from the internet for a costume contest and already our friends are getting crazy trying to out-do each other with costume ideas. I've been looking at those websites for do-it-yourself halloween projects. I've got waaaay too many ideas now. I really want to build a toe pincher coffin and line it with plastic, then use it as a cooler.
  11. Congrats Rumba....but a woman as lively and young as you can't possibly be "55 and over"!
  12. Speaking of female gamers, this is the trailer for Gamers 2 Around 25 seconds it perfectly sums up being a female gamer in a gaming store....
  13. That is very cool William!!!
  14. Sadly the game I'm in is hitting a frustrating spot and I don't think the DM realizes it. Nothing like putting your 18th level Ranger and 16th level Druid up against a cavern full of 15 Mind Flayers, then arguing about every spell we'd try cast to defend ourselves. I'm all for problem solving, but when every other second the DM looks at you and says, "Make a Will Save", it tests your patience.
  15. The movie Gamers 2 came out a few weeks ago. Really funny stuff
  16. I'd have to say I won't be need'n any cabin boys for a long time. It was an amazing party and friends came from as far as three hours away. I'd say the boyfriend has a "get-out-of-jail-free" card for a loooooong time!
  17. Thank you so much!!! It's a landmark birthday (30) and my boyfriend threw me a big surprise party. I'm having a blast!
  18. Happy Birthday Sam! Hope it's a grand one!
  19. Have a very happy birthday!!!!
  20. I received GOF's book today. I'm pretty sure it was the last one I had to do work in. Am I sending Gentleman of Fortune's book back to him when I'm done? I'm pretty sure I was the last one that needed to do work in it.
  21. Recently some friends and I were having a similar discussion around if someone looked like a "gamer" or not (dungeons and dragons). Since DnD has a reputation as a game for dorks and the hygenically challenged, and I am an avid gamer, I had to ask if I looked like a gamer. "No", the one responded, "but you look like one of those people who would hang out at the renissance faire". I'm still not sure what to make of that!
  22. Hey Carter! No worries, I know you've been busy. I'd like my book to go to Eye first, I'll definatly wait alittle longer for alittle more artwork!
  23. Happy Birthday!!!
  24. I have no books, but mine hasn't returned to homeport either. Last I heard Carter had mine, I know he was getting married so I'm imagining he's been rather busy I would like my book back eventually though..especially since I did work in everyone else's and had to design a second book since book #1 was lost. Am I the only one that didn't do anywork is GOF book? I think his is the only one I never received.
  25. Happy Belated Birthday!!!
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