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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. I love Entertainment Weekly's parodying comment on her situation. They said that after checking into the detention center she was quoted as saying, "If Ernest can do it, so can I".
  2. I'd give that man a teaching degree...
  3. I could hear fine, but I had the advantage of an open field with no cars or loud boats around. I think if there was more background noise you would have needed to speak up alittle more.
  4. I've heard of a Honkey Tonk Badonkadonk but this is a new one for me
  5. Here's my pictures: http://roguemermaid.shutterfly.com/action/...e21b32f4e4c4556
  6. 1) Scrapple, Egg & Cheese on a bagel 2) Two cats outside of a coffee shop 3) Bliss 4) My Mom
  7. I thought the whole thing was great! I would have liked to stay longer but ADD set in on my group and they were ready to go after the first battle. I've got some photos that I'll post up later today
  8. This time I can promise without a doubt that I will be! What excuse do I have? Long drive?
  9. Sparrow, but not because he's a better captain. I'd just stare at him all day and get very little work done.
  10. Is the Elk Landing event still on for this Saturday? What time does it start?
  11. I think Tia Dalma/Calypso said that the spirits in the water were the dead that had died at sea. I guess the others must have died in other ways then.
  12. Can someone please tell me what happened after the credits? I'll be forever thankful. It's driving me crazy, especially since I wanted to stay and the ride wasn't waiting.
  13. I'm going to go beat my friends. I should have just slept at the theater damnit!!! I WANT MY CLOSURE!!!
  14. SPOILERS!!!!! I rode to the theater with friends and they wouldn't stay to see what happened after the credits. I'm still mad about that. (But it hasn't been that long it's only 10am here and I left the theather at 3am). I'm at work and I'm really tired...please pardon me if I ramble. Overall I liked it and had fun watching it. It was nice to see Elizabeth turn out to be such a strong female character in the end. I also enjoyed the crew's antics. I thought the way they handled the Will/Liz love story was tragicly fitting (I wish I'd seen the very end!!!!). The Jack an d Barbossa bickering and interaction was priceless. However, I thought it drug in a few parts. Sometimes I caught myself wondering why parts were put in and when they were going to end. I've always been a Jack fan but by the end of the movie I felt like he was a bit of a boob. I still like him, but it seemed like this time he was more looney than cool. He's supposed to be looney though so it was appropriate. I thought getting a glimse into his thought process (all the duplicate Jacks) was silly and could have been dropped. The Keith Richards cameo was unneeded, but fun. I would have liked some closure in the Calypso/Davy Jones Story. Didn't someone else in the pub predict that Tia Dalma was Calypso after the 2nd Movie? Beckett was a disapointment. He had so much potential after the 2nd film to become such a wet rag in the 3rd. Like I said though, overall I liked it alot.
  15. Well, the gym turned out to be wasted money. I haven't been since March. But I have been jogging. I just got back from a mile run with about another mile of warm up/cool down walking. This is the fourth time this week . I'm going to go again tomorrow. I love jogging! (just have to keep telling myself that...)
  16. I never jumped into this topic before because I read the title and thought it was about Showering...and I'm a big fan of taking showers. But now I see it's about Wedding and Baby showers, perhaps the most cruel and unusual torcher in the world. The only thing worse than a shower is planning one. If you want to see a group of women fall into fighting in 5 seconds or less tell them to plan a traditional bridal shower together. Someone always is a control freak, several people are always complete slackers, and one or two people wind up busting there hump making sure all the control freak's demands are met. That's not to say I 've never had fun planning a shower, I've just had enough bad experiences to make me wary of them. I've been a bridesmaid 5 times now! I'm practically a professional. I also have dealt with what Christine mentioned. There is always someone at showers who feels the need to point out that by being unmarried and childless that I have some sort of problem. That is so obnoixous!!!! If there are going to be a bunch of people giving me grief then I insist that there be booze at the shower!
  17. Oh boy, Bess is gonna lay the smack down
  18. Sorry to hear that your job is gettin you down Silent. Mine has been rough too. I just have really good weekends to make up for it
  19. Thats awesome Caraccioli , my coworker and I were just talking about that yesterday. She recieved a spam e-mail titled: I am prepared to kill myself and eat my dog. I thought that one was catchy.
  20. Here's my photos: http://roguemermaid.shutterfly.com/action/...e21b329259245bc
  21. Thank You Blenderwench and Crimson Corsair for an unbelievable time! Next year I will be sure to: • Rent a room fo r the night. I went with a group of friends who rented a van. It was great to have a designated driver, but two of my crew started falling asleep so we had to leave at 11pm. • If I don't get a room bring motion sickness meds. I was car sick and spent the first several hours I was there feeling very ill. But, after an hour nap in the van I was ready to go again! • Bring a flag! I noticed alot of people (including me) will just follow the flag bearer. • Go on the Clipper City cruise. • Go on the Clipper City cruise (that one was worth repeating). I'll have my pictures up soon!
  22. Cheryl, My friends and I will be there in the early afternoon. I'll keep an eye out for you, your sis, and your scurvy kids
  23. ^ Crab Feast < I will not snack, I will not snack, I will not snack V Fantasy Pirate, Authentic Pirate, or somewhere inbetween?
  24. ^ Late riser anytime I can get away with it. I like to get up by 10 though, otherwise I feel like I wasted my day < I'm also going to the Pyrate fest in Baltimore. I've got 2 weeks to put together a new get up! V Ever post on the pub while drunk or buzzed?
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