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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Well, my bodice was mail order with no boneing. It just wasn't doing it.
  2. I love your style!
  3. I can't make it that weekend, I've got to hold of until my annual Labor Day PA Renn Faire trip with my friends.
  4. Gute, I heard a rumor that the Clipper City was sold. This isn't true is it?!?! Or if it is please tell me the new owner is pirate friendly
  5. Personally, I'm not very "favoured by nature" (not hated by nature either though ). If I need more umf I wear a boned bodice with a padded bra under it. Instant extra cleavage! Now I just need to figure out how to do that with a seashell bra.......
  6. I'm very sorry for your lose Silkie, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
  7. One of my friends had a jeep in high school. His buddy lived at a house with a very long driveway with other houses off of it. A neighbor's dog would always run right at the jeep along the grass. My friend would then produce a broom handle (why you would keep one in your vehicle is beyond me) and "dog joust". They would never actually hit the dog or hurt him, but they would get a real laugh out of it.
  8. Hang in there Lady B. We'll be here for you when you need us.
  9. That is the most interesting reason I've ever heard not to buy a truck. I can just picture a used car salesman pitching that one!
  10. I was real happy with my Nissian Sentra. It was a good car, and when I flipped it on it's side last February I walked away with nothing hurt but my pride. Despite my previous post I do love my Bug. Just don't get one unless you are ready to deal with some odd issues. (gas doors that won't pop open, grumpy transmission that acts up and then is fine when it gets to the shop, windows randomly rolling up, sensors that beep loudly for no reason..you get the point)
  11. Hurray for the Brigands!!!!
  12. I respect rum every chance I get
  13. Why do boss's ask their employees opinions if they don't intend to take the opinion seriously if it isn't what they wanted to hear? I suppose they want a yes man to kiss their behinds. The boss should have never asked us for honesty if he didn't want it.
  14. Why not ask some of your friends and coworkers who live in your area who they have their car loans with. Before I bought my latest "new to me" car I went to the local credit union that my friends highly suggested. I got pre-approved for a car loan to see what I could affored get and what I would be paying and for how long. I found a 2000 Beetle in a color I loved and I always wanted a beetle. So I got the vin # and checked out the car on autocheck.com, then did my research on the make and model. Everything checked out so I bought it. To make a long story short dispite all the clean auto checks and positive reports on VW's my car still has issues. Within a month of buying it the car was back in the shop. Used cars are frustrating.
  15. I just picked up the new Harry Potter book last night. I'm dieing to get back to it!
  16. I just saw Transformers last night. I liked it so much that I didn't even mind that Bumblebee was a Camero! I loved hearing Megatron belittle Starscream
  17. My best hopes go to you and your dad Kendra. Hang in there!
  18. As a VW Beetle owner, I completely agree Syren. But then again my camero driving best friend would probley disagree.
  19. Are the Ravenswood bodices boned? or thick/stiff enough to do without? From the pictures they look flexible soft and potentially unsupportive. But I do like the style of the saberist one.
  20. Well I'm sure the first one was awesome too, I just wasn't there to varify it
  21. I haven't the pleasure of meeting you yet, but a happy birthday to you anyway! I hope it tis grand!
  22. I have six bodices: Three I made usuing a pattern (I'll check who the pattern was by when I get home). It was time consuming, but I'm happy with the results. If you hit JoAnn's fabrics at the right time they sell patterns for 99ยข each. One I bought from a seller on ebay called Sewin Wench (I might have spelled that wrong). The quality was very good and it only put me back $40. One I saved up for and bought from Ravenswood Leather: http://www.ravenswoodleather.com/ It wasn't cheap! However, I wear it often, I think it's my favorite. The final was supposed to be worn as part of a bridesmaids dress for a medevil wedding that didn't happen. I used it though and the price was good. I wish I could remember the woman's name!
  23. Don't fret too much about not having a historically accurate costume yet. I don't have one either and I've found plenty of pirate events where you won't be a fashion no-no for wearing boots. I do like to make sure the event I'm attending isn't for reinactment or strictly historically correct first. If it is I'll come in street clothes as a spectator and get ideas. Check out the Pirate Invasion of Fells Point next spring (long time to wait, I know..). The past two have been awesome!
  24. I've got a funny story. Tonight I went to visit my parents. After swimming in the pool for the afternoon we were cleaning up the deck. My dad had made some sort of grape slushies that had melted in their glasses. So I dumped them out. I didn't realize that my dog Oscar was directly under the deck in line of the poured out grape juice. Oscar got grape juice all over him. I felt horrible but Oscar got even. As I was saying how horrible I felt and apologizing to the poor guy he came up on the deck and did the dog shake right in front of me. I smelled like wet dog and grapes. You can't tell me dogs aren't smart!
  25. After Lord of the Rings 3 my friends and I would discuss which characters we would "do". (Yes, I know how sad that is) I always said that Legolas was pretty to look at, but Aragon looked like he could get the job done.
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