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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss Sam. Thank you for your concern for the ladies of the pub.
  2. From what I hear "putting out" is good exercise too!
  3. It's nerf or nothin'!
  4. I did too.... I kept thinking, "What did I say? Was it the sims?"
  5. Those are real nice, beautiful work indeed...
  6. I think signing my life away was the way to do it for me. (hopefully) I hate wasting money. So everytime I don't go to the gym at the very least 3 times a week I'm going to think I'm wasting money. I also have a buddy who is going to sign up soon too. Peer pressure applied positively!!!
  7. I just got back from the gym. I signed my soul away...I mean signed up for a year. Worked out for an hour....boy am I light headed. I haven't worked out that hard since summer!!!
  8. I just thought I'd let the myspacers know about my "message problem". Silkie messaged me and I really want to read it, but I can't yet. I use a MAC at work that runs OS9 so I have to use an out of date version of Internet Explorer to surf the web. I can do everything on myspace when I am at work except check my messages/answer them. For some reason I crash everytime I try. So if you send me a message and notice that I've been on myspace or in the pub, but I haven't messaged you back, I'm not ignoring you. I just can't read your message yet. I use a more updated browser program at home on our PC. I can read the messages when I get home.
  9. I have very little self control when it comes to food. I'm going to concentrate on exercising more and cutting back on my snacking.
  10. You know, he/she might just be mourning. My parents had to put down one of their 16 year old cats, Midnight, this summer. The other cat, Lucky, started getting very skinny and vomiting often. They had little luck figuring out what was wrong and worried that he was deteriorating too. After about a month and a half Lucky came out of and he's just fine.
  11. The last post was from last September, so I'm going to attempt to resurrect the lyrics game. Here's a new set of lyrics: Whats got you so jumpy? Why cant you sit still, yeah? Like gasoline you wanna pump me And leave me when you get your fill, yeah It's been awhile. So if you are new to the game here is how it works: 1. Someone posts a set of lyrics 2. Everyone guesses what song the set of lyrics belongs to (try not to just google it) 3. The person who posted the set of lyrics says who guessed the song correctly. 4. The person who guessed correctly posts the new set of lyrics.
  12. I just realized my last sentence in my last post didn't make any sense. What I meant to say was I couldn't believe the guy would expect you to do it for free. I think I'd still be picking on my friend for that one from time to time
  13. Yes, we definatly should! I'll make sure to let you know when I go this fall.... The way time seems to be passing these days, fall will be here before we know it.
  14. Oh that is creepy.... ugh. I imagine the associate forgot to tell your friend that part. That's just amazing that the guy didn't expect you to not want payment!?!?!? Not doing the photo shoot was an option...but come on!!!
  15. I will join the gym tonight....I will not play The Sims all night...I will join the gym tonight......
  16. A very belated Happy New Years to all my friends in the Pub! May the rum flow freely for you this year!
  17. I'm tempted to submit a photo (after I lose 10 pounds ). My problem is my boss takes photos of bikini girls for the magazine I work for. Not long after I started he asked me to pose. At first I said yes, but then I got to thinking that I didn't want to prance around in a bikini around my boss (for MANY reasons). So I told him that my family didn't approve of me posing (It was two years ago, I was 26...I certainly didn't need my family's approval) to avoid the situation. Black Fox lives near my office and there is a good chance, given the proximity, that he and my boss could meet being in similar employment. If my boss gets wind that I lied to him, things could be a bad.... But then again I haven't worn the mermaid costume in a looong time.......
  18. I just stopped in the Mount Hope Winery Shop in Bird-In-Hand Saturday. Nothing like Renn Faire wine...mmmmm
  19. Congratulations to you both! How wonderful! I wish you both much love and luck!!!
  20. I'm so very sorry Lady Snow. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  21. Alas, nothing piratey...but I got an ipod nano and a target shooting bow. Woohoo!
  22. My favorite encounter in pirate garb was during the Fells Point Pirate Invasion. My friends and I were in a bar getting ready to go outside where the closing ceremonies were going on across the street. There were already lots of pirates out there. A guy in regular clothes comes up to me, points out the window and says, "Hey, you're missing your high school reunion". One of my friends was pulled over in garb with a car load of other friends in costume. The cop didn't even look twice. Just gave them a ticket (he forgot to update his registration sticker) and didn't say a thing. No sense of humor
  23. That is very sad to hear. I really liked him
  24. I like my pirate to have enough sense to know when to stop talking about how hot other women are!!! He should at least have the intellegence to give me a good ogling once in a while if he's going to talk that way!!! Sorry,venting......
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