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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. I had to remove the picture that was here. I directly linked it from another site and I guess the owner got ticked. My photo of a book called, "To bring a severed head to life" (or something along those lines) was replaced with a big black box with the word idiot in it.
  2. I love it! The style of that peice would be perfect for a pirate children's book.
  3. What kind of hospital was Uncle Bud at?
  4. If you sell beer over at the Swashbuckler I'll definatly meet you this season!!!
  5. Yup, you get one free flogging .... and you get to give out the next set of lyrics
  6. It was Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam - "Lost in Emotion" Here's a different one, a very easy one: Just look at the world around you, Down here on the ocean floor, Such wonderful things surround you, What more is you looking for?...
  7. Hair Straightening Iron
  8. My friend who sent me the info for the feast knows the owner of the Nauti-Goose. When he talked the owner Sunday he told him about the pirate band from New York that had called him to see if he was interested in having them play at the feast. He was amazed that a group from up there had found out about the feast he was throwing since he hadn't done much advertising yet. My friend encouraged him to sign the band on! I was thinking it was probley you guys! Cool! Just goes to show the power of the pub!
  9. My friend sent me some information about this event going on at the Nauti Goose Saloon in North East, Maryland. It sounds pretty fun so I thought I'd pass this along to everyone. Here's what he wrote: I just remembered something I wanted to share with you last night. On Friday July 21st, 7:30pm at the Nauti Goose, they are having a “theme” dinner thingy called “Pirates of the Chesapeake”. It is $40 per person, which includes a special dinner (including shark, I believe) and drink specials. It is a costume event with a $200 cash prize for the winner! http://nautigoosesaloon.com/EVENTS.htm I'm probley going since it's extremely close to home (I hit that place pretty often anyway )
  10. ^ I'm really Rogue Mermaid < I just finished hanging my shot glass collection shelf V Do you collect anything?
  11. Kills Bugs Dead.
  12. Alas, the thread has been dead for several weeks now. Here's a some kinda easy and cheesy 80's lyrics to ponder: Am I a fool, at least my friends think so Que sera sera
  13. My boyfriend doesn't pirate, but he supports my pirating as he likes to say. He'll go to the Renn Faire a few times to enjoy the comradery, but other than that he doesn't do any pirate/renn type stuff. He's just happy I have my own things since he dated so many girls that suddenly had all the same interests as him once they started dating. I met him through mutual friends.
  14. Maybe a woodchuck could chuck Chuck?
  15. Yahoo Mail gives you a main mailbox and a bulk mail folder where it sticks everything it thinks might be spam. I recieved the virus e-mail once yesterday in my main mailbox and thought it sounded fishy so I flat out deleted it. Today I recieved it again eight times to my bulk folder! Persistant buggers!!!
  16. Nothing really happens at the outlets. It's discount shopping though! I've never been to the outlets in Lancaster but I'd like to check them out. http://www.rockvalesquareoutlets.com/ http://www.800padutch.com/z/tangeroutlets.htm
  17. The scary thing is that you get so used to the phishing that when your account is seriously in trouble you doubt the real e-mails. A few months back my ebay account really was hacked. I never gave anyone my ebay information, so I thought the warning e-mail might be fake. Since the e-mail did seem pretty legit I closed it and opened ebay in a new window. Sure enough couldn't log in because someone stole my ebay idenity. I got help though the ebay online help team and had all 12 of the fake purse auctions under my name killed off immediately. I was impressed.
  18. Lancaster PA isn't too far from the Faire and it has an outlet center you could check out. Let us know when you come around!
  19. I've never done it and I never will. I don't have a problem with it though and it smells good. I've never smoked anything. I made a bet with my uncle when I was 13 that I would never try smoking anything (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, weed, etc...). He said I would. I stayed true to my word, and my uncle passed away five years ago. Even if I didn't feel honor bound I still wouldn't do it, I'm just not interested.
  20. Oh that is so true!!!! In the immortal words of my brother, "I'm not hanging out with your weirdo friends!"
  21. The force was strong in that one
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