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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Pretty good, and for no apparent reason to boot!!!! I'm very sorry about your kitty Jack. You are doing the right thing.
  2. How bout a hint Diego?
  3. Green Day, Wake Me Up When September Ends..... Here's one: They say I'm really sexy The boys they wanna sex me
  4. I feel pretty good. My toungue is all dried out though. I roasted pumpkin seeds this weekend and I ate so many it sucked out all the moisture in it (an exaggeration for sure, but that's how it feels!)
  5. Where in Delaware?
  6. It's pretty good. I've never heard the Talk A Walk Down Dundalk song, but THIS will be the year I finally catch "Walk'n in an Essex Wonderland" somehow I ALWAYS miss it!!!!!
  7. I'm not sure of what time yet. I'll keep ya posted!
  8. Hey John, ever hear 98 Rock's "Devil Went Down To Dundalk"?
  9. When they were little I told my cousins that if they were bad Santa would only bring them socks and if they were just a little bad they'd only get a few pairs. I made up this whole long sob story about the year I was REALLY bad and all I got was socks. The kids were pretty worried. My aunt didn't appreicate it Now that the kids are 10 and 12 they've passed the story onto my 4 yr old neice.
  10. I'm gonna be there on the 23rd. I gotta be sorta good though, I'll have my pre-teen younger cousins in tow.
  11. I would love to go if it wasn't so darn expensive!!!!
  12. I'm still in the design phases. I'm hoping to use chicken wire as a skeleton and maybe use small wheels on the legs for smooth movement. We'll see. I'm crossing my fingers.
  13. My mother's comment was: "For someone who bitches about her butt being too big you sure did pick an unflattering costume" If I pull it off I'll be sure to post pictures.
  14. Thanks for the support guys. I might give myself one day off since the last wedding I'm going to this year (thank heavens, I am so wedding-ed out) is a big one and I think the bride will be irked if her maid of honor stays dry for the evening. I haven't decided yet though. Maybe I could make myself "earn" the drinking day. hmmm. Why don't you like your coffee house friends anymore Mary?
  15. Is it one of the Monte Python movies?
  16. He actually posted on here last year sometime. I want to say his name was Rengent in the pub but I don't know if that's right.
  17. As of yesterday I'm giving up drinking for a month. It's a bit of a personal challenge. I hope I can pull it off until October 25th. It's gonna be hard since October brings many good parties
  18. Thats too funny Rummy - because I also have a Halloween barrette from Hallmark. Mine is a big lounging skeleton.
  19. Thanks so much for the tips Gigi. I used a very liquid makeup last time so I'll definatly switch to the paint pots. When I was blue I was horrified that I'd get blue all over my friend's car. I had to sit on a sheet
  20. Good guess John, a drider actually. That one should be fun to get in and out of to go to the bathroom!!!
  21. I love Halloween. I'm wearing Halloween socks today.
  22. It's been such a long week at the office that I could write a musical at this point
  23. Gigi how did you get that green makeup all over your body so nice and even? Whenever I do full body paint it's all blotchy. What do you use? Got any tips? I'm planning to be painted full black for Halloween and I want it to look good.
  24. I'm doing the, "It's Friday and I wanna go hoooooooooooome" dance. I'm looking forward to the wedding I'm going to tomorrow but I'm bummed out about missing MDRF tomorrow. I bet the encampment is going to be awesome.
  25. I went to Bike Week on Saturday. Motorcycles EVERYWHERE, people wearing full leather despite the opressive heat, and some very impressive mullets. It was neat, quite the expereince. I'm sunburnt all to hell.
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