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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Hmmmm....where in Havre De Grace? (btw this is my 500th post...I think I'm getting promoted on this one.)
  2. I loved that cartoon but I don't ever remember an actual ending. One day there were just no new episodes.
  3. REally....tell me more. I live in Cecil County and I don't have plans for the 14th as of yet.....
  4. I already lead him around by his tap thats how I like to keep my men in check!
  5. I was thinking. When these piraty things come up I can list them in Nor'easter for free in the events section since it's kinda boat related. I know it's a long way off, but when it's time for the next pirate invasion you guys could send me a press release and I can get it listed.
  6. Should I stay or should I go?
  7. Don't got one Arg! Guess I best be order'n em!!!
  8. Sigh...to have a mate interested in being dressed proper for the Renn Faire. My boyfriend wants to go as a potato sack. Not as a bum in a potato sack have you, an actual potato sack. His buddy wants to go as a potato sack too. Luckly his buddy's wife will be more appropiate as a princessy type. So when ye're at the PA Renn Faire come August 20th and you see a little piratess despritly avoiding a potota sack...ye know why and who it is
  9. Thanks Phil. I have a few routes I could go if I get kicked out on my toush. My best friend lives across the hall so she'll be apartmentless too. We could find a place together. My parents aren't far so I could crash with them for awhile, and I'm always welcome in my boyfriend's bed. If I lose the apartment I'll just find somewhere new I guess. Never a dull moment.
  10. Close enough for me, it was Catwoman and Batman from Batman Returns. You're up....
  11. I feel concerned today. My landlord died. I didn't know him very well but he was a nice man. My rent was very low (well the apartment is older than dirt and needs alot of work but..) and I didn't have to pay for my heat, water, sewage, or garbage removal. I don't know what is going to happen now. Worst synero is I'll be homeless. Best synero is nothing will happen. Scary.
  12. You're close Tish, you're REALLY close. Right series, wrong character.....
  13. Wow...wow. The pub is full of talented costumers!!!!! Rumba your work is gorgous and I love your little orc Cheryl!!!!
  14. I will also be there Saturday! Once it gets closer to the 20th we should set up a meet'n of piratical proportions!!!!
  15. Airplane!!!! "Mistiletoe is deadly if you eat it." "A kiss is even deadlier if you mean it"
  16. I'm not usually this blue: http://www.hallowedcain.com/10-30-04-07.jpg I love your costumes Christine!
  17. Sorry 'bout that. My favorite aunt's name is Trish. Force of Habit. Ok Gimmie a second to think of a good qoute..... "It's the male myth about feminists that we hate sex. It can be a natural, zesty enterprise."
  18. Is it Daddy Daycare Trish? I didn't see it, but I was told that there was a crazy kid in it who thought he was the Flash
  19. I'm in the same boat as you Constance. I've got a wedding to attend and shopping to do for it the day before. Whopee.
  20. So this guy's wife is planning a fancy dinner party at their beach house that evening. The guy is not excited about it at all but decides to help her out. She tells him to go out to the beach and gather snails for her to make escargo. So he grumbles about it a bit and then goes out to the beach with his bucket. A few hours later he has a bucket full of snails and is walking back to the house when he sees a beautiful woman. One thing leads to another and he is back at her house having a very good time. The next morning he wakes up and realizes that he completly missed the dinner party. He grabs the bucket of snails and runs out the door. He is running up the steps to his own house when he trips and the bucket goes flying behind him. Snails were all over the steps. Just then his wife slams open the door, "Where have you been!", she demands. The man looks back to the snails and crys, "Hurry up guys, we're almost there!"
  21. Sounds good to me! I just e-mailed my friend who was mad we missed the pub crawl last spring. Hopefully we'll be there!!!
  22. and the Warner sister Dot
  23. I think it gets paid in dust. Lots of dust.
  24. There isn't much about this office that isn't twisted
  25. Dorian, I don't think he can move the footpegs. The one on the right is directly above the muffler. So I have to be careful to keep my foot of the muffler. I'm told that my shoe could melt to it. I think my knee starts to ache about a half hour into the ride. Your probly right, I just need to insist on more streaching time! Patrick, Yeah, I know there are alot of risks. I try my best to be aware of whats going on and be a good rider. We did have the bike fall once already with me on the back. Luckly neither of us were hurt because he was going very very slow taking a turn and we fell onto a grassy hill. I think that he's alot more careful (not that he wasn't already) after that.
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