So this guy's wife is planning a fancy dinner party at their beach house that evening. The guy is not excited about it at all but decides to help her out. She tells him to go out to the beach and gather snails for her to make escargo. So he grumbles about it a bit and then goes out to the beach with his bucket. A few hours later he has a bucket full of snails and is walking back to the house when he sees a beautiful woman. One thing leads to another and he is back at her house having a very good time. The next morning he wakes up and realizes that he completly missed the dinner party. He grabs the bucket of snails and runs out the door. He is running up the steps to his own house when he trips and the bucket goes flying behind him. Snails were all over the steps. Just then his wife slams open the door, "Where have you been!", she demands. The man looks back to the snails and crys, "Hurry up guys, we're almost there!"