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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. True, true...I have a job where I can draw a line to pyratyness, a very thin dotted line, but a line none the less.
  2. I just got this print from the faeryshop.com and I just love it. Two of my favorite things, mermaids and pirates! Just had to share..
  3. Here's a random one for ya. Last Friday I had to design an ad featuring yachts by a manufacturer named Jefferson. They have a model called the Starship. I had "We Built This City" stuck in my head all day.....
  4. If ye ever had a heated arguement about Cap'n Crunch be'n a real pirate...
  5. Rogue gave a quick desprite glance to Diego and Tito then backed off into the brush along the beach. As she passed Merrydeath she whispered, "If she drops that sword be sure that no one else picks it up, I'm think'n it's cursed". Then she slipped into the cover of the woods, hoping that she could tackle her possesed friend from behind.....
  6. Ah, the young wench took the question right from my lips! I live a good hike away so I'll probley only be able to make one trip. What day would everyone be like'n to go?
  7. No Quarter given also could mean that yer ma wasn't let'n you play with the gumball machines as a kid.... Hee hee hee
  8. Yup, this is the "ACK I've got a date" chap The date went exceedingly well. See'n him again tonight. No Ack's though this time, just plain looking forward to it.
  9. Oh yes, epilouge please! That story was fun!
  10. *looks guilty, stares into her rum* I've got me a question. See, I've gotten quite comfy in this here singles bar. I like the rum, the company, this bar stool (see I carved my name under it!). Now here's the 'ting. I met me a fantastic type a guy. Nothing is clearly defined yet, but I've got a feel'n I might be sport'n a boyfriend soon. So I say....., "PLEASE DON'T THROW ME OUT!!!!"
  11. He could at least stuck around for a song or two...Beast of Burden anyone? *pulls out a guitar and strums it, sounding not unlike ally cats in heat* Maybe someone else should play.....
  12. you know it never fails. As soon as you start having a good time the zombies show up
  13. And to think all these years I just thought socks were for warming the feet
  14. Har har har...Grog Light
  15. *finds a pew and waits for Mary to start preech'n*
  16. Selenia luv, short legged lasses and long legged lasses aren't that different. After all, it's hell for both of us to find good length jeans!
  17. Welcome Kat! In this here shindig the more the merrier!
  18. hmmm, speech class. I've been told if you picture your audience naked it's easier
  19. 80's pop puts me in a happy place pretty quick.. Wake me up...before ya go go......
  20. Does anyone remember the cartoon, "The Pirates Of Darkwater"? Is that out on DVD somewhere?
  21. Friday, I think. I still need to give the poor guy my phone number! We met through friends and all he has is my e-mail address. Wow, this is my first date since Halloween..and that wasn't really a date it was lunacy. I don't get asked out alot because I haven't been single long and I'm told I put off a "leave me alone" vibe. Doesn't help that I look like an abused figurehead beaten with an ugly stick. Hee hee Well not really...maybe only half that bad
  22. I knew a pirate with a fetish..... but it wasn't hot chocolate.
  23. I don't like coffee but I get coffee envy at work. I have to get a cup of hot chocolate. Funny, I do like Kaluha though....
  24. I learned my lesson last time! No hanky panky business right away! Nope not me, gonna be me a good ladylike wench this time...yup. Hmmm, thats easy to say now
  25. Ack! I've been asked on a date! I don't know what to do!!! The guy seems real nice and comes highly recommended by my crew but I...I..hmmm. I guess I'm scared. Of course I'm gonna accept but I'm not ready to jump back into this love type craziness yet! I was just starting to enjoy being alone. Damnit all I need to chill out! Breathe......breathe...I'm not marrying the guy...just a date right? No harm right? I'll probley even have a good time....calm down..calm down... Sorry, I'm right spastic sometimes......
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