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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. har har, we can all meet at my car (oh, I rhyme!) and drink...or enjoy the uh, greenery, if ya like. I don't partake in the later meself, but I'll drink enough to make up for it
  2. Oh well, wouldn't be the first festival I tailgated
  3. From the time I was eight until I moved out of my parents home I had a fishing net hung above my bed full of shells, driftwood, and plastic fish/crustations. I loved that thing. It's still hanging up at Mom and Dads with no bed under it
  4. WHAT?!? Sacrilege! Are you impugning the Adult Film Industry by implying that these movies are not serious? Lets not forget the fantastic music in pornos....disco may be over, but in porno the 70's survive Bow chicka bow bow
  5. I should most likely be there to show my immoral support! As long as the land ship holds up and I have some dubloons to spare come May I'm in. I'd like to go pirate, we'll see what kinda duds I can get together. Once it gets closer to May we'll have to set up a meet up point and day cause I'd hate to miss anyone.
  6. Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. It's a little under two hours south of my home port.
  7. *splashes Diego* Come on in the water's fine!
  8. I wonder how Keith Richards feels about the rumor.
  9. Iff'n yer feel'n like a pirate..Go on brush yer parrot off Thats my (bad) Jay-Z pirate tribute
  10. I bought an embrodered bodice from a seller on E-bay named Sewinwench a while back and I was very happy with it. I think she posts new bodices every Wednesday, they're more fantasy than piraty, but quite nice.
  11. *stands up streches* Well I'm go'n fer a swim. I need to practice for when I jump in the freezing ocean next month. I believe the weather should be in the 40-30 degree area. *shivers* Not my brightest idea
  12. No prob, I'll remember to bring the reciepe tomorrow!
  13. According to the ol' Treasure Map Quest site it would be a 2 1/2 hour drive for me. Hmmm, I'll have to see if my land ship is fit for the voyage come May/June. It sounds like fun though.... :)
  14. Actually I made a mistake, I have to go to the Philadephia Boat show on Feb 17th. My bad. I DON'T care about what my boss thinks, but I do care about keeping my job! Ugh the Annapolis shows. I had to work late to help get the paper out (Nor'easter) for the powerboat issue. I beg of anyone to come visit me dressed like a pirate. I'm going to be stuck behind a booth bored out of me boots. I could use the entertainment!
  15. Oh it looks like fun....around what city is this in? I'm not sure how much of a hike it would be for me yet, but if it's not too bad I'm in.
  16. Funny you should mention that. I just found out that I HAVE to go to the Baltimore Boat Show on the 17th for work. I'm think'n my boss would not appreciate me wear'n my piraty finest. E's no fun
  17. I know a good reciepe for banana chocolate chip muffins I'd be happy to share! Crunchy Scrambled Eggs? I like crunchy tuna fish sandwiches, make as usual just add potato chips. Yummy
  18. ChaMingLee! I get it! Ha ha ha Prison?!?! Oh boy. Be careful luv, I don't want to have to come to Californy (with a banjo on me knee?) and kick some inmate arse.
  19. Aw, you guys are the best. As soon as we set the date for travel'n I'll be on here post'n it. I'm so excited I can hardly sit still! I assure you my travel'n pal while not a member of the pub is pirate friendly. When we went to the PA Renn Faire last year she said she wouldn't dress up unless she could be a pirate. Good Lass that one. I'll definatly have to go to the beaches while in Florida Paisley! The water at the beach up here is brownish/green and you can't see through it (that doesn't mean I don't swim in it ) I'm going to get spoiled with the clear blue sea!
  20. Damnable Hell! I keep picking the rotten ones! How's them apples? So Hook, if what yer say'n is true..n yer an apple....Then a lass who has you once a day keeps the doctor away?
  21. My dear friend has a say'n, "Ya gotta be dumn if ya don't like rum"...(no offense to the non-rum lovers) *holds out her tankerd* Thank ye Mary!
  22. Good lass, I am glad for ye. Now you steer clear of the bad ones!!! No golums in the Singles Bar! Well actually, golums are very welcome. The Single's Bar is where we fix cases of the golums. Lord knows I started my stay here as one!
  23. Aye, me too, but the downs - they DO gives ya a run fer the rum...or th' scribblin' tools, as in th' case o' some pyrate poets I be knowin'... Right proper type? I am a wench of the wenchyist caliber! Or at least I'm a plunder bunny in training...maybe I should ask Merrydeath for some tutor'n...... Hmm, dressed like a pirate at the pirate invasion....yup shouldn't be hard to find ye at all.. *Sigh* Sadly the downs are more artistically inspire'n than the ups. It is good to channel the pain into creativity though.
  24. I have my reasons me friend..I have my reasons.... But I didn't say I was avoid'n the beer place.... (damnit what's it's name?)Swashbuckler's somethin' or other..
  25. So if the lasses are tomatos, does that make the lads cucumbers? bananas? carrots?
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