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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. They didn't come to a winner, though the guy in the office offered to uh, hand weigh them. Gotta love my job... It was between a pregnant chick and a chick with a heavier build to her. I didn't feel like offering an opinion as I was too busy being jealous, but on the high point I am neither pregnant or heavy set. sexual harrasment in the work place? whats that?
  2. My job is terribly interesting. I'm listening to my co-workers discussing which one of them has bigger boobs.
  3. HEY! Nothing wrong with perverted wenches! Heh heh heh.....I jumped the gun last week about the pirate. He was there Awesome Halloween, total treat. Silver: My deepest apologies about your friend
  4. Whats gotcha in a foul mood Silver? I'm doing much better today. As blunt as Z's statement was his timing was hilarious. I visited my parents last night and my aunt had bought me a book called, "He's Just Not That Into You". It's right on the mark. I highly recommend it. Welcome Phonix! Jump right in...
  5. Thank you Z, I know your right. I'm a very very stubborn wench. I'll be alright though! It's time to stop thinking about him!
  6. Greetings! I did not leave a bad phone message last night. I've given up on my pirate..WHAAAAA!!!! Ok pass the rum....
  7. Both the MD & PA faires have there high points. The MD faire has fantastic shopping and lots of it. There is an unbelievable selection of food. Most of the shops are pricey, but the food, drink, and admission is cheaper than PA. Mac Machines are easy to find. The road is gravel and the bathrooms are porta pots. A person could leave the MD faire in serious finacial trouble...because you will find things you want to buy. There is a playground for the kiddies. The PA faire is more focused on shows and interaction with the crowd. You can expect to be chatted with or flirted with by the cast and love every minute of it. There is a whole pirate section (I left my heart on the Lady Krim *sniff*). The faire is at a winery so there is wine tasting. The roads are paved and the bathrooms are clean. The Mac Machines are all outside of "the shire" which I think is inconvient. Hope this helps
  8. I can't help it. You know, it's only Wednesday and I've mostly given up hope. I'm acting so stupid. I cried all through work yesterday (not cool). I've been chasing this guy for the last two months. If he doesn't call me then I can't just run back to the faire and make out with him while he's working like I've been doing. Why do I like him so much?!?! Never mind that last question. I know why. Last night I left a fairly dirty message on his voice mail. I'm going to leave one that is even worse tonight....any suggestions?
  9. Ugh, this C sounds like a prick. The pirate isn't returning my calls again. I'm getting depressed and fed up.
  10. It's hard not to think that way. I shouldn't condemn him yet, but he's been full of excuses that don't sound so believable. I want to believe him though. He makes me weak in the knees. Why did you almost break someone's jaw?
  11. Aye, we're here to lend an ear......me thinks I'll need one by the end of the week. I might be setting myself up for heartbreak. Hope not
  12. Glad to hear the Grudge is a good one, might see that with him.
  13. Congrats Laura! Where are you going? Mary I'm so sorry about your weekend! I'm not very good at advise these days, but follow your heart. It might get you in trouble, but it's usually alot more fun than following your head. My Sunday has left me confused, love sick, and aching for next weekend. I was promised a visit on next Sunday..... I hope it's a promised kept.
  14. I was at the PA faire on Sunday too! I wish I could describe what I look like to find out if you saw me but I was so cold that I was wrapped up in a black cloak when I wasn't hanging around the pirate ship visiting my favorite pirate. The Jack Sparrow that kidnapped your son is the one that works at the faire.
  15. Arr...Who let Z have too much to drink? I'm jealous! Where's the rum?
  16. I get to see my pirate again Sunday...I'm just beside myself excited
  17. That's a bummer Mary. There are many more fishes in the sea though, and lots and lots of sea to look in! Did you get your wallet situation handled? I had my purse stolen B4 and it was a horrible mess.
  18. Yes, thee more thee merrier.....hey, I got promoted to Deck Swabber. Yay me! Drinks for everyone!
  19. It's very strange how flirting works. It seems that the women are more aggressive now than ever, which don't get me wrong, is great for us in some ways....we can go after what we want, when we want. On the low point, we aren't as sure where we stand when we like a guy. Very confusing...but fun none the less. P.S...My trip to the renn faire was fantastick, I got everything I hoped for
  20. It's shameful to say my love "idears" are mostly based on lust these days. Gay elves? Interesting
  21. Hee hee hee. Three more days....then I go man stalking. Oh I do love the faire..... This time I'm finally wearing a proper tight corset. Yay me! Yay boobs!
  22. I just love that the red pirate spends the whole first half of the video drinking
  23. No Z is ok by me.....he's the only male I think we haven't frightened off yet. Prehaps it is my breath?
  24. Unics? I hope not.....doesn't give a girl much to look forward too.......
  25. I am from the very corner of Maryland. It's almost Delaware and it's almost Pennsylvania. It's an ok place to be (since Delaware has no sales tax) I'm sure there are good men somewhere......or at least fun ones
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