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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. I'll third it. You take chances every time you step out of your door, get in a car, anytime you do anything really. As I said before, you must be smart about what you do and how you do it. And yes, even then sometimes the weirdos find you. It's not just myspace though...I'm sure the smart weirdos could use the pub to stalk someone if they really wanted too. Personally I've met more scary people in real life than I have online.
  2. Sorry Rummy!! I didn't mean to butt in I just couldn't resist the jumping on the "dead" thread comment. Here's more lyrics to mine: Must be getting early, clocks are running late. Paint my love a morning sky, it’s all cold. Dawn is breaking everywhere, light a candle, curse the glare Draw the curtains I don’t care, but it’s all right I will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will survive.
  3. I'm sure all of us who frequent Renn Faires in costume have got the, "Do you work here?". I used to all the time but it seems like these days more people come in costume so it happens less often.
  4. I hate getting chain letters through the bulletions. There's nothing like opening a bulletion that looks interesting because of the title and having it say if you don't repost this you'll: • die • never have sex again • your family will die • Tom will remove your from Myspace • You don't love god • You don't love your friends • You'll have bad luck • You'll never find love • You'll get VD I never repost them so I'm doomed.
  5. On that note: It must be getting early clocks are running late.........
  6. Thanks John! Yup, my neighbors were looney (to put it nicely). Alas, I will miss them like I miss the stomach flu.
  7. I'm very tired. I've been moving. I spent all of last week packing, all weekend moving, and I'm spending all of this week (after work) unpacking. I'm exhausted. I moved from a second story apartment to a split level house. The stairs!!! So many stairs!!! But I'm happy. I'm very happy.
  8. Jack, you didn't make any comments about how hot/sexy/beautiful this actress was before you mentioned the resemblence did you? If you did it could just be that the wifey is worried that you consider the ex more desireable than her. If this is the case make sure you lavish her with compliments about how gorgeous she is and let her know she is the hottest thing on two legs (unless she has a peg leg! Then she's the hottest thing on one leg ) I'm sure it will blow over in no time
  9. I've been eyeing up a shirt of the viking kitty saying, "I AM MIGHTY!". I just love rathergood.com
  10. Pirate Kitty to the Rescue!!!!!!
  11. I had a fantastic time!!!! Thank you so much to Crimson Corsair and Blender Wench for putting on such a great pub crawl. I got to dance like crazy, slap a stranger (he asked me to), and yell out arrrrr randomly on the streets of Fells Point. I got to meet Greenighs, Crimson Corsair, Capt. Thighbiter, and Gute Morgan. Some of those bars were awesome too, I definatly want to go to again. Most of my photos are of my friends, but I have a few good group shots of people I met that night. Here they are if anyone wants a peek! Rogue's Invasion Photos I'm kicking myself for not saying hi to Blender Wench!!! I kept looking for someone who looked like your profile photo, but I didn't know you were pregnant. I must have walked past you 70 times and never knew it was you! My apologizes! Here's my favorite photo from Saturday, I'm the one in the striped socks:
  12. Around what time? I listen to 98 Rock alot and I want to catch this. Are they sending out anyone from the station to enjoy the invasion? Greenighs, I think I'm bringing my leather jacket so I don't freeze!! Last time I checked it might rain Oh well, I'm sure we can "pirate" anything Oh, that one was bad.....
  13. Christine you inspired me. I just went out to the local costume shop and bought a pair myself for the Baltimore Pyrate Invasion this weekend. I was hoping for red and black, but all they had in striped thigh highs was black & white and baby blue w/lighter baby blue stripes. In fact this place has an unbelivable selection of legging type stuff and sexy costumes. I swear every stripper in a 20 mile radius must flock to this place. It's a costume shop called Jokes R Wild in New Castle, DE if anyone is local and looking for unusual tights/nylons or something to make your mate smile.
  14. Zombies eat people too.... I can watch some zombies, like the kind on 28 Days Later. But the ones on Dawn of the Dead make me gag. I think I'm a ghost girl. The first horror movie I ever watched was Halloween on the Spanish channel. "A DONDE ESTA MICHAEL MYERS!?!?!?!?! AYIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!!"
  15. I saw Hostel a few weeks ago and it had me yelling at the screen and looking away quite a few time. It was pretty gorey. You said it Sophia, I can't deal with the thought of anything eatting people alive. Yuck!!! For some reason vampires don't really bother me, it's just the parisitic aliens. You never know what's out there in space..or why they would want to eat people. Aren't there more appatizing creatures out there than us? There has got to be somewhere better for them to lay their nasty eggs
  16. god that's damn funny girl why thank ye for the new flag onme main mast! Glad you guys liked that one. Unfortunatly I can't take the credit. That was a quote from Norm off of Cheers
  17. It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear
  18. Yeah! They could call it, "It Came From The Fridge"
  19. I dug through the boating magazine I work for to see if there is anything coming up. I've never been to any of these, so i don't know if they are good ones are not: Baltimore Waterfront Festival: April 27-30 (not sure if there is a website, I'm sure it will google) and the Maritime Folklife Festival in Solomons Maryland: May 6th (www.calvertmarinemuseum.com)
  20. I was planning on seeing The Hills Have Eyes but after you say that, I'm not so sure. I saw the original on DVD this weekend and it was pretty lame, I wasn't bothered at all. The blood (and there wasn't much of it) looked like thick koolaid. I agree with you completely Christine. Give me a scary movie that is creepy on it's own merit, not because I want to vomit. If I wanted to vomit, I'd drink the old milk in my fridge
  21. I had nightmares last night. I saw this advertisement for this horror movie called Slither online and was grossed out. So like an idiot, I decided to do some searches to find out more info. I have this problem with movies about parisitic aliens, and it looks like that's what this one is about. Then I drove my boyfriend's mom home from the airport, so that was kinda stressful. Then I ate asparagus right before bed. It was a recipe for bad dreams. I hope I sleep better tonight.
  22. Colonel Out of Their Tree With the day I'm having I feel like I feel out of my tree!!!!!
  23. I work near a funeral home. There was a biker's funeral going on today. The parking lot was full of bikes, but that didn't surprise me. What surprised me was the hearse. Check this thing out!!!
  24. It's been a week since I posted new lyrics, so I'm thinking it's a stumper. It was "Epic" by Faith No More. Here's some new ones: (this should be easy) Say my name, sunshines through the rain My whole life, so lonely Then you come and ease the pain
  25. Grenighs & Kass, are you guys planning on dressing non-period pirate or street clothes? I'm probley dressing pirate myself..but not everyone I'm going with is planning to.
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