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Everything posted by MajorChaos

  1. Willie that looks just like what I've been seeing around when searching for patrol box. Now I just need to get me some plans and come up with one. Mistress Dobyns, I wasn't really looking for something period correct, which is why I was thinking of disguising it in a barrel or a sea chest. The idea was that I could bring my coleman camp stove (for the morning coffee and maybe light cooking), this way I could use it and just close it up and tuck it in the box.
  2. I was wondering, for those that do a lot of camping at the events, do you have or use anything like the boy scout patrol boxes? Google search that for pictures... I was thinking that one could be "hidden" in something looking like a barrel or a sea chest. Just something that crossed my mind.
  3. lite traffic going up 95 on a friday? that be a joke right? Looking forward to the weekend. With luck will be leaving work around 430pm and getting there between 6pm and 630pm. Just enough time to prop up the tent and throw on some finery (or at least something other than my work slops)
  4. this thing wants to know what's on my mind... nothing I suffer CRS

  5. I'll be arriving sometime on thurday, probably mid to late afternoon. After I setup my tent and if the Vigilant doesn't have pressing need of me, I'll join you in going to get the boat and bring it to the docks. never rowed it or in a crew before so I'll give it a learn.
  6. I like to smoke a clay pipe most times when I'm out at events. I like them even when I'm not. Most of them I get from the vendors at events. I had a really nice pipe from Sanctuary Traders (http://www.sanctuarytraders.com/) that I found in Fort Frederick Market Faire. As for tobacco, I used to get some nice stuff from an online store called PipeRoom but they seem to have gone away. I now go to a local tobacco shop and find some I like.
  7. Oh man, now where am I going to hide and take my naps... and all that kindling for the fires! Gone... WAH! hehehe
  8. Nice start thus far.
  9. Don't forget the monster spider(s) that tried to sneak up on Duncan and Lily. Luckily they were quicker and chased it away. Huge I tell ya... just huge!
  10. it was a great time and good seeing so many again. I hope they do it again. Haven't found any ticks yet...
  11. Heading to Fort Fred on Friday with a quick "cough" stop at Ft Chambers Gunshop to pick up my pistols that were getting fixed. Then heading to Oxford, MD
  12. Maybe the Bounty heading north from Baltimore??
  13. It was indeed a great weekend and I enjoyed meeting everyone on each crew. ___ Major Chaos Safety Officer Vigilant Crew
  14. hehe, you went from free labor to 50 shillings... lol
  15. I haven't played in a while. I've a lvl 50 spanish Freetrader on Antiqua and I think my buccaneer is still on Rackham or maybe Roberts can't remember. I think once I rebuild my machine after the hard drive crashed I'll get back on and play some more. So, are you all PvP or PvE or some combo of each? I've been mostly doing PvE, running the missions I could without needing a group. Maybe I'll cross paths with some of you. Look for Geminia De Caos on Antiqua and Gemini Chaos on Roberts or some variation of those names.
  16. Very nice! This is the second recreation of the backstaff that I've seen. One of our crew made one and we use at our demos. If you don't mind, where did you get the designs to make the backstaff?
  17. *looks about* Great start Stynky! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
  18. While I wasn't there, I'd figure i'd through a thought in anyways because I've been at other events... - definitely get the permits in writing and ahead of time. - less cops? maybe not in the standard uniforms... - period vendors are a great idea, so are local crafters too... just keep them separated, opposite sides of the event. - definitely separate the stages because it sucks to have modern mic'd and amp'd up bands stomping all over the more traditional folk singers. Also along this line, a possible coordination of songs might be helpful (although I don't know how well that'll work and not cause rivalries). - definitely more cold drink vendors, but a few hot drink vendors is good too... a hot coffee or tea does wonders sometimes. - just got to say, DAMN, privies that put the ones at Pennsic to shame?? Wow! -a good story line and a few regiments to "fight" are always a good thing. Research into the local history of pirates in Long Island would be good and then try to re-create some of that or build a story around some of it. - a good living history setup can do really well. The demonstrations put on in Hampton were apparently a big hit. - more pirates with period (or as close to period) kits are a good thing. Works well with the living history part mentioned above and with the story lines. - having things for the kids to do (not moon bounces and crap like that) is always a good thing and helps draw crowds. Well, that's all I can think of now... from the sounds of it, you've had a great first run, and you can only improve from there. Best of luck!
  19. Another place that I've found, if you have any in the area... Outdoor World/Bass Pro shops. Here in Maryland, I pick up 3F powder for 19.99 plus tax at the Outdoor World.
  20. I'm still out there most nights. I'm currently a Spanish Freetrader and a Spanish Navy Officer on the Rackham server. If you happen to see Geminia De Caos or Chaos Gemini, say hi.
  21. I have that Octopuss ring from Marty's, in silver. The detail is fantastic. I really like it. Silkie, just come down to the Maryland Renn Faire. She's there. Find the hammer game, she's across the lane from Wolfstone Kilts. BluePuppy: The detail in those octopuss... is the detail in the ring... the suckers on the bottom of those are on the inside of the ring. Fantastic!
  22. Yeah, I admit it was a very quick glance...
  23. At first glance I thought it was the Lady Washington, however, looking again, I'm thinking that it the HMS Rose. A google for the Rose makes me think it is just that. The Tall Ship Rose Used in the movie Master and Commander as "The Suprise"
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