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Everything posted by MajorChaos

  1. It was a pleasure meeting you Callenish and I look forward to meeting you again.
  2. My lady and I went up on saturday and sunday. It was a good time and you definitely need two days to browse all those vendors and traders. I picked up a pair of slops and breeches from Fly Canoe and my lady picked up a fantastic little box for her little bottles, she's working on getting setting up an apothecary box of sorts. I also got a nice folding table that should work nicely at most encampment. Oh, and I picked up a nice little replica sea service musket.
  3. I'm pretty sure that I've read somewhere that the midshipmen were required to go aloft into the rigging. How else would they learn all aspects of the ship and I believe some of them were even watch leaders which required them to be in the rigging.
  4. I know of Bloody Buckets... he's a regular He's probably been hacked or fell victim to the hacker
  5. I dunno, they had to clean their cloths some how... It was interesting to see the results of the eye patch tests. although I am kind of familiar with it from being in the navy. We would rig the control room in red light for periscope depth at night and when we transit on the surface at night. Had the same principal. The cannon shot/shrapnel test was interesting too. The knife in a sail test is kind of interesting. However, first thought was were period sail made the same as modern sails. like that ribbing they showed in the sample. Also, they're not taking into account if the sail was full of air or not... I would expect that to make a difference in the fall also.
  6. You should see the flag (3'x5') flag made my my friend Elizabeth for an xmas gift. It looks like my avatar.
  7. Closing or covering an eye when going from a lighted room and then to a darken area or outside in night is a common practice. When I was in the navy, submarine service, we'd use red lens goggles up to about an hour before going on watch as look outs when doing a surface transit at night. Also, when we were at periscope depth we'd darken the control room so that we could see easier when doing observations. so, I think that using an eye patch to help aid in the vision at night while stalking another ship or something would be plausible (as they say in Mythbusters).
  8. Google earth has a few add-on overlays or whatever they call them. There's ones for meteor craters, volvanos, planes in flight, wierd anomolies, strange markings etc. check out: http://www.googleearthhacks.com/ and http://www.gearthblog.com/
  9. If you're looking for clays like the churchwarden, or others, google search more. I'm fairly certain I've seen other places that sell for less. Same style.
  10. Looks like a fun event. I wish I could've at least came by for the day and watched what was going on. I don't have the gear for participating... yet, but would have like to watch and talked to a few folks to get their inputs. Maybe next year.
  11. Walking Stick... In the picture here... the gentleman in the red coat, brown hat, red stocking at the left... has a walking stick. Anyone know him? Is that the stick? EDIT: was just looking at the PB pictures... That's Scurvy Hanna... but is that his stick?
  12. I shall! I'd like to meet the others as well.
  13. I'll be there!
  14. MajorChaos


    Myself, M'lady and another lass will be there opening weekend. I think there will be a good number of others from Maryland there also. I'll be around the Swashbuckler Pub and the pirate ship when not pillaging the village.
  15. I googled "Lewes Historical Society"
  16. Aye, it be Major Chaos... if ye hit the right group they'd 've known who I was. Even the Pyrates Royale know me... by that name. If'n me mind is rememberin' things right... were ye the tall lass that Draco "woo'd" up onto the stage? I'm going to 've to get some of me partners camera's and inspect 'em again... lol. I remember ye for that bit... or should I say the "tops'ls a guiver" bit anyway I was on the opposite side from ya. There were a whole gang of us. I was wearing me long black (soaked) coat and a very droopy black cavalier hat? mayhaps you saw me? anyways. that was a great show. They haven't done that song in a while. Great seeing them dust off some of their old ones. I'll definitely be back again next year. It is a fine faire... well... maybe it could be a tad better if they leveled it a bit
  17. I catch the Royal Mile Pub Shanty sing every now and again. I'll have to see if I can make it that day.
  18. Saturday was a rain soaked day. Still there were lots of people there in the thin little plastic poncho's that the faire had. The Pyrates Royale were awesome. They did some of their old songs and sounded fantastic. The gang that I was with got mistaken a few times for the band. We had to quickly point out "no no... they sing better than us". Sunday was a bright and sunny day. Got to agree with Maggie. I don't think I've seen more costume store/adult fantasy pirates running around. There were definitely more people there Sunday as the beer and food lines took longer to get through... I recommend seeing the young lasses that pour beer and cider at the "Black Horse Pub" ( I think that was the name of the beer stand), it's under the balcony where the court comes out and banters with the crowd. Anyways, these girls would fill you mug up to the brim and still only charge the cost of a drink... even when, like my mug, it would easily take two of the regular plastic cups. As a friend of mine points out.... 'Sterling. "The Faire That's Uphill ... Both Ways." ' There's a good bunch of vendors from MD there as well.
  19. I'll be there with my lady. Hopefully, we'll cross paths.
  20. After a bit of a search and getting lost in the threads, I decided to just ask a new the questions I was searching. 1. Who was in charge of navigation on a pirate ship? 2. What about a privateer? 3. What navigational aides would be used? 4. Where would these navigational aides be acquired? 5. How often would navigation be checked? I could probably come up with more questions, but I figured I'd start there, since it's probably a lot of information. Also, yes I know I could search the web, but I know there are a lot of knowledgable folks here and if they'd be so kind to answer or point me to some good research, I'd appreciate it. Some items I've read about are: Astrolabes, backstaff, Davis Quadrant, traverse boards and of course charts.
  21. Will your group be at MDRF on the "adventure weekend" as they are calling it? doing demostrations and such? That'd be very interesting. if so I'll have to stop by.
  22. Crimson, I've never been to the mall. Are you saying it might not be possible to park there? it's not impossible to park, just a pain to find anything remotely close to the theaters. Your best bet is to park at anywhere from the middle of the mall to the other end from the theaters. At least that's what I usually end up doing. Besides... it'll be fun walking through the mall scaring the crap out of the kiddies while in your pirate finest!
  23. As it looks now... m'lady and I will be up to Sterling on the 22nd/23rd for the pirate weekend. We'll probably be camping at the state campgrounds unless the weather turns ugly.
  24. that's pretty awesome! The work and detail put into the "Lady Love" is amazing. I love the little working cannons. Now all he needs is another dozen or so on each side and he can fire a nice broadside. I also really like that he's got r/c flags.
  25. I know there was a link somewhere on here to this site previously, but I couldn't find it. Anyways, the site's been updated and it looks like the magazine should be hitting the racks any time now. I'm going to go looking around for it this week and see what it's like. Pirates Magazine If you've seen the magazine "Fairie Magazine", they're the same people putting this one out. If I can find the magazine I'll give it a read and let you know what I think.
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