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Everything posted by MajorChaos

  1. Happy Belated level up day!
  2. Munk! welcome aboard. Great seeing you at Fells Point. Like Sterling said, you missed the "fun time" when the winds kicked up and we had to hold the tents down.
  3. the false floor is a neat idea. As for shelves, you could still use them just don't make them compartmented. What I've seen our crew do is make shelf units that are the same size fore an aft to the side doors. Then tall or odd shaped stuff can stow in front part of the trailer. Then you can put the e-track down the inside of the shelves towards centerline to have adjustable drings and real heavy stuff (cannons) can stow down the center and be tied to the drings. I think the shelving has both merits of being good idea and troublesome depending on what all you are caring.
  4. what's on the agenda for next year? Real targets? Maybe next year we'll get some airsoft cannons and a couple of longboats and "shoot" them out of the water?
  5. You want a crazy look at how to pack in gear, look at Duncan's trailer and some of the others, Nico and Jeff (QM). they've got shelving built into them for just about every box they carry. Call him and have him send pictures. I haven't done anything with my trailer other than put a plastic shelf unit in that I tie down to one wall. I put my poles on the bottom shelf, couple of boxes on the second shelf and a few more boxes on the upper shelf. As for the rest, I try to even the weight balance in the trailer.
  6. Wasn't this one of the main reasons for Blackbeard to blockade Charleston and take prisoners?
  7. Vigilant Crew: We provide EXTREME living history
  8. if you're not looking for something fancy, one of the ones we use is essential a large dowel rod with a tapered end and a thin cut down the middle of the tapered end to hold the slow match. I think the handle end may have been turned on a lathe to fancy it up a bit.
  9. he might use a bigger hammer to leave a better impression /runs away quickly before getting hit.
  10. I like this idea! There are so many drinks that should have this as a warning label! lol
  11. Awesome! Setting the bar high for the rest of though Can't wait to hear more about it and see the pictures.. there are pictures?
  12. Nice! More pictures! Congratz to the Archangel
  13. My hair is long enough to be braided and I've seen the queues mentioned in movies and read about in books (historical fiction stuff). I've wondered what and how the queues where made too. I can usually get one of the ladies in our camp to braid my hair and I have them do that very tight to last a few days. I was thinking I'd get a two or three foot piece of ribbon silk or probably scrap linen and have them start at the top of the braid (closest to me head) and just wrap the braid very tightly down the length and then back up to the top. Finishing it with a bow tie. Maybe if needed, get a small string and tie of the tip in a bow to try an prevent it from riding up the braid, but I think if the wrap is tight enough it won't ride up. Just a thought
  14. The one Hoti I have is on my keychain, the ribbon got thrown out
  15. and they call us pirates... sheesh
  16. I'm going to really try to make it there this year. The pictures I've seen and the talk I've heard make it sound so fun.
  17. This is for Dutchman's reference The Girandoni Repeating Air Rifle. I never heard of it before reading Dewey Lambdin’s Alan Lewrie series of historical fiction novels. Then, this thread popped up on the recent list and I saw Dutchman's post and got to thinking of the novels... and then I googled it and found that link. Pretty cool!
  18. Oh come on, the net covered bottle is a part of sail making... it holds your drink of choice and is kept handy when thirsty!
  19. I got an mail from SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) that on or around November 22 the game will be going to the free to play model
  20. I'll be re-instating my characters as well. Mayhaps we should form up a company? What nations did you all play for? Myself, my last was a Brit (I think) and a pirate.
  21. It looks like we've got a fine collection of boxes for the camp. I was initially looking for something like what Willie has pictures of and referenced in scout camp box. Basically a mobile kitchen and kitchen equipment storage. I like the idea of a barrel, but think that might be a tad heavy to start with unless there are imitation barrels that are light weight. so basically the kitchen box would be big enough to hold one of the coleman dual burn camp stoves and a bottle or two of propane. Additionally, I'd like to have space to put a coffee pot, a few pots and pans and some basic cooking utensils. Maybe some other basic kitchen needs too, paper towels, scrub brush, etc. All of this into some kind of box/barrel that would be closed during regular hours in a camp to hide it from the prying eyes of the general public. Anyway, thanks for the ideas on the other boxes, I've got something similar already that I use for my place setting and stuff.
  22. Thanks William! I suspect what I will end up doing is disguising the camp/kitchen box as a sea chest or something that can be closed up when not in use.
  23. Car is packed for Marcus Hook... I think

  24. Aye, that's kind of what I had in mind.
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