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Red-Handed Jill

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Everything posted by Red-Handed Jill

  1. Portabella burger, tomato and mozzarella salad with home-grown basil, ice cream with fresh blueberries for dessert, sauvignon blanc.
  2. You HURT..., my feelings. "Special "K" " with strawberry's * Sigh * I like Special K with strawberries - almost always end up picking the strawberries out and eating them, though. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't have that much butter on my scone this morning.
  3. Tea and an english muffin with lots of butter!
  4. Rumba - those costumes are wonderful! I already thought you were a terrific costume designer but this gives me even more respect for you. These pictures don't do the fabric of the capes or the masks justice, but here are a couple of photos from a masked event Jack and I went to a couple of years ago. Jack's mask was particularly resplendent. And it's not quite clear, but mine has a bunch of soft feathers that went back over the head and three peacock feathers in the middle.
  5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  6. Yes, they are a sea chantey band rather than a pirate band. However, this particular song he wrote was piratical and he was asked to perform it for this particular show.
  7. Figured that, but these ones are so much fun. I particularly like the poses they put them in - Blackbeard with "happy feet."
  8. Hmm... the only ones that come to mind are Odyssey Toys.
  9. Definitely worth it. Skip is probably one of the best chanteymen out there, if you want authenticity. And it's obvious that he has a hell of a good time with his music. Check him out here. On the left side of the page, click on the Watch the Video link under Skip Henderson and the Starboard Watch.
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