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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. If Im not mistaken it was her manager. And Yes it is Terri clark and Girls Lie Too...my fave video even though tis not the real Jack..
  2. ROFL..*no spitting yuck!* I love Montanna..Spent a month up there in Anaconda..52 bars in that little town..sat right in the valley with mountains all around..it was so wonderfull the fresh air..The scenery..it was perfect..I explored everywhere My feet would take me..Watch out for old mine shafts and bear tracks if you go..Id love to go again.
  3. Wheee Happy Birthday...I love Birthdays..Drinks all around..*tosses confettii and Balloons...'Captn Tito..I owe ye a massage and a grilling..Crimson..Fire up the Grill..Ye can cook..*ill do dishes...shudders* Plunder Me cherries to everyone..Oh..and dont think I be forgetting the b-Day spankin
  4. That is the one Im currently working on Capt. Grey. Never having sewn anything before it's kicking my butt but im enjoying it..
  5. Your welcome Charity..I like Barbossa..And the monkey..But Sparrow is..I dont know..It's the way he acts..all like he's drunk and he's a rather keen fellow..Always on top of his game..I like sneaky pirates..
  6. * Laughs with mischief..* I think that be my Que to leave..Slips into the water...Ill just swim to the other side and around the cove...Wilfrid the walrus will sound the alarm..
  7. To put it Succintly..To take out Sparrow and Barbossa would be like taking a bottle of the best rum pouring it out and replacing it with water... I don't know about you but bring me more rum says I!
  8. Ive never sewed anything in my life but a button on a shirt..I am doing the sparrow pattern. Im currently on the shirt..All I have left are the cuffs and hemming it. But when I cut the split down the front of the shirt it is way to long..I bought the bigger size to and it hangs open to nearly my navel..I thought about lacing it up..but I may just use hooks and eyes then I can adjust where I want it to stay open..The vest is next then Ill work on the coat..That coat scares the mess out of me..But I refuse to be intimidated!!!! I shall prevail..*i hope*
  9. Seeing MerryD smiles and wiggles her blue green fins about...* Been wonderin where ya be lass..Aye Morgan be kind enough to give me some caramel popcorn balls..Scrumptious they were..
  10. And to as Pirates..They did not just stay in the Caribbean..they tended to sail to Singapore and New Orleans..even to Galveston. Now again Im not usre how accurate that is..but If I was a pirate I dont know that Id be wantin to stay in just one place..especially if hunted..Id be on the move..make it harder to catch so I think that POTC2 Will be even better than the first..especially like Pearl says..if they have the same cast. Sparrow and Barbossa made that movie work..it just would NOT be the same without them. In fact I dont think I would watch it if it did not have them in it.
  11. lOl Something Piratical of course...like that font Blak Skot posted awhile back.
  12. LMAO...Trust me Doc me pearlies are strong..even me dentist says so.. :) So Doc about that swim...
  13. As he runs snaps her fingers and a lariat appears..twirls the lasso over her head and ropes him..Ye forget im from Texas...And i can rope and ride..Never had to brand anything but there is a first time..Now consider yourself caught..now can ye say lasses won? ROFLMAO..Then picks up and unchewed stick of gum and pops it in her mouth..yumm cinammon..me fave.
  14. ohh I love carmel popcorn balls...Holds it out of the water to swin to the rocks and leaps up in a spray of water. Then eats the popcorn with a dreamy look on her face.
  15. Tossing bubble gum in my hair????..Ohhh that is so wrong..Plants hands on hips a militant gleam in her flashing eyes and stalks Morgan..Now drop and give me twenty..and then Ill think of another torture for ye..Something wicked..like staking ye to an ant bed and pouring honey on ye..Aye fire ants..*begans pacing thinking about it* Then Ill tickle the soles of yer feet and poke at ye with a sharp stick then Ill...Take a red hot poker to yer hide..Now ye still wanna throw Gum?
  16. ROFL...Aye I might..Just keep em coming..
  17. *rolls her eyes* Just feed the popcorn..I know about Yaks and I even know they use the hair for wool...See I know about Yaks..
  18. Struggling to contain her shock and not laugh while licking the cheese from her lips she spots Morgans eye and releases her thumb spraying coke out of the hole then bursting from the pantry to run upstairs.
  19. ye'll be a squished Huckleberry when Im through with ye..Sprays him with more string confetti while rolling out of her blankets and down the hall to slide across the kitchen floor to hide in the pantry..*grabs a bottle and shakes it up in case he finds her*
  20. I have never seen a hairball much less a Yak..But I will take some of that popcorn..Swims to the shallows and waits...
  21. LOL I drive my writing partners crazy..I love to write..And I even got an award with one of my partners..it was the first time I ever won anything about me writing..Aye I hope you join. There are lot of people there who will help you..
  22. I want to be published as well..I have recently started writing for Pan Historia and I love it. It's free and i think it helps my writing. Check into it.
  23. Party Poopers? How do you figure..looks up from where she is laying on the floor head on her pillow a blanket tossed over her. Quickly she pulls up a can of string confetti and sprays Morgan*..I am not a party pooper! But Pink is your color..*wicked grins*
  24. Well then Doc..Care to swim with a Siren??? I promise Ill not lure ye to me Sires kingdom. *lays back in the water so that she is floating on her back then bends backwards diving head first before popping back up playfully..* Hears Christine and Capn. Morgan...Looks over to him and watches him choke on the popcorn..*shakes head in amusement*
  25. Pushes to the surface and flips her hair back to see the fireworks..'I am awake..just frolicing all be me lonesome in the waters.
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