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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. That weekend sounds great..Hubby is not going so it'll be me and my wee one. Two hour drive and I will only be able to attend that Saturday.
  2. Wow at that price he's trying to get rich fast..This time..Make him kiss the gunners daughter says I! Then we maroon him..that should take care of that!
  3. Texas Ren Fest Directions and Info...I be going..or rather Im trying to go..Not sure which weekend yet. It would be nice for all Texas Pirates to meet and we could raid the festival...
  4. Thank ye Reddrake..I take it ye have some Italian to ye?
  5. Thanks Royaliste..A swede Eh? I worked with two guys from there. Well Paul was from sweden. Benny was from Norway and he was HUGE! He was like 7' tall. Had to stoop to go in and out of the doors and stuff. As for the stones and the caul im still researching it myself.
  6. Christine ye be very bad..im being corrupted here! But Im lovin it..And Doc Have fun in the COLD water...Im nice and warm in me nuns garb. i had a friend on the football team in highschool that was 6'6..Im only 5'4...He used to pick me up and toss me about like a toy..But then I was small and he was BIG!!!
  7. "There are seven deadly sins, captain: gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy. " From Seven...I think I could hear a pirate saying that..Teaching his cabin boy the finer points of Piracy.
  8. Im keeping me mouth closed on this one...Changes to her nuns garb and paces...*mental images flashing*
  9. Aye ye do that..Keep her busy...im off to explore the world of hammocks. I do believe they are on sale at Pirate World...Saw it in Pirate Homes and Ships...
  10. Did sailors really carry aquamarines? I know they were superstitious. Aquamarine is a type of beryl with a hardness of 7.5 to 8. Its name comes from the Latin (water of the sea) because of its sea water color. It has been used as a good luck talisman by sailors. It is found on every continent, and its color ranges from pale green to deep blue. It is the March birthstone. Mystic Lore: Intuitive sources say that Aquamarine is the best stone for the fifth chakra, the energy center at the throat, and that it enhances one's communication skills. It is said to be a cooling and calming stone, good for soothing sunburns, fevers and tempers., and to enhance intellectual abilities. In Italian folklore..If you are born with a caul ot face veil you are considered a Good walker..And supposedly you are meant to fight supernatural forces. my G-Father was one and when he passed last november we found his Caul the piece of skin carefully preseved...It is said that these skins were kept as talismans and were often sold to sailors for protection..Anybody have input on either the stone or the caul?
  11. Wonderfully cool I wihs you had more pics to share..Thanks for sharing those..It looked fun!
  12. I heard you could do intresting things with hammocks..Not that I be knowin...YET! Whee Turns cartwheels and races to the surf to raise her hands high in tribute..then rushes into the shallows to romp and play..
  13. Still working on it..If I get it finished and read to her class I will definitely post it here. Hopefully i can get published.
  14. I cant help it..I have read it eight times and still get goose bumps..Now Ill have to find me Dark Prince of Plunder....
  15. Perhaps Capn. morgan I can make a devious suggestion here..One comp for every 20 guys..Well then ye must recruit more pirates so that everyone will be on the pub..then ye'll only have to share long enough to post.
  16. Ok Maybe I should clarify myself..Depp and Rush are both GREAT actors. They are hot..But the fantasy characters..Sparrow and Barbossa..That is what the women are seeing and drooling over..When I watch POTC...I dont see Depp or Rush..I see Sparrow and Barbossa...Does that make more sense..From a womans perspective or at least from mine..it's the fantasy thing that gets us up and going. Not Depp or Rush..At least not for me.
  17. *Flops about on the couch trying to get comfortable. Then gets up to go to the kitchen to make some soup with some sprite* Deciding she's not hungry cleans the kitchen.
  18. Well Robert from a womans perspective both are hot. As for the monkey..he'll be there..Will Norrington be in it as well..He was kinda cute in a very aristocratic way.
  19. This is what I have sent to Lego...One voice added to others becomes a roar of discontent. Pirates save our plastic buddies! If they take them what other Pirate stuff will be next? It has come to my attention that you are taking away the Pirate Legos. I hope you change your mind..As a child I played with those and my daughter, nieces and nephews currently play with them. There are also several adults that I know that have collected them through the years. I am a member of the Pyracy Pub and I keep up to date with the website Talk like a Pirate Day which is Sept. 19. Being a weekend it will be from the 17th through the 19th this year. Several adult pirates are distressed to hear that our little friends will be disappearing soon. Please Good Sirs do not make them walk the plank. It would be a sad Lego world without the adventuresome pirates taking ships and imiginations by storm... Sincerely, XXXXXX AKA Captain Siren of the Poseidon
  20. Personally I think it's great..Just needs more color. I would try to find an old parchment background..Give it the old world feel..and perhaps change the font to Olde English or to that Pirate Font Black Skot found a while back. Although I could not download it. That thread for the font was under Beyond Pyracy..I think..Ill have to double check..And I love the pics. But im in no way a professional..But I give it two thumbs up.
  21. That is true Rumba. And too good old Bootstrap. I dont think he's dead either. They'll find a way to bring him back as well.
  22. Aww Capn..Dont be forgettin I owe ye a massage..Perhaps at the tub or the Laggon tis your call and it is good for whenever ye need it..my pleasure...
  23. Wow I like both of those styles...And they are comfortable Paisley???
  24. aww A wee one..As daughter of the Great Sea King..may his seas always be smooth. Congratulations..*A silver rattle given to the proud parents*
  25. Well to be honest Robert as well as be fair...I am sure there are tons of guys who would make GREAT pirates..But they could not make the movie POTC2 or 3 any better than what Depp and Rush have done. That is my opinion. Both just have the on screen charisma that draws you in and makes you want more. If they ever went with diffrent leading actors it would just take away from the movie. That would be like Raiders of the lost ark without Harrison Ford...It just would not have been the same movie as it is based on That charry and no one could play him as well as Ford did. And the same goes for POTC..Depp and Barbossa were created for these charrys and revolves around them..Personally I think They may go back to the beginning Where Jack and Barbossa meets what led up to the Curse and then bring us current. Thus Barbossa's role...
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