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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. I did. I had never sewed before and I bought the Jack Sparrow pattern and sewed it all up. Im quite pleased with the results. Now Im currently sewing a wench outfit. The cuffs did give me a wee bit of trouble But it was really easy.
  2. Well Must be off to prop my leg for a while and to order a pizza. With extra cheese...yum yum
  3. Thank You William I will..Even though Im not Irish..
  4. How funny..I choked on my coke. Errr rum. LOL piss and vinegar? And here I thought I was sweet and shy.
  5. No wonder we get along so well..*more cheese?* Im just curious William Wot is it Irish lasses have that Mutts like meself don't? *wicked grins* Could you clear up this misunderstanding I seem to be havin?
  6. I love provolone and baby swiss. And smoked cheddar..And american and Asiago cheese...Did I mention I was American-Italian with French Scots on the side..lOL
  7. The nursery ryhme of London Bridge..Falling down is also based on a real life occurence. Apparently if I remember correctly a countess walked naked across the bridge and paused in the middle. The bridge was soon swamped with people..*mostly males* and the bridge collapsed. Not having to do with pirates but it did fit the nursery ryhme aspect.
  8. William you are my hero! Care to share some with me?
  9. Im so going to watch. Nice pic in your info. And nice saying..I liked it too but changed mine up a wee bit. Nice to meet ye Jack 2.
  10. Sorry Will. Doctors orders. That and I have to take lots and lots of calcium pills and drink lots and lots of milk..Say do you have any cheese and crackers to go with my milk? just fill me up with Calcium says i..
  11. Jack Congrats to you and Tempest. My anniversary falls along PIP. Hubby won't go. Anyhow I will probably miss The Faire this year as well due to me leg. My regards to you and Tempest
  12. Afternoon William. I am verrry hungry..The red Velvet Cake looks delicious. Perhaps I could have dessert first. And a big glass of milk to help heal my leg so i wont have to have more surgery...
  13. Flintlock would ye believe tis the first thing I have ever sewn? It's imperfect but hey it's mine and I be right proud of it. And im getting better.. Ace I adore the Garb! Capt. Morgan ye look rite Swell as well! Christine if I could figure out how to make a bloody banner I would do that..That would be right tasty! Thanks Callenish!
  14. lOL Im working on a new vest to go with my frock coat. I recently purchased another pair of leather pants that I will split the seam to lace the sides up. And of course me wench costume..no pics of that yet. But I do have my sword and dagger. My Sword.. My Dagger..notice tis a mermaid.. And me again...With Captain Morgan
  15. Why William that is swell. I love it. And Rumba I noticed that too..Perhaps tis a codpiece?
  16. HMMM this be my list.... On the Phone... Merrydeath Over IM.... Christine William Red Wake Kendra the Sea Maid Lady Barbossa Over PM Crimsoncrow Tempest FlintlockJack Diego Joshua Red Iron Bess Animal Doc None in person as of yet.
  17. This is mine..mind you my frock coat was still unfinished. I have yet to take any more pics with my stuff due to my leg. Christine luv I did finish my bodice. Working on my skirt now..Will show as soon as it is completed. :) Me
  18. Ladies, Ladies...No need for paddles...Take me velvet flogger with beads. It adds such a nice caress to the wounded area... Did I really just type that or am I dreaming...I must be dreaming...
  19. Ill have to see if I can find my Elvira pictures. Dressed as her everyyear till I had Nora..Then went as a witch till last year. Last year I was a pirate. LOL
  20. Not much to tell...Besides one leg looking like the Bride of frankenstein and my femur not healing and possibly having a permanent limp..Im cheery. Will you bring me another...I need to forget how cursed I be.
  21. Nice Flag William..And it light of me Doc's bad news I intend to get drunk..So bring me whatever ye gots as fast as ye can get it here and keep em coming till Im passed out..then when I wake up bring me more.
  22. It's really good and very funny. I loved it and tis one of my Fave operas of all time. Well besides The Phantom and Carmen.. Enjoy and have fun.
  23. "Nay lass that be fine..Ill carry some of that..Here give me a couple bottles"..Reaches for the bottles and Scuttle climbs atop her head to cover her eyes. Laughing at his antics she manages to peek and take two bottles. Turns to see Will patting the pocket his new watch resides in and shakes her head.."Come on..the Lagoon and all her splendor await us."
  24. Aye Will let us begone..To the Lagoon? Now whar be the others..Places two fingers in her mouth and sends out a whislte..that should get them..A screeching is heard as Scuttle races across deck past and through Wills booted feet and scurries up her person till he sits quietly upon her shoulder. "Sorry Will..I take it ye do not like me scamp much..But he's a good lad. a thiveing good lad." Laughingly she leads the way off the deck and onto the gangplank and down to the docks below..
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