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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Limps in collapsing into a chair near a window and studies the menu..How about some shrimp and a mud slide?
  2. Aye Lady Snow i know what you mean. Grew up with the water turning on by itself in the middle of the night, doors opening and closing and voices..My new home we had blessed because we had weird things happening, glass shattering like a broken window, footsteps, the bed shifting like someone was getting in it with you, My daughter sleeps across form our guest bedroom, during the day she will play in there at night she makes sure the door is closed and she sits all her stuffed animals in front of her door. We live next to a cemetary that the outlaw Sam Bass was laid to rest and there is also an unmarked Slave Cemetary in the corner. Tis very sad to see..But all my neighbors pretty much have some weird stories to tell. So yeah Ill keep me ghosties, they make life intresting..*grins*
  3. I have an "orb" in my picture.. Next to my head on the wall on the right hand side..We get those all the time in our pictures around our house no matter how good the camera is..is quite frustrating at times..*grins*
  4. I have an "orb" in my picture..
  5. Hmm My Dad is Chief of security for our Mall down home and I worked with him during the summers. we fed his scretaries gum that turned their teeth blue for two days, put a bar of soap in the restroom so they had black hands when they came out, We had Live Wildcats for a few days for an exhibition and my Dad and I placed fake "poo" on the halls after they walked the cats afterhours so the night crew would freak. I think the funniest though..My Dad rented a gorilla costume and some of the night maintenace was in center court taking an unscheduled break..at night the mall is very quiet and it's very dark. Every little sound echoes and it's hard to pinpoint. Anyway my dad starts making coughing noises like apes do and totally had the crew freaking..then he comes from nowhere chasing them and they split so fast..Truly was amazing and we caught it all on film. Placed Dummies on the floors in the very darkest of halls so that his guards stumbled across "Murder scenes" That is just a few of the tamer stunts pulled. Oh and I told my cousin to eat flower seeds they were really sunflower seeds..*grins*
  6. Kendra My sea sister you know my thoughts and prayers are always with you. I will pray you get both the hot tub and a big bath with lots of jets so you have plenty of room for your fins. *grins* and of course that your Grandmother recovers quickly. I did not break my hip but for some reason my femur is still not healing so I know what it is like to have a lOONg recovery and I will pray hers is very short. As Always.. Siren
  7. Unfortunately due to my broken femur still not healing well and having to wear a bone stimulator ten hours a day I was not able to sign up for the challenge. Discovery sent me a really nice e-mail telling me perhaps next year and my Dr. did not think it was a good idea either. However I am not deterred. I cannot join you on Discovery but I can and will join you on here. So my pics will be coming soon and I will do the best I can to aid you all and keep morale up and try like heck to lose my own weight. My starting weight fluctuates so im shooting high by starting at 155. Now lets see what I can do.
  8. I can only sing. My hubby can play Keyboard, bass, guitar, flute, alto sax, piano and I know a couple more Im missing. He played in a jazz band for a couple of years and I sang in a country one..Not that Im singing anymore cept round the house..
  9. I too shall keep her in my thoughts, my prayers and my heart. God Bless to you and yours during this trying time. Siren
  10. My Dad is really big into Stephen King and growing up i would tell my dad of my dreams and he taught me a trick..To program yourself before you go to bed into remebering your dreams. This does not always work but for the most part it does. And to write them down as it is rumored Stephen King does. I dream of death. i do not have happy dreams but dreams of people dying. The last dream I had my husband had trouble waking me from and it involved a woman walking to her car and never reaching it..She was beat to death by a baseball bat. Three nights after that dream on the news a woman was killed by her Ex- with a baseball bat? Coincidence? I don't know..Hubby thinks Im weird and thinks I should not talk about them. So i have learned to not talk about them and I quit watching the news.
  11. No luck on the cereal however I did find the Fruit snacks at Albertson's today! So Yes I had to buy a box or two... OK Three actually...My daughter loves those things..I just want the box!
  12. Callenish you are talented. I love your stuff. But so many here are. I need ot get back into drawing and into my writing. I still have a littlest Pirates Wish to finish..
  13. Slips the garter from her glass and laughs..
  14. I have an unbroken stem that works just fine..Thank ye kindly Sir William..Tis always an honor to dine in your establishment.
  15. Whee Ill have what Mad Matt is having with a peach Margarita with a garter about the rim of me glass. MMMMMMMMM Mexican food!
  16. Mad Matt ye made me laugh..Thank ye! And ye can always a whysper it...
  17. Im sitting here one leg propped up supposed to be ten inches above my heart..How im supposed to do that I have no clue..Unless I stand on my head..*laughs* And reading the posts on the Pub as I have missed so much.
  18. I too am intrested..Send me a PM..Siren I may not be able to..My femur is broke and just came home from surgery. Can someone tell me more about it?
  19. Why must it be a limited Edition..Can they not just keep a cereal for us pirates out there? And Did anyone order the POTC mouse that came from the Kelloggs box I posted in June or July?
  20. I was searching the web for a heavy pirate flag to make me a bodice to currently wear *not period* and found this link..it has a pirate umbrella..Me thinks I must have one! Pirate umbrella scroll down
  21. Rumba Lass...I love that trunk..It is gorgeous. As for me..I hate anyone touching my sword...or driving my truck.
  22. I work for TRU and yes it does say this on the box "Dead Mans chest" But nothing about POTC..And yes Sams and Costco both had the two ships and the treasure chest at christmas for about $70.00...Check out the little skulls that go with them...$7.99 and they fit at your computer desk perfectly!
  23. Tis a good thing I already swallowed me drink for that comment nearly made me do as Patrick. Timbers shivered indeed...A wee bit of Mast-er and Command-er...
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