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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Leans against the doorframe watching all within then slips in warily. "Welcome to the Pub Bjarn and I do hope you enjoy your stay. *wicked smile* As for me drink tis the same as always..A Plunder Me Cherry extra cherries of course..
  2. Flutters lashes.."Think you We should not know hot to tie knots? Where be Mad Jack..I think he needs an honored spot at the mast. And aye lasses definitely can catch more with honey...
  3. Deepest Sympathies Mad Jack..my prayers are with you and yours in this time. *hugs*
  4. I think the scariest dream I have ever had was about four years ago. It involved my Grandfather's house at night. We were leaving and it was nightime but the moon was huge and white. It was really low and i kept trying to get my relatives to see how low it was. Then it started filling up with blood till it overran and dripped from the heavens. Beneath the Moon were the seven seals and the last seal had just broke. I still hate talking about that dream.
  5. Im in the Austin Area..Send me more info on the location please.
  6. I would love to attend. Sounds right fun but this year I cannot get down to New Orleans. Take Pics though and share them with us...
  7. Pay no heed to them Lass Drink what ye wish for is that not a rite of being a pirate? As long as ye be strong enough to back it up? *winks*
  8. ROTFLAMO! Methane indeed. No problem..I will gladly let men do the ironing. It's something I hate with a passion. *grins*
  9. Wow that is very impressive. The pictures are great and I could probably spend hours gawking at it as well. Thank you for sharing.
  10. *I thought I would die laughing looking at the Gallery photos..I love the snorkeling one and the man in the tree. That is great..Looks like it's a mans sport so ladies no more ironing!*
  11. Definitely Angelina Jolie! She would make a wonderful pirate I think, Sean connery and George Clooney for males...*grins*
  12. My husband dream hops. I too dream in color and what is really funny is that when I dream of death concerning a family member *Mom, Dad, Brother* My Mom and Grandmother would also have it the same night..I have even seen myself die..not a pretty sight...
  13. Scared? Me! Never says I and as for loosing you we could do that but I do love a good hunt and I do not think you would make a great fox! However I am contemplating just what to do with you. *Peels a bannana and toys with it against her lips before taking it deep and biting off the tip* I prefer visual torture than actual hands on!
  14. Arches a brow at Barbados and looks to Gabriel and shakes her head. Hides a grin then sips her drink and sits at a table placing booted feet on it's tabletop.
  15. It would seem so..I wonder where he plans to wear them? *grins* Oh well we have plenty more.
  16. Strolls in to here Ciaran and Blackfoot and laughs, looks to Albatross with a warm smile and bows.."Ye may call me Siren lass and welcome aboard. As Ciaran stated tis for you to buy all who welcome you drinks and Ill take a diet coke to start with. And yes if you hang around here long enough piracy becomes an infaturation. But a most intresting one to be sure. If you have any questions you need only ask and any can assist you. Grammercy for the coke Lass."
  17. Looks to Biker and grins.."Nay but if'n ye stand right over here..*points next to the haplessly tied Mad Matt* We can show you. *grins wickedly*
  18. Welcome aboard Gabriel. Im in the Lone Star State but having several friends in Iowa three of which are EMTS there. Nice to have you aboard and ill have a diet coke. If'n you have nay questions you only need ask and any can help you..
  19. Shakes head and leers.."Well now ye done it. Merry more ice."
  20. I cannot believe I missed it..Did anyone tape it????
  21. "And here I thought ye could not talk..Bad Boy..Bunny ye'll have to flog him and then gag him." :)
  22. *Right away darlin! Rips off his shirt and lights the candles to drip hot wax*
  23. Kendra my little sea sister my thoughts and prayers are always with you..*Big hugs* Let me know if i can do anything. I know I have not been on much my aim is acting up and Im back at work and therapy..But leave me a pm darlin..Im here for you.
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