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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Congrats to ye Charity..Ish so jealous now..That is truly awesome!
  2. Watches Silkie handle the flogger and grins wickedly. "Aye darlin jest like that. Hurt 'Im real good." Waggles brows then grabs a chair to straddle and watch the torture commence.
  3. Congratulations on your latest sucess! I hope that you continue to write many more and shall have to go see if I can find this one as I have not read anything by you yet. Shameful I must confess, yet there you have it. So i will pick it up on Friday. Best Wishes...
  4. Grins with much mischief.."All the better then." Hands Silkie the flogger..Have at 'em lass and have fun whilst ye do it. that be the key to Mast-er and Command-er
  5. Rest ye says? now whar be the fun in rest? Soon Biker ye will be so wound up ye'll sound like a Harley! Takes an icecube and drops it down his shirtfront. "That's just to get started....."
  6. ^ Is extremely charming and polite yet can be quite the rogue and much fun to talk with.
  7. You would not be Vlad the Impaler newly returned would you?
  8. Hmm I kept the last shirt I was stabbed in. the T-shirt has a hole in the back above where your hip is. The gent broke the tip of the blade off in me and the paramedic dug it out and I kept it as a souvenir as well.
  9. C-your wild and crazy A-Damn good in bed. P-You are popular with all types of people. T-you are one of the best in bed. A-Damn good in bed. I-Love is something you deeply believe in. N-Have a big warm heart. S-People think you are so sexy. I-Love is something you deeply believe in. R-You are very hot and sexy! E-You're loyal to those you love. N-Have a big warm heart. O-You love foreplay F-People totally adore you T-you are one of the best in bed. H-You have very good personality and looks E-You're loyal to those you love. P-You are popular with all types of people. O-You love foreplay S-People think you are so sexy. E-You're loyal to those you love. I-Love is something you deeply believe in. D-You have trouble trusting people. O-You love foreplay N-Have a big warm heart.
  10. *Sends over chicken noodle soup, crackers and juice with the movie Grease* Hugs darlin I hope you feel better and soon. And yes Hubby would not take the tree down so I did.
  11. *Sighs* I do not have one..It looks as though I shall have to get one as well..Everyone has really awesome sites..
  12. :angry: Would you believe I am in the process of taking down my christmas tree? it sucks having a broken leg and a 7 foot plus tree. All the stuff from the bottom was taken off but I have to stand on a chair to get to the upper part of the tree and the topper..And Im not supposed to be climbing yet as my femur still has not healed. But Im sick of looking at it already. It's a darned good thing it was fake...otherwise I'd have a corpse tree in me house..
  13. I proposed to my husband.... Edit: Truly Bess? Wow he was like in tons of movies...Lady Godiva for one...
  14. Black Magic Woman...Umm did ye grow two more heads and sets of arms? If not that could be why it's difficult to learn them ALL at once..*sassy grins*
  15. Hmm..I nearly had a peg leg this past summer..Broke my leg in Five places as well as ruptured the artery within it. Still not healed..*sighs*
  16. Hmm..I have never been drunk, done drugs or smoked cigarettes. Im very boring am I not? >.< And Have never cheated on my hubby of 10 years nor would I.
  17. LOL I want the Pirates retreat for me..I would definitley have to grow fins if I had that..
  18. I was searching for murals and ran across this. I know in the past we have had fellow seadogs seeking such so im posting this. Pirate Themed Bedrooms
  19. Maybe they will bring ye back a shirt that says.. Kiss me Im Irish!
  20. *Wrinkles nose..I do not like veggies either cooked or not..Unless they be smothered in sauce. At least the way my family cooks them I do not..But i'd be willing to try some if they sound good. And I absolutely refuse to eat meat on a bone..Sorry just can't put my teeth around it..*
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