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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. It sounds it. Dangit, so not fair, i want to go. However My Mother is flying my daughter and I to California in July close to the Middle or end of the month. Im hoping to have fun as I have never been to California.
  2. OdorlessEye looks grand mate..I love the cannon and resedent now whar did ye find them? And how many doubloons did they be?
  3. *Huggles Rumba and sends her a Victoria's Secret get well package* John that is SO nice to hear. I was beginning to think I was an alien. *grins* I love to sing.
  4. A large pan crust double burger Xtra cheese xtremely lite sauce Pizza! Yum yum
  5. Your gift for words is truly inspiring and I wish I could be so fluent. However things will change for you, you will see when you least expect it. How do I know this, Cause my leg is slowly healing and I have wonderful friends here including you.
  6. Ill have to go and see it then. The last time I went to the movies was to take my wee one to see Charlie and the Choclate Factory.
  7. Now that makes me feel a wee bit better I thought I was totally unusual, I just favor the Europeans..*grins* Ok seriously though I do not like to eat meat on a bone. If it is on a bone or has fat or gristle I wont eat it. Weird I know...
  8. Phil You have quite a way with words. That was very amusing as I cannot put words together like that. ShipWreck that be the whole point. As for what Im doing right now...Getting ready for work on Mother's Day; Hey at least it's a toy store. **LMAO My daughter just shot herself with my cannon and screamed cause she did not know it was loaded! It's a good thing it was a megabloks cannon!*
  9. Im just glad Norrie made it back..And yes I like Norrie *shhhh! *
  10. How was the movie any good? *Do love the name of me ship even if it still be virtual*
  11. Oar ye might get paddled! LOL Paddled with me Oar, Ok I amused myself with that one.
  12. Laughs Truly? So there is another out there with good taste! Hugs jill and dances her about the room
  13. Laughs and swats at Phil with an oar. Be have....Or not
  14. I know but i hate feeling responsible as for your banner I see the new one still. *grins* Ya know Jack, You are quite a gent and ye deserve the best and ye will find it.
  15. *Laughs* I picked up my first cutlass and dagger in a pawn shop. Someone pawned all their SCA weapons so I was lucky.
  16. Im so sorry Jack. I wish I could assist but I cannot. Perhaps I did something to deserve the whole thing but I cannot imagine what it would have been.
  17. Thank ye William. Now we just need some customers. Ties up her skirts and shifts her bodice and goes to work cleaning up the tables and sweeping the floors.
  18. Then Two of the best cooks would reside here. And....Can I play the serving wench?
  19. So did I! my mother would get mad at me cause I would hide under the table to eat the butter. *laughs* I like to eat my french fries with mayonaise. *shrugs*
  20. I like them but I did not see a price for them. And thank you Joshua Red made this for me a while back.
  21. I think they are very nice. I love the trimming.
  22. Truly a man after my heart Desert first! I must be careful around you Mr. Gage but yes that sounds wonderful.
  23. Oh My! Where to start? Mr. Gage tis a right fine honor to know ye be the ships cook. Huggles them both
  24. Poured the grease over your breakfast cereal???? Bacon Pie? Never heard of the critter but I don know a pig i'd like to gullet.
  25. Hugs William. I will take the box and eat it all for you if you wish as of this moment it is either that or wage war.
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