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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Chokes on her fried shrimp and looks to Will, Gage and Ciaran then to herself and blushed.."Are ye talkin to me? if so" Looks about to see if there be any peach juice about and grins "Nope not over here..How bout ye fellows?" she sang out laughingly.
  2. Aye he is gorgeous! Can you imagine what his stud fees will run? If he had won he would be a triple crown winner!
  3. Aye I just read it. Not good for the colt and even with all the surgery he may never run again which is sad.
  4. I do not care for Benardini. And yes I shall do so, he is a great colt, i have seen him run.
  5. Wow..MJ that is serious. Remind me to never go to the tracks with you. So who won? My daughter is playing her gamecube and I missed it.
  6. Hmm..This year I have not been keeping up..Not sure who to bet on..Let me see if I can find out who's running....:) Contenders and Odds Diabolical, Brother Derek and Barbaro. Those are my picks in that order.
  7. And like Caraccioli, Everyone that gets the message all report it.
  8. Hmm I did get that one as well, just recently.
  9. Look under Pirate crews on this site, third topic down. It has a lot of info from groups already founded and those seeking to hire on or start their own.
  10. And I am so excited I wanted to share them..*grins*
  11. Thanks for the Warning Rumba...So far I have not received anything in my e-mail from the Pub nor a pm. Aye Phil I say we find who did it and then make em walk the plank..although a good keelhauling could be in order.
  12. This is the sword I found at the Pawn shop paid $30.00 for it. I need a better pic of it but it looks almost identical to this one.. And this is the dagger paid $35.00 for it but had to have it cause of the mermaids.
  13. ^ Has been made the Commodore of Kitchens everywhere.
  14. I have seen her Picture and she is also very beautiful to boot. *Hats off to ye William that you found one to share in your intrests and fulfill and enrich your life in all ways.*
  15. Kendra you look lovely but then ye always do. Brian is a right fine Pyrate to be assisting ye and he is handsome to. Tempest What weekeds did you attend Scarborough? And as Jim says need a username and pass.
  16. Sneaks in and while Mad Jack is speaking Pilfers the flinter and starts to sneak off then goes back for the tricorn too. Lovely Pics Jack!
  17. Oh What clip arts...I found the treasure chest..*Sirens honor*
  18. Rummy Congratulations! Is so very excited for you!
  19. Aye I heard that Deadlights were referred to as the eyes. This is very intresting and will look at the link as well.
  20. Sealegs if only ye were closer what fun we could have Eh?
  21. Shakira- The Hips Dont Lie and before that the PussyCat Dolls- Buttons...
  22. Poor Mad Jack..Well Perhaps ye were flattering the wrong one.
  23. Flattery gets ye everywhere.."Sorry I made it black and burgandy and gold cause I like Treasure."
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