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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Nay not mistress..Im the Captain! Jack do ye have a pair we can borrow? I really do dislike riding with spurs but I hear they can tickle if used right.
  2. *Choked on me coke but that was funny* Never had a mount named Phil afore. Best check him over before taking him out for a hard ride..*Laughs* *Takes the tub of cool whip *choclate cool whip* and paints his hip with it*
  3. Blimey! Now there be leather? I do so miss riding...What? *looks about innocently*
  4. Don't worry luv the Sea's Serpent will not let him get far *cracks her whip eager to put it to use* Thinks Phil may be a needin a few o these... Afore we start. Takes a tub of cool whip *as I like to have hands on* and licks it off the tip of her finger..Yum yum yum..
  5. Thinks Blue Mermaid needs to lay on the whip cream nice and thick, i do so love a good tasting whip cream...
  6. Phil Are ye being a bad Sailor? For shame..Now ye will have to be punished. I wonder if ye can handle it though?
  7. Hey I watched toons to. G.I. Joe, Thundercats, He-man, She-Ra, Gem, and Loony toons. Although I love Scooby-Doo!
  8. Laughs and thinks the pair of ye have been watching too much Foghorn Leghorn...I like Chip and Dale always arguing over who goes first. And as Porky the Pig always says...'Th..Th..Tha..That's All Folks!'
  9. Shakes head and asks the cooks for Bearded or Shaved clams then resumes sweeping.
  10. 'Of course me hands be talented, I use them for everything!" are ye asking a Siren to sing voluntarily? My oh My ye do seek your doom early do ye not. Very well jest do not blame me when ye get all waterlogged and frow scales. *grins again and begins to sing softly, then with more power voice full of passion and wonder....* Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl The girl who has everything? Look at this trove, treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here, you'd think Sure, she's got everything I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty I've got who's-its and what's-its galore You want thing-a-mabobs? I've got twenty But who cares? No big deal. I want more I wanna be where the people are I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin' walkin' around on those Whaddya call 'em? Oh, feet Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far Legs are required for jumpin', dancin' Strollin' along down the What's that word again? Street Up where they walk Up where they run Up where they stay all day in the sun Wanderin' free, wish I could be Part of that world What would I give if I could live Outta these waters? What would I pay to spend a day Warm on the sand? Betcha on land they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimmin' Ready to stand And ready to know what the people know Ask 'em my questions and get some answers What's a fire, and why does it What's the word? Burn When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love? Love to explore that shore up above Out of the sea, wish I could be Part of that world *could not resist mate!* lyrics are from the Little Mermaid
  11. And just think me medical bills are more than the ship...Hmm, Gypsy does have the solution..Pirates takin from the Boy Scouts...
  12. Nay this game be much closer to home in fact was born right here on the Pub when I tied a poor Captain to the mast. But that be a tale for another day. *Leans over the next table to finish wiping it down then goes back for her broom*
  13. Trust me ye will get both fer sure to my way of thinkin. *Crafty grins, eyes sly* But ye see Mast-er and Command-er be a game. Sets a tankard of Barbados Rum before him with a saucy wink.
  14. *Eyes him and then eyes the column in the center of the room as if it were a mast.* "Apparently he has never heard of Mast-er and Command-er, but if I were ye I'd be careful what ye wish for ye just might get it." grins saucily.
  15. Like Kenny Chesney! Right now listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.
  16. *hugs Christine* looks to Phil innocently and nods yes then laughs at his scribbling and leaves the pair alone to go work on her forum. Captain's Quarters
  17. Not true at all Jill cause I share that boat with you..Why do you think just about all my pics are fuzzy? Although the last few I took were not so bad as long as I did not smile. And im short at only 5'4.
  18. Well Phil it looks like yer getting back to normal. We need christine to really get ye going.
  19. Turns about all feisty and hands go to hips "Ill be servin ye victuals and grog and that be it.* Tosses her head and moves to get him a tankard of rum to start with and brings it to his table. Then winks before moving away and looks to William "Pssst! How was that for me first customer?"
  20. It wasn't me I swear! *Hides scales and fins* my real name -Hard hats turn me on... My Pub name- Lime green shag carpets...... *goes to hide*
  21. La petit morte? Yes well I found out what my illness was as my daughter now has it...Strep throat.
  22. Thank ye Lady Rumba, tis a fine shout out ye gave and yes indeed all are invited to this fine port, stop in for a round or two at least.
  23. Expected to hit the Toys R Us shelves July 10,2006 it is ages 8 an up. Enjoy!
  24. OHH Lavendar scented baby ol..stupd laptop some of me eys do not wor!
  25. Than you Arthur and where be me Naughty Nun garb...
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