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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. *Aye nothing like a braw scottish warrior to tame the wildness in me heart* ^Flattery gets her everywhere!
  2. I would love to go..However someone will have to kidnap me so I can go..
  3. ^ Think I did run into you in Fantasy..Were you not the one being slung over some Highland Laird's fierce steed? Or was that me?
  4. Never been good at flirting. However I do like to help work on cars.
  5. Kin to the Loudon's of Scotland and William Wallace and would love to see a man in a kilt. I have a fantasy of Highland Warriors...
  6. ^ Is not only nice but handsome, Has a Kilt Inspector tank I would love to have on his CafePress and Arabian Horses.
  7. I need to be slaked and satiated in the worst way..*Throws herself into a chair* What's being offered on the menu?
  8. Hell Yeah can never get enough of Jack Sparrow, ohh Kinky Piratical films? *glances to the guys* Seems we made a start. Let them stay tied up and they can hear us all drool and exclaim over Sparrow and Barbossa. Twill be a grand torture methinks.
  9. I do murals but im in Texas. However there should be muralists in your area either online or in the phonebook. They can be pricey as well but sample all their work ahead of time. As for Jolly Roger chairs if you or your wife sew they are quite easy. Your lawn chairs would suffice. Go buy four diffrent Jolly Roger flags and sew them to form slip covers to cover each chair. As for the boat idea if it is too large cut it in half and set it up against a fence and use it that way for an ice chest. Really easy to do. And Harbour Master that is a great idea. If you can find the rope you can also drape it across the top. You'll need an Anchor in there somewhere as well..perhaps as a door stop? And if you are game for it I would search out antique stores for a lantern to place as a centerpiece on your table for nighttime excursions. Add lots of Driftwood for effect.
  10. Hey Bonnie and better late than never, and yes I do believe there is some Irish cream floating around. However I want a MudSlide..Need the choclate right now.
  11. How wonderful..So when is the first Pirate Raid at your house to be???..by the way another idea and I do not know what kind of flooring you have..But someone could paint random gold coins on the floor or make one big one as a sort of centerpiece. Would be intresting. The fourth pic from the top...The one with the fence..I would paint a mural..perhaps a seedy tavern's insides with fellow Pyrates taking their ease and keeping a weather eye open. If you do that seal it really good. Across the top or ceiling I would hand more netting careful of any fixtures such as lights and fans. Find you an old row boat if you have room and make it into a ice chest. For the chairs buy some Jolly Rogers and make slip covers, each a diffrent flag.
  12. Sits next to Christine wearing similar attire and yawns. I brought Rocky Road icecream and brownies. And the new King Kong DVD.
  13. Aye Christine and Im right behind ya...
  14. I did that and Received my mouse. Although I am not using it for it sits on my desk looking pretty. My daughter tries to pilfer it for her own usage. How does one tell a wee one to go get their own toys?
  15. Rumba I too pick them up and bring them home so I must be careful where I tread. All my life I have seen things, heard things, water coming on in the middle of the night, a little girl in a long white nightgown wandering from room to room, men fighting and breaking things. In 1998 My husband and I bought our home in Round Rock, Texas. we are in the historical area and there is a cemetary at the entrance to our neighborhood. In this cemetary the Outlaw Sam Bass is buried along with one of his men. There is also a slave cemetary and it is really sad for they bear no markers of any kind. Ok I was pregnant. We moved in on Halloween night of all times and we closed on the house on the 26th of Oct. The same day my Grandmother was buried. I could not attend her funeral as I was having complications. Anyhow our house started giving me bad vibes. Normally you see things out of the corner of your eyes and dismiss it, this I had never run across. Because I was having so many probs with my pregnancy i often was awake at night or wandering the house..that soon came to a halt. Now I love ghost stories, I always have and growing up with them I still can spook easily. But this was pure evil. The house would get cold, very cold, and it was like someone was watching you. One night about two weeks before Nora was born *around the first of feb.* I was laying in bed and had fallen asleep, the room got very cold and I woke up. There in the hall standing and looking into our bedroom was a man. He was all shadowed and you could see through him, but the feeling of hate he gave off made me shake my husband awake. I was shaking and told him about the "ghost in our house". Not believing in such he searched the house to no avail. After my daughter was born I was up all night with her feeding her and walking the floor with her because she had colic alot. I would sit in my husbands recliner the back of which was faced to the hall. Everynight I could 'feel' him behind me, made my blood run cold. I could feel him wanting to hurt me, had images of him taking my hair and pulling my head back and slitting my throat. I refused to get up and kept Nora in the bed with me till she was three. Then came the breaking of glass. You could look for hours and not find it. And it was loud like a window shattering, doors would open and close. we would go away for a weekend and come home and the house would be quiet. But the guest room and Nora's room would sound like music or a tv was on. It all came to a head one night when my husband went to bed. By this time I had decided I was not going to let a ghost scare me from my home and again wandered the house at night. Apparently My husband grew irritated with who he thought was me in the bed with him. I have a tendency to wiggle my feet if I cannot sleep. He felt the bed shift like somene got in, the covers move then "My feet" wiggle. He rolled over to tell me to quit and surprise nothing was there. I have to laugh here because my husband came to me told me what happened and was set on selling the house in a weeks time. Being Catholic we had a Father come out and bless our home and I received a special blessing as I am a magnet and was told to not pick up anymore spirits or go where they could attach themselves to come home with me. We are still in our home and yes we still have ghosts, Apparently he resides in the guest room because my daughter refuses o sleep without the door closed at night, and will not play in there after dark.
  16. Welcome to the Pub Lass. Watch yer step as there be charming rogues about, and Aye all here can help ye if ye needs it. I do want to warn ye..*looks about* As ye be new tis yer duty to be buying us blokes our first drinks..So Ill take a rum..*holds out her tankard with a smile*
  17. How wicked is that..And you be not that far from me. Im in Texas, Was recently looking over your troupe as well..*grins* Rumba Wet her Nuts?!?!?! My Maiden name come up with General HoneyNutts! Now she sounds cuddly!
  18. Laughs at that..MilkBone undies...What will they think of next? I have not been sick yet..I guess it's cause of all the antibiotics I was given for both my surgeries.
  19. awww..If I submit my real name I get this one... Admiral McBushy So all ye squrells be roundin up ammo..err nuts! My Pirate name gets this one... Furry Crazypaws Im definitely crazy..*grins* Just for Kicks and grins I entered Jack Sparrow...If this does not fit the scallywag I don't know what does. Twitchy Acorn Short of An Oaktree
  20. I love to swing in old tire swings. And play on the see-saws!
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