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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. LOL Why Thank ya Black Jack..ill be sure to tie him up for his mast..ROFL
  2. Aww Marona Thankies lass..*hugs*..Yeah..The spelling bee sneaks up and stings me at least twice every post..Darn bee..*swats it away* Then I get all delirious and stuff... Aye strippers..We need a party going on..Ballons , Cannons, Booty, pirates, Booty, presents, Booty, Food and drink....Have I mentioned booty???
  3. Yum..Can I have some cheesecake..Then we can have a b-day bbq right here at the lagoon.
  4. ROFLMAO..All I can say is Bring it on! Wheeeeee! Throws black and gold confetti...
  5. AWWWWWWW..*blushes* Ye guys are the bestest too..Plunder Me Cherries all around..And Bring on the pirate strippers...
  6. I like this song..Happy Birthday to me..Happy Bithday to me..Happy Birthday Siren..Happy B-day to meeeeee! Yeepers it's me B-day...Now whar be me presents and cake..oh and the pirate strippers?????
  7. Kendra I am not Fathers Favorite..*throws a squid-k-bob at her* You know you are being the baby and all. But all your sea sisters love you. How could we not? However Sheila you are right. As Long as Atlantis lives in our hearts and those who still search for it..It will never be forgotten..And Father says it will be restored to power...someday..And Kendra the only reason I can describe Father so well is cause Im always the one in trouble. I read too much romance, i disappear to play with the dolphins are to explore. Or to visit the surface to frolic in the stormy seas...Aye I am always in trouble..I think I should corrupt you a wee bit..
  8. Welcome back Iron Bess! You have been missed of course..*hugs and snoopy dances*
  9. Sing sing sing went my heartstrings the moment I saw him I fell..He tipped his hat and took a seat..he said he hoped he had not stepped upon my feet..Aye that be the one..I so love that one...And the unsinkable Molly Brown..did you see that one..*asks from around a tree where she was hiding..
  10. LOL Alice would be cute. i dont have to have the wig or the pale skin..I already have them. The first time I dressed up as her and was handing out candy I could not get these teen boys to leave they kept coming back..Hubby finally chased them off. That was hilarious. I also went as Little Red Riding hood. But my fave is Elvira. Although this year if i can..Im going to dress as Capn. Hook and my Daughter will be Tinkerbell..As per Merry's suggestion. Ohhh Goooooeeeeyyyyy...Did I mention I love Gooey..., long walks on the moonlit beach, reading..very avid reader, splashing in puddles, playing in the rain and playing hide and seek at night????? Outside of course.
  11. Christine I loved the musical Singing in the Rain..Gene Kelley is my fave..Did you see him in the one where he was a pirate? He had nice legs..*drools* But then being a dancer he had to have..And I cant remeber the name of that one. I also love Meet me in St.Louis with Judy Garland..Now where was I? oh running...
  12. Doc and you call me naughty..For shame..We all know what big Pirates wish for..Booty, Booty and more booty. I mean that in the nicest way of course. Pyrate Phil your Idea is one that I have been toying with..And I could probably even throw in something from Harbor Master..But I have to keep this one simple. As its for lil ones. Broadside your input was also appreciated..Thanks to ye all and Hugs.
  13. Im writing a story for my daughters kindergarten class. It will be titled The littlest pirates Wish..Could someone please give me ideas on what a little pirate might wish for? Im going to dress as a pirate and go up to her class and read it.
  14. *Stumbles at Merrys words..* Merry you are supposed to be keeping me form being BAD not instigating it with the thoughts my mind conjures when ye speak like that..
  15. LOL Thank you are so smart..Puts on a raincoat..*so do you still win if we be wearing these? Looks like the lasses still win..Looks down at his wet clothes..then smiles..*Aye the lasses still win..Shoots him with another water ballon then laughs and darts away.
  16. ROFL Fine I wont believe it..But I still think you are nice. AS for tigger that used to be me nickname then My snior year we moved and I got a new nickname..Elvira..I hated that name now I love it..it's my cb handle as well. I used to dress up like her for Halloween.
  17. Capn Morgan..Ye are truly a sweet pirate..Thank you 8accepts a piece of the pie back* And you are right..Nothing better than sharing with friends..As for winnie The Pooh..eeyore is my fave..Just want to give him tons of hugs and take his rain cloud away to replace with sunshine..
  18. You go Merry..Umm pie..Shifts to make room for Christine and flips her fins some then looks to morgan with a big grin.."Dont know yet for I have not tasted it..Perhaps cherry or apple or Peach..yum with a peach margarita..Or a cherry with a cherry margarita or it could be a blend..Yum tis apple and nutmeg...Breaks it into quarters and serves her friends each a piece..Tito, Christine, and Capn. Morgan then gives the biggest slice to Merry and scupper to share and takes a little piece from Christines to taste.
  19. Poor Morgan..So very sorry..And those be good ones as well Rofl as for the other..If ye cant take the heat..perhaps you should stay out of the kitchen..*smiles and plants her hands on her hips* Unless ye be up to the challenge of getting your Booty whupped by mere lasses o course?
  20. *No wonder that it's Merry that we love* Just a spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down..the medicine go down, the medicing do down..Fires off two more water balloons at Capn Morgan and runs around the side of the house...
  21. Ohhh Captn Tito..For me.. anice hot Gooooeeeeyyyy pie..yum yum yum. *Slips into the water dives deep heading for the rocks closer to the shore and swims under Captn. Morgan And with a mighty bump of her fins sends him splashing then swims away to haul herself up on the rocks closest to Tito and the pies...Looky Christine a pie..Wanna share one with me?
  22. Gets wetter as the water ballon hits..and squeals cause it was cold* Then spins about eyes flashing and takes aim..Thwack..New arrow right cheek..to match the one on his forehead but the suction does not stick making it slide and fall off.. Morgan ye are very BAD..Where be me Ruler...
  23. *blushes and clamps her hands over her ears while grinning palyfully then splashes Scupper and Merry slightly with her tail..* Thought ya'll could use a cool down before a melt down..Now Where did me Barrkeep wander off to...I need to be showin him this frozen monkey tail and finding intresting things to do with it..
  24. now that be an intresting dream...Rushes from the ice cave and back into the sea...
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