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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. *tilts head to look at Capn Morgan...8 So ye admidt to being a spy Eh? Well then Ill have to torture ye and make ye confess. Quickly shackles Morgan to the cabinet door handles.* Now then where was I? Oh yes..Takes a feather and runs it along her face and lips then lower..*shivers slighty* Then moves closer to him and runs the feather over his face and lips..and lower.....Watches him closely then smiles and walks to the table to sit and calls Christine and MerryD and the others to help torture Capn Morgan...
  2. *stumbles to a shocked skid seeing Capt. Morgan slide past her to crash into the cabinets...Falls to her knees beside him..* Are you ok? Then looks out the window to see Redd and shakes her head..Naughty naughty naughty..I think we'll have to come up with a new torture for spies..*grins in mischief*
  3. *humming heads for the kitchen to turn up the radio and dances in the kitchen before giving up and sliding across the large floor in her socks*
  4. Comes back from her shower still slightly damp and tosses long wet hair over her shoulder* Intresting..Here try my camera..Pirates gone Wild..If that stuff be that Good MerryD..I think I need to be trying some of that.
  5. Wow Im with all of you..Eisner needs to walk the plank for sure..But no shot..He can starve to death on some little Isle..As for the way depp portrayed Jack..I think it wasfunny and very cunningly portrayed..Most see Jack as a drunk and kinda weird..Personally I saw him as allowing people to see him the way he wanted to be seen..Makes him very cunning. But Back to Eisner..He needs to be thrown out. And fast.
  6. Pulls his ear to scrub behind them then soaps her hands to scrub his back...Perhaps MerryD you should have made it rose scented..ROFL..The other gents would get a kick out of that..Just teasin ye Morgan after all ye did call me lovely at the hot tub and bring me a hurricane...And ye did nickname me Roberta Hood..How can I resist so charming a rogue..*sighs and playfully flutters lashes*
  7. Well me fellow Amazon pirate lasses..it seems we make a good team. Perhaps we should keep him and tie him to the mast..just for grins of course..Tell me Capn Morgan..Be ye ticklish..*starts laughing*
  8. As Capt Morgan came back in she strolls over to the door and smiles as he wishes he had brought his digital camera..She was tempted to throw a pillow at him just for fun. *picking through the cd's on the stnad by the door scowls at his next words..seeing him rum quickly closes and locks the front door and grabs her nerf Archery set..Rapidly loading and firing admidst flying confetti she looks t o see she has once more nailed the good Captain..* Roberta Hood at your service.*.bows at the waist to him before laughing and scampering over to the other girls..*
  9. Aye me too that be bad..But why dont ye sit down here and see if any scallywags be brave enuff to model their lingerie?
  10. I checked on those posters..From what i gathered this is an artist and he makes them based on what he hears..And I have heard they were toying with the name The Lost abyss..but he is using old pics so nothing new...LOL Also..I think They should name it The Poesidon or The Black Pearl..And angelina Jolie could play the Captain of the Poesidon and Claim her ship superior and try to sink the Pearl..ROFL..Oh well just a thought..
  11. A big RASBERRY? Umm I think Ill pass..Tosses her pillow at MerryD and heads for the kitchen..No sherbert..i want the calories..i have earned them so give me a super big bannana split..hot fudge, whipped cream. nuts and several cherries..
  12. Oh I dont know..I bet the rogues and scallywags here bouts would disagree with ye..*big grin*
  13. Cough cough..I think he meant yer pic with the blade..Ill just sit here and watch the mens fashion show..When they not be to shy to show..ROFL
  14. That would be quite a commute would'nt it..i can see it now..But ye did say the Bldg be haunted..Id spend more time searching for the ghosties than answering phones..Perhaps I should be a ghost buster..oh well Tosses her pillow at Christine. Pillow Fight!!! Grabs another pillow and tackles Christine with the pillow.
  15. Nothing at all Eh? Well now I believe we have quite run the gamut of skivvies..Now which of ye gents wats to be the first to start trying things on???? And the POTC soundtrack would be awesome..
  16. Lady B I thought we decided we were just going to show up in garb..Oh well Can I be Johhny Depp..nay not him..Jack Sparrows Body Guard???? Pleaseeee???
  17. I sure do wish I be close enough to watch em film it..Aye I think im going to do that..Wear pirate garb and invade the theaters..Can you imagine the newspaper headings around the U. S. " Pirates invade the theaters and in more ways than one!" That would be so funny.
  18. Ill have to remeber that..Doc already says I be incorrigable..now due to me postage it says I be a notorious pirate..Im thinking ill need me black Jolly Roger Corset soon..Then I can be A notoriously Naughty Pirate. And Aye I may have to learn all this intigue stuff..My skills be sorely lacking indeed..As for the earlier comments on Sundaes..Ill be makin mine a bannana split.. :)
  19. All three of em..ROFL..Iron Bess I have to hand it to ye..I may have to take up maughtiness lessons from ye as well..
  20. i had some daunting nes this morning..the resume I turned in..they are going to hold it till perhaps after the new year...it was part time hours and in the area my daughter would be in school..Now Ill have to find somewhere else..*sighs* So now not only does Nora start school monday leaving me alone for the first time in five years with loose ends the job I was counting on has fallen through..Can a person be anymore depressed?
  21. Hope your Day is special and filled with good friends good food and rum..And of course a pirate party would not be complete without Booty..*winks devilishly and presents a cake of..A booty* Hope you enjoy..Best wishes!
  22. Iron bess I should be knowin not to read yer posts with me mouth full of drink..my poor keyboard be all wet. That be funny lass. Hmm...I think it would be nice to see a man in an eye patch..and nothing else...
  23. Where did ye see the poster???
  24. Iron Bess ye so dont know how me Imigination be running away with what ye not be tellin...*sighs*..But I so cant wait..that be the hardest part. And I almost have me hubby convinced that when the sequel comes out in the theaters to dress in pirate garb to attend its showing..so excited..Christine I wish you could go with us if we do..Well all of me brethren...can ye imagine the looks???
  25. Aye we be talkin Sundaes...And A ganglplank works wonders..as well as the welcome aboard tattoo if it be placed strategically o' course.
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