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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Sheila my ears are burning..and it really melted butter..Hmm Ill have to learn that technique.
  2. Nope it be me first..Umm butter I love the way melted butter smells *drops silky sheet to reveal silky black mickey mouse boxers and a black fitted tank top..Moves to the kitchen barefoot* What can I do to help besides turn up the radio and watch or provide the wine..*sticks her finger in the melted butter and tastes it* Yummy
  3. Aye it just seems a shame that they wear out so fast..Damn shame that is..*le sigh*
  4. umm Lobster never really had Lobster a fore..Continues to sing..Ohh lets turn on the radio...Hmm Breathe is playing..*drapes a silky sheet about her and sings breathe while christine catches the lobster*
  5. That be true...A lass has to get her jollies somewhere ye are absolutely right about that..*grins wickedly8 mayhaps if the less dependable did not wear out so easily..
  6. LOL Stands up and gets another couple of bottles and tosses one to Christine then using hers as a microphone sings.."This kiss this Kiss!" I love that song Dances about with her bottle of wine. Mayhaps we should booby trap the place..in case he comes back..like a bucket of water over the door? Or Micro mini cars or marbles under the windows. lOL What say ye? *laughs and winks*
  7. LOL I did not want to get to technical. about Dependable weaponry that is..
  8. lOL Aye..it was funny. I guess Captain Morgan has not spoken with him about our war..and calling me Roberta Hood Pulls out a bottle of wine..To us lass Take what we can and give nothing back..well maybe a little..*Tilts bottle and drinks deeply then passes bottle to christine while laughing..*
  9. *Laughs all the harder as he still kisses Christine..* Shakes her head at him..Nay not me..*giggles* if ye thought Christine was bad..Have I got a surprise for you.... *falls from the chair laughing*
  10. *doubles over laughing..* Aye Christine ye go first..Ill just watch over here where it be safe from ..fumes...*still laughing goes to sit in the corner and watch to see Chris's reaction.
  11. Intresting I told Lady B and MerryD I want a corset made from a Jolly Roger Flag and embroideried on the back..Take this Jolly Roger! LOL I thought it was cute.
  12. * blows animal a kiss with a saucy wink..* Night Animal...KK ladies time to be wicked..What be next?
  13. Hey now..Some like the nuns habit..And the barkeep..weel what can I say he's not married and is safe to play with...But thank ye..I do try to be entertainin..
  14. ok..im really not crazy..well ok maybe a little..But ye Christine are really crazy..Ill have to take lessons..Doc already says I be incorrigable..lol I like that word..BIG...and very descriptive..
  15. Christine ye are a nutter lass..Scottish word there..means crazy...
  16. hdgene sadly I have never been to Florida..im in the gulf..The great lone star state..But closer to the hill county than my beloved coast where I practically spent every summer..Wither crystal beach riding horses on the beach or in Galveston..But I miss the hurricane parties here..
  17. Well tis a known fact that a naked blade be cold..Saw no point in mentioning it being naked..
  18. Dances down the beach..Whee Storms a comin..Anyone up for a little party..Hurricane parties are the best..ok this is weird but I LOVE storms..just something in the air that seems to energize me
  19. Aye I guess we could..it be well known all men have a sword..no point in keep repeating it eh? Nice big pointy and sharp..Aye beware ye dont hurt yerself on dem swords.. :)
  20. Hmm Well we cant be havin em change religions..i have no use for eunuchs. lOL Think Ill just stick to me football jersey. It be long and billowy enough..
  21. Naked with a sword? And that dont scare off the gents? Hmmm..I may have to try that one..
  22. For shame on ye christine..LOL not knowin anything about it Eh...Then how would ye be knowin it ends up on the floor says I? Well it be true it ends up on the floor..personally I dont like the stuff...I prefer silk boxers and a skil camisole top..or a football jersey...But that be me preferences...
  23. Ohh I kinda like the savvy pirate..Ill have to be thinkin about that one..*smiles in wicked delight*..
  24. Merryd night help?...Me wee fabricated barkeep be night help..Well I cant be arguing I guess..So ill call him....MINE!
  25. LOL Perhaps show a wee bit of leg..Aye that might work..*tosses two pieces of eight in his hat...*
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