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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. jroger_color.jpg

    Here is mine!! Right now it is just a color sketch, (Thanks to Master Studley and Captain MacNamara)

    Ps He also did the signature art!!

    Kendra I be right Jealous..I can see Ill have to get on the ball with me own flag and make it better. Perhaps get my Dad to help with the artwork for it as he is an artist as well. *rubs hands together*

  2. Thanks for the info. I work for Toys R Us and was hoping to get My job to have fun on Talk Like a Pirate Day. And also we have a theater in our shopping strip. Thus Im trying to get info quickly to my managers so they can review what I have and go from there.

    And too I was hoping that if there were any pirates intrested that reside in the Austin or surrounding areas that they might be intrested in dressing up and scurrying to me store and lettin kiddies know about Pyracy and such. But Im still workin on it..Any other ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated.

  3. A while back there was a thread on the site and im thinking it was here but now I cant find it..Anyhow it was telling how to get theater's involved in a POTC interactive movie. Can someone send me the info or know where it was located?



  4. True Barbie has come up with the my Scene dolls and even introduced the Cali girl barbie with much nicer hair but the feet are ugly. However they are coconut scented.

    and as for Bratz being slutty look at Barbie and Ken who are now divorced and she is with River or whatever his name is..What kind of message does that send to kids?

    Either way I think both sets of dolls have problems.

  5. Actually Bratz dolls are very popular and are taking over Barbie to some extent. I work for Toys R Us and We get more Bratz through the line than Barbie.

    However some moms don't like the dolls and call them slutty. I did buy the Yasmin doll and have her sitting on my monitor.

    Sorry guys but looks like Bratz are here to stay.

  6. True and vice versa. Takes respect and loyalty on both sides of the fence. Me I have respect and loyalty in spades. Actually perhaps a bit to much. *sighs*

    But While my hubby may not be a pirate and we have had our ups and downs he is my prince and he is all mine! Just wish I could get him in pirate garb. Or Zorro..he would make a stunning Zorro...*huggles the image of pirates and Zorro..highlanders, outlaws, kinghts...hmm I better stop*

  7. Hooves pounding the sand could be heard as the stallion black as the deepest shadows of hell cast forth slipping from the shadows as if made from them. Seeing the others ahead she slowed the stallion who resisted and fought the bit rearing high before landing and spinning about to settle placidly. Nares flared and deadly teeth could be seen before velvet lips slid back into place.

    Flutes laid low atop his poll lost in the heavy crimped mane. Patting his neck she slid off his back and smiled at everyone. "evening. How goes every one? And ill definitely take one of those smores!" "Merry and Scupper are you a site for my eyes or what? I wish I could do more for ya Merry..Truly I do. Produces a bottle of wine and hands it over. To the best friends a mate could have..drinks all around says I!"

  8. :P Looks to Laura and winks then studies her nails looking bored..'Aye ye must lick...it...All...Up! And nice and slow..Smiles in mischief. If I were you id get busy..that be quite a workout fer yer tongue..hopefully ye can still talk when it be over.. :P
  9. Laughing and diving as MerryD comes after her on her inflatable ship she surfaces to see merry and Scupper and quietly swims closer and splashes Merry and Doc and a little on Scupper..8Sorry Scupper..I was aiming at Merry and Doc and ye are standing too close* With a big smile dives again and finds a quiet spot to emerge so that she will dry and gain her legs.

  10. *Dances about in the sand* Now for some mischief..*hides Docs clothes behind some dense foliage..sees christine about to swim and overhears Merry and Scupper..Then runs across the sand to dive into the surf and fins sprout and she pushes hard against the current heading to open sea..Then pops back up..* Nay Chris..the wate be fine luv..come on in. Hiya Doc! long time no see..*grins with mischief*

  11. :ph34r::huh::huh: Aye but there be a lot to clean up and he might get a tummyache and have to quit. Then WE would have to clean it up..No way says I..But I will watch and gladly..*waves a hand about*..Come on Marine..Show us what ye gots!
  12. Well its been awhile since I was there. They used to have a dragon that breathed Fire atop the wall..That would be good as it is close to the entrance.

    I wont be there till Saturday unfortunately..And agian I may not dress up..We'll have to see..Any one else have suggestions?

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