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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. :blink: You go Merry..Umm pie..Shifts to make room for Christine and flips her fins some then looks to morgan with a big grin.."Dont know yet for I have not tasted it..Perhaps cherry or apple or Peach..yum with a peach margarita..Or a cherry with a cherry margarita or it could be a blend..Yum tis apple and nutmeg...Breaks it into quarters and serves her friends each a piece..Tito, Christine, and Capn. Morgan then gives the biggest slice to Merry and scupper to share and takes a little piece from Christines to taste.
  2. :blink::lol::lol: Poor Morgan..So very sorry..And those be good ones as well Rofl as for the other..If ye cant take the heat..perhaps you should stay out of the kitchen..*smiles and plants her hands on her hips* Unless ye be up to the challenge of getting your Booty whupped by mere lasses o course? :lol:
  3. *No wonder that it's Merry that we love* Just a spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down..the medicine go down, the medicing do down..Fires off two more water balloons at Capn Morgan and runs around the side of the house...

  4. Ohhh Captn Tito..For me.. anice hot Gooooeeeeyyyy pie..yum yum yum. *Slips into the water dives deep heading for the rocks closer to the shore and swims under Captn. Morgan And with a mighty bump of her fins sends him splashing then swims away to haul herself up on the rocks closest to Tito and the pies...Looky Christine a pie..Wanna share one with me?

  5. Gets wetter as the water ballon hits..and squeals cause it was cold* Then spins about eyes flashing and takes aim..Thwack..New arrow right cheek..to match the one on his forehead but the suction does not stick making it slide and fall off.. :blink::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    Morgan ye are very BAD..Where be me Ruler...

  6. *blushes and clamps her hands over her ears while grinning palyfully then splashes Scupper and Merry slightly with her tail..* Thought ya'll could use a cool down before a melt down..Now Where did me Barrkeep wander off to...I need to be showin him this frozen monkey tail and finding intresting things to do with it..

  7. Personally i like the idea...Boarding ships in pirate garb..running a ship for dives and having a place to celebrate B-Days and Weddings..Something wonderful..Like my dream Island with resort and a pyrate festival year round..with ships that offer cruises and such..Aye tis a fine dream...

    As for the wench..Im looking for a job...Can start today. :lol:

  8. Sometimes one has to sit and moan to think of the direction we want our lives to take. And Aye I will swim with ye..As for the coming storm..I embrace it..Nothing like a good storm to make ye feel alive..as for William..*grins wickedly and slips into the water*..Have no fear of sharks..me friends the dolphins are all about this cove...

  9. Marona lass you are more than welcome..And if ye need help staying afloat tis why ye have yer pirate brethren..To help ye keep morale up. Now ye can come over here and the Siren will listen if ye just need to blow off steam..Im good at listening. Leaps from the water flips her tail and pats the rock next to her.

  10. Siren says thanks to Scupper winks at MerryD and splashes Cpan Morgan with her fins before laughingly darting below the waters surface. Then comes back up near Christine and beckons her to come swim..Then looks about for the sea splashed Capn Morgan..

  11. 'Incoming" comes a yell followed by a thwack..A nerf arrow protrudes for tween Capn Morgans eyes..*Boldly steps around the door..Hmm The way I remeber it the lasses won..And it be too late for the nerf arrows..Whee Roberta Hood 1 point! Then sees the super super super soaker and squeals running off into the yard.

  12. Wow Rogue MacRoegan Im married as well. my hubby is lenient in some things but I love to write. I too am on Pan historia and here and I have a pirate rp game. Hubby gets mad cause im on the comp so much..But it does ease me to be able to write and create. And unlike you who help I still have to do everything..clean house laundry cook give our daughter her bath feed our animals get our daughter ready for school take her to school and pick her up and take the trash out..And sometimes I have to cut the yard or help work on the cars which I dont mind..I actually enjoy helping him..But I do feel overwhelmed sometimes and thus my escape. And I support him in all his endeavors yet He does not fully reciprocate. But I agree. Dont look it will find you.

  13. Hears Master studley and breaks away from Wilfrid laughing..Then spinning about in the water her head tilted back to watch the stars..Then she continued to playfully frolic.

  14. *Rolls her eyes sneaking by Christine* Twas not dumperd on her but sprayed..Like this*Takes bottle and shakes it up to spray Christine and William* Be ye awake Good William..If not I have more..* Then scampers away laughing*

  15. ROFL at Seeing the Walrus give mouth to mouth then sees Olaf coming and grins yet pushes back to sea..Then waves at William..Hmm I think I can hadle that..swims about flipping her fins and leaping from the water then diving back.

    :D:D Seeing Wilfrid the Walrus looking all alone she called to him teasingly and laughed as he headed her way. She swam to meet him and grabbing his cute little face gave him a smackeroo..Thats for saving Master Studley...What a handsome fellow ye be..And so brave..she crooned to the lovable beast. :D:D

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