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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. i had some daunting nes this morning..the resume I turned in..they are going to hold it till perhaps after the new year...it was part time hours and in the area my daughter would be in school..Now Ill have to find somewhere else..*sighs* So now not only does Nora start school monday leaving me alone for the first time in five years with loose ends the job I was counting on has fallen through..Can a person be anymore depressed?

  2. Iron bess I should be knowin not to read yer posts with me mouth full of drink..my poor keyboard be all wet. That be funny lass. Hmm...I think it would be nice to see a man in an eye patch..and nothing else...

  3. Iron Bess ye so dont know how me Imigination be running away with what ye not be tellin...*sighs*..But I so cant wait..that be the hardest part. And I almost have me hubby convinced that when the sequel comes out in the theaters to dress in pirate garb to attend its showing..so excited..Christine I wish you could go with us if we do..Well all of me brethren...can ye imagine the looks???

  4. hmm im gonna take this one too

    !. Are ye intrested in Booty? Hell yes..*cough cough* I mean yes.

    2. Do ye like to feel the Booty after ye looted it? *ROFL* Yes

    3. Do you believe all Treasure be Silver and Gold mate?Yes

    4. Are ye savvy enough to handle yer looted booty?umm..Yes

    5. Parrots or monkeys fer yer Pet? Which do ye prefer? Parrots

    6. If your holds are already bursting with swag does a little bit of shine matter to ye? Yep

    7. Do Ye share yer Booty? no way it be all MINE!!!

    8. What do ye prefer to spend yer loot more on, booze or pleasurable company? pleasurable Company o course.

    9. Do ye believe in Take what ye can and give nothing back? Or do ye leave a tip?Give nothing back..

    10. Have ye threatend me before? (me as in the magazine)No

    Hmm me score is....33 points..I be a Pirate..And A master Booty Looter..

  5. hmm lets see here.."Ten Ways to Looty the Booty"

    !. Are ye intrested in Booty?

    2. Do ye like to feel the Booty after ye looted it? *ROFL*

    3. Do you believe all Treasure be Silver and Gold mate?

    4. Are ye savvy enough to handle yer looted booty?

    5. Parrots or monkeys fer yer Pet? Which do ye prefer?

    6. If your holds are already bursting with swag does a little bit of shine matter to ye?

    7. Do Ye share yer Booty? :lol:

    8. What do ye prefer to spend yer loot more on, booze or pleasurable company?

    9. Do ye believe in Take what ye can and give nothing back? Or do ye leave a tip?

    10. Have ye threatend me before? (me as in the magazine)

    Now remember ye must answer these honestly..*giggles*

    For every yes ye get three points..

    For every no ye get 1 point...

    If ye say Parrot four points..Monkey gets 2..dirty creatures

    Booze is five points and Pleasurable company be 12 points.

    Nothing back 10 points..Leave a tip..ye must be addled..0 points for tips.

    30 points or more..Pirate

    30 -25 points..Ye Scallywag...

    25 or less..Bilge rat....

  6. Iron Bess Thank ye for yer help..I tried to find the book again to no avial..The Woman was a mortal and could only be mortal to summon the water stallion. At least according to that book..But you know as well as i do that lore gets twisted. So your version would probably be more correct than mine. But the stallions name was definitely Taran..May be short for a longer name. As for the hurrican..it's been a while since we had a good one..We got hit by Hurrican Bonnie a while back and it was a doozy. And it looks like this one is creeping up on our coast. All ye pirates in Florida..Batten down yer hatches...

  7. *sticks her tongue out..* Aye lots of brightly colored rugs..White sheers for the curtains..a parrot or monkey and lots of pirate booty..I mean Men..ROFL I meant Men honest..The Booty just sort of slipped right out there..Hmm look at this article ten ways to looty the booty..take the quiz..Aye lets..Christine come here so we can quiz ya on this topic..ROFL

  8. That be awful sweet of Privateer to help light me candles and torches..A sweet rogue to be sure..im thinkin men have more sides than they claim we women do. *Aye Christine..Dance eh? very well turn the salsa music up..And let us dance..* purrs the comment and spins Christine about..

  9. *sighs* I wish i was going as well. I miss the sea..I miss the storms..As for the story im not sure..the stallion was gray and named Taran. So it could be..But supposedly it could only be summoned from the sea by a woman.

  10. Privateer there be plenty to eat..including bread and cheese..Ohh I think Ill go out and light the tiki torches by the pool and set out candles and eat out there..Too bad me Barkeep not be here though. *gets off the couch and with a sassy glide moves outdoors checking for any lingering males.

  11. Magic Iron Bess? Hmm perhaps I should have been a sorceress instead of a mere Siren..That sounds appealing...Isnt it Irish folklore that has a woman conjuring a raging stallion from stormy seas..or something to that effect?

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