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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Shakes her head at Morgan's nonsense and lookts to Zor then starts coughing at the smoke grabs fan to blow smoke away* At least it was'nt a stink bomb..Now me Id be throwing those..*grins slyly*..Ladies I think we may have to wage war

  2. *gives a saucy wink to Capn Morgan as he speaks then watches him leave.* Aye I think I want one on me Belly Button..Then I can tell him I can make the sun rise..whee..Aye I want one. Can ye do it MerryD?

    *Looks to Zorq as he enters with movies and laughs while pointing a finger to the door. Then wiks to him as well* Laughs at Constance and Christine..Aye it was bound to happen good thing we werent in our skivvies and having a pillow fight..*Tosses a pillow at Christines head and then one at constance and MerryD*

  3. :ph34r: oh that be a good idea..Did ye bring any henna. I have seen that done..Simply beautiful that be..And aye a tattoo would be cool..Perhaps a cyber tattoo..But I dont know of what or where..perhaps me ankle..I still want the trident about me ankle..
  4. "slaps Christines hands away.." Nay mine be pierced since I was 7. Only one set..And no i need nothing else pierced..well maybe me belly button..but I need to think about that one..ROFL

  5. As for ouija boards..Had a free day off from Track practice..We were all in the gym and some of the girls had the board and wanted to play..I felt funny so I moved to sit in the middle of the gym floor with Brenna a good friend of mine..We were talking and had a basketball sitting between us in the middle of the floor. It rolled out by itself..We got up and ran bleachers..

  6. Ill give it a go..As for ouija boards..Forget it..I wont go with five inches of one..not now not ever..I have enough hauntings..

    *Tosses pillow at christine..* That is for Drinking me choclate shake at the hot tub when me brother tossed me into the pool.

    *sits down on the floor and rubs hands together..*I did try a seance once with some friends..All the candles blew out..needless to say there was also bad weather that night and my moms friend had to work nights..So already scared we all took turns reading a stephen king novel with all the lights out in the house but the living room..We scared ourselves silly that time.

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