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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. OHHH Christine I be so jealous..you got to try on the ring he wore...Aye id like pictures too..So I can see all the stuff..I dont think I would ever have left..Id have become a wee ghostie haunting the prophouse fer sure..

  2. Thanks Redd I just may take ye up on that offer..I need to get some illustrations done for some of these childrens books and stuff..I thought it be easy with the paint program but it keeps stumpin me...ROFL..But I have not give up yet... :ph34r:

  3. Thanks William but I still be jealous...Id like to be good enough to make a cartoon pic of my charry Siren coming from the sea clothed as a pirate with knee length black hair swirling about her...And vivid blue green eyes. Aye someday ill be good enuff to do that..I hope. I have a paint program that so far I ve yet to make heads or tails of..But Im working at it slowly but surely...

  4. Wow William yer art be good...im jealous...Im working on a story right now and I cant get the illustrations right...But it is a fantasy type for teens and young adults...And I have several for smaller children as well..my fave is one I wrote called Murky the MonkeyMaid...my daughter loves monkeys and mermaids so I created a story fer her as a babe...She still loves it..

  5. LOL Doc you work is awesome and ye be knowin it.. ;) Im still waiting fer the sloop ye be doing..And Aye these mates have real talent..mine is just for kicks and grins..they look much better after a couple a bottles of rum...

  6. I sing of course..I was in a country band at 17 and nearly signed a contract but I backed out at the last minute..my Grandmother who raised me was very ill had heart attacks all the time and my Grandfather was dying of cancer..It just wasnt the right time for me...now I only sing about the house doing me chores and have kinda grown into stage fright...No instuments although hubby plays guitar, bass, keyboard, piano, flute, altosax and drums. So there ya have it.

  7. ohhh that is good. I havent drawn in ages..I used to be good cause I did murals and I have not drawn in about two years or so and I be rusty..i did do a pirate lass but im not sure Ill put her up. Not happy with her..And too I have to see something to draw it and she was all freehand and imagination. Ill think about putting her up...lol

  8. Captain Jim-sib I laughed so hard at your post..I would have loved to see any ducks face that got Broadsided by a canon..even a minitaure one. Or the cannon on the land shark blowing 13,000 dollars all to hell would be good too. Hell I could start savin fer me island hideaway with 13,000 dollars. That is someone who is way to rich with way to much time on there hands..perhaps we should sail to his isle and be pilferin his stuff...

  9. I be liking the idea of a patchwork coat. And I love the Quilt..How long did it take to make..That would be perfect for a baby pirate and his room or her room..Hell for me room. I painted a mural of greece on the wall facing me bed..I tis done from a balcony and overlooking the village and the sea with mountains in the distance...I can almost feel the breezes and smell the scents..I have murals on almost all my walls. i love to create but sewing is beyond me...But i do be lovin that quilt...

  10. As long as Depp and Rush are in it..I dont care who else be in it..Well the Commodore as he was kinda cute fer a military man..Wonder what would happen if he ran across a lovely pirate captn..Would he take her in..or would she lure him to her world?

  11. Oh aye...We normally do a Halloween block party for the kiddies..I usually go as Elvira..But this year im thinkin Pirates...A haunted treasure walk and so forth..and pirates leaping out of the shadows at the kiddies..This year I think it should be more adult geared as well...And I love the Ship..Ill definitely be lookin fer this.

  12. Ah well I be thinkin ye kindly fer yer offer and the drink..Perhaps we could band together and terrorize the Texas coast. I feel a change in the wind says I..What say you crimsoncrow? Band together and Ill not be tying ye to any masts nor torturing ye with feathers. :)

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