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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Aye I agree..I dont think you have done anything wrong and If I find the bloody blighter Ill have his guts fer garters..ye can bet your best boots on that to be sure. And AS Lady Barbossa said I cant wait for the next one. I dont want any info unless depp comes to Austin..Then Ill beg...ROFL

  2. If you need sponsors and the like try going to travel agencies and some of the larger cruise lines..My dad used to have a skit but it was cowboy stuff and he was on the news and in the paper and had sponsors roll in that way as well...I hope that helps.

  3. Born as Tristan Grey in 1643. Her parents were of noblitiy. Her Father an English Earl and her Mother an Italian Contessa. Before her grandafther died he refused to acknowlege Tristans mother because although of noble birth Gypsy blood ran hot through her veins. Since the Grandfather refused to acknowlege his wife he gave up the title and moved to Galveston and began working in politics.

    Parents died when she turned 11. Her uncle became her guardian and the current Governor of Galveston wished for the young beauty to wed his son when she was of age. He had seen her and heard her sing at a dinner party shortly before her parents death and was entranced by her blossuming beauty. But she defiantly said no. Her uncle enraged tossed her out into the night. Cold, scared and hungry she roamed for nearly a week. Then she could stand it no more..her stomach was so hungry..She began to sing. Soon a hand was clapped over her mouth and she wa hauled aboard a ship and into a cabin and was released and told to sing again..She did. From them on she became known as The Siren and Peg Leg Red became her adopted father and he taught her everything about pyracy. At his death by the Govenor who hunted her she became Captain of the Seas Song Peg Legs Ship and her own Sloop Poesidon. Now she eludes The evil Governor by staying one step ahead of him..But recently he offered gold for her to be captured and brought back alive..For his mistress...

  4. Im thinkin those pictures help a great deal aye..And I be loving that leopard print bed cover no puns intended. And aye Red..That be mighty expensive land for a look-a-like..Has to be saving a lot fer something like that..Best be startin me savings then...

  5. I have read in a book that in certain instances sails were made wet to increase the speed of the vessel? Is this true? And if so when could that have been useful or rather what kinds of weather conditions and what speed could they really get from a maunuver? Another knot or two? _The Siren

  6. :lol: Me loves the letter mate..Aye what woman would not want her vera own pirate to be swinging her over his shoulder and having his wicked way with 'er..But me hubby has back problems :o so before ye be sending this note...I think Ill see if he needs a nanny or a maid..Although On another note..Personally I really liked his gold teeth..Do you think guys would put a bit of shine there? And It would be intresting to see the next movie and make sure all his gold teeth are where they are supposed to be..I mean that he does'nt mix 'em up..As fer the Island...Yeppers..I'll be talking to me hubby about that..i heard he bought an estate in England too while filming the libertine.
  7. This is'nt a place pirates feared but in Corpus Christi next to the U.S.S. Lexington there is a small resteraunt named Blackbeards that is haunted by a ghostly pirate..It always smells in there and sometimes things just fly off the walls for no reason. might be intresting to get the full history behind that. There's a place in New Orleans as well but I cant remember off hand..Ill have to look it up but it's on their haunted Halloweens tour. The Pirates alley or something like that..

  8. Wow That is awesome..I love it. I think you did a great job and I too love the beading..Any pirate would be honored to wear such garments. As for sewing...Grr..Im not good at all..I try hard though. My Grandmother could look at anything a dress in a window or a pattern she found and could go home and using old newspapers make a pattern..She never had to use a *What she calls a Doll Form* to make sure her patterns were right. To this day my Mom who is a good sewing person and I have yet to understand the magic she wielded in her needles. But anyone that tries to do something such as historical garments and make them come out like the Waistcoat and Jacket has twelve thumbs up...

  9. I dont think I would. It would definitely take some getting used to. But if you were raised in that time period you would not know any diffrent..Now if for some reason you got clobbered on th' head and woke up in that time period..Now that would be hard..but you do what you have to to survive..

  10. Ok Im thinking that he may be alive. He was cursed when he took the coin And was sent to the deep of Davy Jones locker..But he cant die. he is tied to a cannonball attached to his bootstraps..im thinking that maybe he could still get some moonlight wherever he may have landed turned into a skeleton and slipped free of his bonds and his boots and made it to shore. Or something..And Aye Jack is a sneaky devil..But me likes it.

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