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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Laughingly says Think so Do ya..then sinks below to swim beneath him and bumps him powerfully with her tail only to make him sink as she swims off with powerful strokes of her fins.

    Then surfaces to smile impishly at him pushing dark hair from her face.

  2. Siren seeing him coming laughingly splashes water at him to keep him at bay. Then Dives deep beneath the waves to frolic and watches carefully as he wades out then swims close to him spraying water upn him before darting away.

    Then overhearing Scupper feels tears come to her eyes and starts singing Bella Notte..

    Oh this is the night..

    Such a beautiful night

    And they call it Bella Notte..

    Looks around for Master studley and gives him an impish grin flipping her fins at him..

    Look at the Skies

    so many stars in their eyes

    On this lovely Bella Notte.

    Side by side with your loved one

    You'll find enchantment here.

    The Night will weave it's magic spell

    when the one you love is near..

    For this is the night

    and the heavens are right..

    On this lovely....

    Bella Notte...

    Slips back into the warm waters to frolic and splashes William and Master studley again..

  3. It be a magical place indeed. The palace itself has long since been covered with colored coral. Shades of pinks and golds..reds and blues. Jelly fish illuminate the darkness with ever changing color. The sea is quieter here..reverent. Many merfolk live here. All diffrent and as unique as humans. The city itself is large and Poseidon keeps a charriot made from the largest oyster..the seat a glorious pearl on a bed of vibrant sea grasses laid into the bottom of the shell. A perfectly matched team of four sea horses pull the chariot. Poseidon himself is rather intimidating. He is huge at over eight feet from crown tip to fin tip. His beard as white as frothy caps. Long and silky. But it is his eyes that are spellbinding. Set deep in his face and as black as an abyss...Powerful and commanding. Mesmerizing with sheer intensity. His fins are blood red. His trident ten foot in length. The intricate fork designed by a master such as the world will never see.

    And all who dwell in his kingdom have his protection. Even his daughters that walk as humans for brief periods upon the land.

    Atlantis is hidden and will remain hidden until the time is right for it's glorious return to power.

  4. Pops her head back up and smiles with delight seeing William all washed up..Then she sank beneath the sea and flipped showing fins of blue green before splashing at the water and spraying William yet again..Then slowly pops back up.....

  5. *pops up in front of William and sprays water playfully at him* The playfully splashes him with her fins then dart back beneath the water only to pop up further away laughing*

  6. I dont know my daughter is an only child...Since she is our only one I want her to have good things. But she has to earn them. mostly keeping her room clean taking care of her dog and the rabbit. She has her own computer in her room along with her tv vcr/dvd combo. Recently she started school and the teacher said she is a really sweet kid and gets along well as well as shares well with others. But it is how we raise her to. I try to teach her that you treat others the way you want to be treated.

  7. lOL oh good one...I already told Christine and MerryD this one..I was stalked for a couple of years. Stabbed three diffrent times three diffrent occasions. Anyway after we bought our house before it was blessed I was asleep in bed. I could feel something touching me..like a bug crawling and i thought it was a spider and woke up but saw nothing..Went back to sleep to feel the same thing this time lower and moving across my tummy. Still nothing. I checked the bed and found nothing. Fell back asleep and I woke up cause my ankle hurt..I looked down and I hand a ring of bruises around my ankle like I had been grabbed. That same night hubby felt something get into bed with him..and it was not me I was sleeping with our daughter who was two at the time.

  8. Ohhh lets...I love scary old buildings..Have you ever watched scariest places on earth..I so wanted to do that..Hubby said No. He does'nt believe in ghosts until that one climbed in bed with him..then he was ready to move and we had the house blessed... :lol:

  9. Aye Barbarous (Barbossa) Iron Bess is makin em walk the plank..Or at least makin em think they would be better off walkin the plank. Yer hat be safe..And ye should thank the rest of the pub for their contribution to making sure that hat stays atop yer head... :angry:

  10. Name: Siren

    Occupation: First Mate

    Ship's name: Shinigami

    # of ships you sacked: 89

    How you died: Too much rum!!!!

    lOL Iron Bess I beat ya on this one..But look how I died..*chokes and blushes*

    Name: Captain Siren

    Occupation: Grunt..(as if)

    Ship's name: The Midnight Wave

    # of ships you sacked: 257

    How you died: Syphilis *le gasp!!!* Bloody Pirates!!! :lol:

    Could not resist I took the Psychic test as well...You are very psychic.

    You are very likely to feel that you are psychic and many other people around you may have even confirmed this belief. If you're not pursuing classes or learning more about developing your skills, it's only a matter of time before you embark on a new adventure into the realm of the paranormal.

  11. Ghost stories..*drops everything..* I love ghost stories Drinks all around says I..*flops down on the floor and passes over a Plunder Me Cherry* Aye please do tell...I can never get enough ghost stories..Wait lets turn out all the lights..makes it scary..*bigsmile while she gets up to turn out all the lights then comes back to sit down..* Ok I be ready...

  12. all alone on the beach and away from the others who were at the hidden lagoon..She stood and slowly raised her arms and begin to belly dance upon the beach..Her hair flowed wildly about her writhing frame. Paying homage to the sea of course..Then panting from her exertions she stepped playfully into the frothy sea and playfully splashed in the waters..

  13. Another approaches. White Gypsy skirt tied high above one knee..White top short baring her midriff and Belly chain. Long dark hair flowing as the wind playfully teased the strands. She too was barefoot. She paused seeing the others and was about to head back but decided to move off to the beach and sit there listening and watching the powerful surf.

  14. Aye lass here have one. And Yes MerryD I agree I would not mind being carried off either..For a godiva..yumm..And as For Christine..Dont worry..ill clean..*ties apron on filed with cleaning products and feather dusters..trusty vaccuum at her side*

  15. Aye Morgan and Scupper ye must be tasting me new drink..A cherry margarita..Plunder Me Cherry it be called..And Im sure if ye just toss MerryD over yer shoulder and tie her up somewhere she'll be wearing a lot less..Sorry MerryD I have to help Scupper to ye know..

  16. The sea called to him..Her voice whispering jealously..longing for him to

    return to her. He climbed aboard his ship and set sail and did not look

    back for many days. When he realized he had truly left his heart behind

    and tried to return the sea grew angry and tossed a storm in his path to

    keep him from returning. Valiantly he and his crew struggled till the sea

    took them one by one into her arms. Now His ship is said to sail the High

    seas in stormy weather..It is said that he can be heard cursing the sea

    and all her glory.

    kinda mysterious..And brief on short notice but can be added to..

  17. *le sigh* neither be me hubby. But I be workin on it..Ok Ill be letting ye go Redd..Takes key and opens the cuffs..There ya go lad. Just cause we seem to be in the same boat with our spouses and all.. :)

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