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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. B)B)B) I shared my Dark Plunder of Prince with you my lovely little sister...And you can be one of the pirates that can come kidnap me...What fun we could have terrorizing everyone! <_<
  2. Sashays in wearing a party hat and yells Let's Party!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks William..This is nice..And you and my closest friends remebered..I am honored and truly touched..*Curtsies*

    Now send some pirates to Texas to kidnap me..*grins*

  3. Mick I have no idea how true this is but I read it in a historical romance of all things and I think Ill make some.

    Basically they take an earring and instead of using a piercing or clip they tie a clear thread around it and place the thread over the ear. Again not sure if this works and I have not tried it yet. This was from an early time, before renaissance and took place in Scotland in the time of celts.

    As for earrings you could try Hot Topic and recently at Big Lots I bought a pair of skull and crossbones that dangle from a hoop. I was palnning on taking the skull and crossbone and removing it from the hoop and trying this thread theory.

  4. LOL Now that would be fun. I'd love to get both their autographs to place on my desk..*sighs* Maybe someday. Billy glad you are over there and send em to the Pub when ya can...*Depp and Rush that is. :lol: *

  5. :lol: Heck no..If I had a Dark Prince of Plunder all to myself Id bombard him with tiny cannonballs...So much more fun than grapes. Grapes would only be after he surrendered o' Course...:) But Im happy I gave you an image to laugh at. I hope you were not in the process of drinking anything? *winks*
  6. If you get the Imagienex Pirate ship it has a cannon that really fires about that size. . .(not that I have tried :huh: )

    Kendra..By that post Little Sister Im a thinking you have tried shooting malt ball cannons from that ship..You are not feeding that Dark Prince of Plunder are ye?????? :lol::huh::huh::huh:

    And yes Im South but not in Florida..*i wish* Im in the great state of Texas. And yes I know all about TarJay. I just hate shopping there. :huh: Long story. Glad I could help those of you that did not know about these miniscule pirate wonders of delight!

  7. Not sure if I should post here or in Plunder, but the other day we were in Wally world and what to my wonderin eyes appears. That's right Pirates of the Caribbean Candy! Malted milkballs were called cannonballs and they had another as well but can't remember which it was. But it's on the candy aisle with all the bagged candy. It was like a dollar something a bag. The package was blue with the POTC logo on it. I had never seen those before. So If you like Cannonballs go to wally World. :lol:

  8. Well I got Sparrow too, but to sympathize with ye all (in the opposite situation of course) I once got Elizabeth Swan :lol:;)

    Have I missed something here? ;););) Tito you could have saved Sparrow for me. Id gladly hand over Miss Swann. And I just had to tease ya a bit there Tito. Have not seen ya in a long time. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    As for a drink Ill take a Plunder Me Cherry. Hobbles to a nearby stretch of sand and lays down and covers bad leg with a towel, before grinning and waving to christine.

  9. :P Absolutely. Like I said I needed a way to carry things and my purse just inteferred with the crutches. This I can sling over my shoulder like a baldric and look good! Pirates and scars do mix well im told. And i have tons of scars! But im glad you like it. Like I said it was my first attempt. I already have ideas for others.
  10. Ok since I have been on crutches I cannot use a traditional purse. my mother bought this book bag for me and I wanted to hand paint a Jolly Roger But found a bandanna with a skull and crossbones on it. Decided to just try it out and see how it would come out. Now mind you it's only my first one...But Im proud of it. The next one will be handpainted. This one was modified as well. I added the red trim and all the beads. Im going to add more as well.


  11. Actually I was studying the diffrent designs of the Jolly Roger to make my own. I have one that was created for me..But I wnated to make it a little diffrent and enlarge it to pain and put on a purse. I stumbled across that and found it intresting enough to post.

  12. My pirate name is:

    Black Jenny Flint

    one confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

    Just call me Sparky..LOL

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