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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Thank ye Bunny! Laughs and catches a blueberry. aye Perhaps we can toss them all into a vat and walk on them..But then ye would be a Blue Bunny..orr would that be a grape Bunny? :huh::huh::huh::huh:

    And I will let you know. must be off for now have to work on therapy..Ciao!

  2. Thank ye Bunny. I was trying to make a pretty banner to add to those that are being judged. But I cannot make it smaller for some reason. And it's the first one I have ever made. That and of course it has to be nominated to go into the contest first.

    Scarlett O course, there is always room for another lass. Tosses her a blueberry and grins.

  3. I have four seven year old girls at my house cause it's my daughters 7th b-day today and I have to work..Hubby has the honors of escorting the lasses to Chuck E. Cheeses and pilfering ehr a b-Day cake while im gone..*grins* Speaking of which has anyone seen the Pirate ship B-day cakes at H.E.B.????

  4. Hmm takes a blueberry muffin and a gingerbread pancake and rolls it to eat..Smiles at Lady Snow and whistles.."Then ye be lucky. Wish I were close enough and I would attend. Have fun and be careful. And Bunny ye have one as well. Dratted leg of mine prevents all the walking right now as they found another knot forming like the one I had when it broke the second time. Wish we had more faires here in Texas and definitley need more pirates in the Austin Area!

  5. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: These old posts are great...Roberta the Hood! Member that one Christine? When Morgan all but surrendered?????

    Oh the men can never stay away but for now..*puts in a cd* Slowly begans to move to the music undulating to the music...

  6. Aye Lets stick the tent up by the pool..Then all the lasses can dress in harem togs and we shall dance and be lazy and eat peeled grapes. Hurries to fetch the tent and start putting it up..fills it with pillows and scented inscence and changes and lounges wickedly upon a pillow.

  7. Standin for eight hour shifts? Geez will they not let you sit down? "Hands over Tylenol..Have not taken any pain pills since my first sugery sorry darlin...*hugs* Passes over a heating pad well wrapped..

  8. :lol:;);) Wow do I feel honored..

    Plunder Me Cherry

    Can be a shot or glass

    Either way I like mine with Captain Morgans spiced Rum

    Three or four cherries if tis a glass

    and some of the maraschino cherry juice mixed in..

    That is my preference and you can mix it however you like.

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