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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Nice Flag William..And it light of me Doc's bad news I intend to get drunk..So bring me whatever ye gots as fast as ye can get it here and keep em coming till Im passed out..then when I wake up bring me more.

  2. "Nay lass that be fine..Ill carry some of that..Here give me a couple bottles"..Reaches for the bottles and Scuttle climbs atop her head to cover her eyes. Laughing at his antics she manages to peek and take two bottles.

    Turns to see Will patting the pocket his new watch resides in and shakes her head.."Come on..the Lagoon and all her splendor await us."

  3. Aye Will let us begone..To the Lagoon? Now whar be the others..Places two fingers in her mouth and sends out a whislte..that should get them..A screeching is heard as Scuttle races across deck past and through Wills booted feet and scurries up her person till he sits quietly upon her shoulder.

    "Sorry Will..I take it ye do not like me scamp much..But he's a good lad. a thiveing good lad." Laughingly she leads the way off the deck and onto the gangplank and down to the docks below..

  4. OHHH Piratology....Like Monopoly only better...Can I have the parrot piece please? Or the Monkey. That would be fun..But isn't there a game similiar to monopoly..The sword and skull one..I think that is the name of it.

  5. As Lasseter and Diego both spoke about the handprint and for her to carry on with her shore leave she nodded and said "Thank ye Sir." then spinning on her heel gestured to Swan and Will.."Come Shore leave fer us..Now to find Christine and Jack."

  6. Turning to Lasseter Siren nodded to Scuttle the small monkey in her arms.."He found a handprint Sir. It's bloody and if be fresh. At least it were not there earlier. I thought it might 'ave been from your escapee. Now it seems it would belong to another Eh?" she said pointing out the handprint where Swan still was. She looked to Will and weakly smiled.

  7. Once topside she moves to the starboard rail and sees Swan. Grinning she heads that way only to hear the screech yet again and stopping swivels about to call to the small monkey who sits on the deck pointing and screeching. Tilting her head she studies the deck and the shadowy recesses about. Narrowing her eyes she cautiosly moves to Scuttles side and hefts him to her shoulder still peering into the shadows. Moving slowly about the deck and seeing nothing not sensing anything out of the ordinary she stops near a coil of rope waiting for repair and spots a bloody handprint. Perhaps from the rogue that had escaped?

    Peering more intently yet trying to look inconspicous in case the rogue be abouts and she unarmed she swept the shadows once more and still seeing nothing raised a hue for The Quartermaster.

    Looking over her shoulder she sees Will striding onto the deck and patiently waits keeping a weather eye on the decks shadows.

  8. Siren hearing the ships suregon speaking of a bloke that had fled his bed suddenly had a jittery feeling in her stomach. Walking forwards to Tempest she spoke.."This bloke..'E would not have had a fancy gold pocket watch would 'e? If'n so Scuttle found one this morning and brought it to me while I was with Will. I 'Anded it over to 'im I did."

  9. Turning over her weaponry had been hard. Especially the Sea Serpent. She felt naked without it and rubbed the place at her hip where it's coiled weight had resided. Nodding to Will she touched his arm and motioned that she would find Swan and Jack for a nights revelry on the beach. Hearing a squeal she glanced up to catch Scuttle the monkey Phil had given her for the voyage holding a mans golden pocket watch. Glancing hastily about she called over the monkey and took the watch studying it then handed it over to Will.

    "What do you think? Know anyone that wear's such a fancy piece?"

    Hearing the call for Two days shore leave she nods to Will and heads for the stairs to the deck. "Ill be above at the starboard rail..come find me when your ready to go ashore.." Hastily she climbs upwards and is soon lost to sight only to emerge upon the deck. Hearing humming she heads for the galley and spots Christine. "well luv..Fancy meetin you here."

  10. "lo Will. It is wonderful to see you aboard as well. Swan it looks as if we will not get our swim and as I have yet to meet the Captain I think I will go with Will and stow me garb since I will also be a gunner/sailor. Now who is the Master Gunner. As for the Master at Arms I have yet to meet him either. What say you Will? Shall we find them?"

  11. Hubby walked away with a few scratches. Some stitches on two fingers and the very tip of his elbow was broken. I was the worst. I was in ICU for a week and a half getting blood transfusions and trying to stabalize my blood pressure.

    As for the monkey..*shhh! He steals things*

  12. Hearing a rather strident voice Siren turns about to view a most impressive pirate approaching. "Not leaving..As the others are drunk we figured we would head to the beach for a moonlit swim..With yer permission O course. Just a little adventure to tide us over till we are underway?"

    OHHH lookey..Im now a scourge of the seven seas. I think I much preferred being Notoriously naughty..lOL

  13. I greatly appreciate your concern..But all will be well. Besides..I would feel awkward being carried..Never been carried afore either. Gee that is a lot of nevers. I need to get out more.. :lol:

  14. Unfortunately Sir William I could not find Ten brawny pirates willing to carry me is such a chaise. Nor a 7 foot Nigerian to guard me..But Phil did give me a monkey..And all in all me crutches worked just fine in getting me here. I hate them..but Im here.

  15. Steps over Diego and leans down.."Well you could be if'n the Captain be catchin ye. Who knows it might be fun." Shrugs a shoulder and winks before completely stepping free of him then sashays to the gangplank..

    "Whar to Luvvies? Any of the taverns or do we celebrate on the beach?"

  16. Glances at the monkey.."Are you sure? I mean he would be more than welcome to join me. He seems quite the scamp. Perhaps Ill name him Scuttle..if'n ye don't mind. It does sound a mite better than Mugwump."

  17. Just That i had a motorcycle accident. A car hit my hubby and I as we were test driving the two wheeler. Broke me femur and messed up the artery for which they had to harvest veins from my right leg to save the left. Fractured above me left knee and fractured me ankle in three places as well. Did not get me peg leg so that's good. Other than that..Im in fine spirits.

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