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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Then I say we go find ourselves some mischief..and perhaps a couple of rounds of Mast-er and Command-er. Tis too bad Christine not be about. She adores the game. I must confess I do too if ye find the right man.. :lol: The ones that scream loud tend to hurt yer ears.

    scratches the monkey one last time before taking him from her shoulder and giving it a quick hug before handing him back to Phil. Thank ye Sir..It was an honor to hold your monkey. Perhaps I could do so again?"

  2. Glances up as another enters and finds herself seated before responding to CaptainCiaran. As he nods to her so to does she to he. "It has been long since I have seen you last Captn. I hope all is well with you and yours?"

  3. Wary of the bite marks Phil shows her she carefully scoops up the little monkey. He scurries up her arm to sit upon ehr shoulder and wraps his tail about her neck before reaching for her shirt laces..Laughingly she pushes his hands away and refers to the monkey as a roguish scamp.

    'He's adorable Pirate Phil. absolutely adorable. Much like Redd Oktobers wee monkey." Looks to Captain Swan as she speaks.."Aye..Oh well they will be about soon enough I expect. Until then we could find our own mischief lass..Wot say ye?"

  4. Ohh that looks good Lady Snow..I would have what yer having..But I must confess I have never had Clam, oysters nor lobster. So William What have ye for me? OHHH I thought of another item to add to yer menu..A peg Leg. it would of course be for the childs menu and it would be...*drum roll* A corndog.. :lol:

  5. Welcome Back Redd ye have been missed..And ye as well Hrothgar. Still plugging away at me book..Can't seem to get it where I want it.

    Has anyone seen George's Island about Captain Kidd's Treasure and a boy and his handicapped grandfather? Just bought it for a dollar at Wally world and it was good.

  6. Huskily laughs then moves away from Diego to stare out at the sea and wishing they were already well under way. The black bullwhip at her hip tipped in silver was caressed lovingly...As lovingly as it's name implied..The Sea Serpent. Humming softly and relishing the sea winds upon her face she shivers in glorious anticipation..

  7. Takes the bottle handed her and takes a small sip afore handing it back with a Thank You. *who said pirates could not be polite* Looks up as william speaks and smiles winsomely.."well William Red Wake. I have made it as per your request. And I must say tis glad I am to be here. Im to be a seaman/gunner I do believe. Is that not under your charge?"

  8. A small rum if ye please..At least until ye give me me orders and tells me whar ye be wantin me Sir. Im ready willing and able and eager to learn.

    Welcome back to ye Captain Swan. And I be pretty handy with a bow meself but I could always use some pointers.

  9. Steps over Pirate Pete to head for the starboard rail, Hands making sure her braid is nice and neat. Running her hands along her fitted breeks she adjusts her baldric and spots Mad Jack. "Lo Luv..Fancy meetin ye here. So whar be Diego?"

  10. Moves aboard the ship and looks for William.."Here i be William Now whar be Diego..? ah there he be. Captain Diego Good Sir William has asked me to step aboard and volunteer as a Lookout Sir. Id be more n happy to set meself up as such."

  11. That would SO be my luck..Asking for Pirate and coming out with Gerbil. Unfortunately I have no inkings. Hubby won't allow it..*sighs* But if I did I would put a Trident around my right ankle. But I would want a unique and custom piece for my Trident. Perhaps someday....

  12. Unfortunately Toys R Us knows almost nothing about Piracy..or cool pirate toys..however Im hoping to change that..and If i can get back on my feet quick enough.*from my motorcycle accident* Our store will have a big event for Talk Like a Pirate Day.

  13. I work for Toys R Us. These are just a trial for the moment. If they do as well as the Dragons we will keep them and they are really cool sets. I have seen them all. So all ye pirates out there go forth and plunder...errr...spill yer coins fer these so we can have more pirate toys fer ourselves. I mean kiddies..

  14. I too am in the Austin area . Tempest Luv I did not know you knew anyone in this area or I would have asked you. I know awhile back someone posted a thread for a group in the Killeen area as well. Let me know what ya find out. and Im glad to meet any in this area.

  15. *Hobbles over the sand on crutches swearing out loud* Sorry for my abscence. I was in a motorcycle accident that was pretty bad. I snapped my left thigh bone which then damaged my artery in the same leg before tearing through my skin. They managed to save my leg by taking a vein from my right leg to replace the damaged artery in my left. I also fractured my left ankle in three places and have a severe case of road rash. I was in the hospital for a week. Im at home now..very sore and cannot sit at the computer for long bouts. However Im at home in good spirits and Im alive. Will I ever ride a motorcycle again? Hell No! :) miss you guys..Take care and Ill see ya'll soon....Siren

  16. Aww M. Wench..Ya have a good time tonite. Be safe . I cant wait to see your pics darlin. And yes he tries anything Ill be one of the ones that will have his guts fer garters..*need a new pair I do :blink: *

    and William...

    Id like a Peg Leg and fires please...*corndog*

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