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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. LOL it was funny..or rather he was. Had the Jack Sparrow beard or rather goatee started and his gold teeth. I don't know who dressed him..That was an odd site. He walks out and everyone just screams. He has quite a sense of humor for they talked about germs. Can't remember how that got started. Said Tim likes for him to be in his movies so he can laugh at him..There was one instance in filming CatCF that he was running and fell. He said it was really quiet except for Tim's laughing. As for the woman part..They were talking about him dancing and he said he was not good at dancing and as Wonka he had to do some in the film. Leno asked that if it were some big stage production..*cant remeber which..>.<* Would he learn to dance..he replied only if he could be the girl. He has a really great sense of humor..at least I thought so. So cant wait for PotC2 & 3!!!!!!!

  2. I did. I had never sewed before and I bought the Jack Sparrow pattern and sewed it all up. Im quite pleased with the results. Now Im currently sewing a wench outfit. The cuffs did give me a wee bit of trouble But it was really easy.

  3. No wonder we get along so well..*more cheese?* Im just curious William Wot is it Irish lasses have that Mutts like meself don't? *wicked grins* Could you clear up this misunderstanding I seem to be havin?

  4. :lol::lol::lol: I love provolone and baby swiss. And smoked cheddar..And american and Asiago cheese...Did I mention I was American-Italian with French Scots on the side..lOL
  5. The nursery ryhme of London Bridge..Falling down is also based on a real life occurence. Apparently if I remember correctly a countess walked naked across the bridge and paused in the middle. The bridge was soon swamped with people..*mostly males* and the bridge collapsed. Not having to do with pirates but it did fit the nursery ryhme aspect.

  6. :lol::lol::lol: Sorry Will. Doctors orders. That and I have to take lots and lots of calcium pills and drink lots and lots of milk..Say do you have any cheese and crackers to go with my milk? just fill me up with Calcium says i.. :lol::lol:
  7. Afternoon William. I am verrry hungry..The red Velvet Cake looks delicious. Perhaps I could have dessert first. And a big glass of milk to help heal my leg so i wont have to have more surgery...

  8. Flintlock would ye believe tis the first thing I have ever sewn? It's imperfect but hey it's mine and I be right proud of it. And im getting better.. ;)

    Ace I adore the Garb! Capt. Morgan ye look rite Swell as well!

    Christine if I could figure out how to make a bloody banner I would do that..That would be right tasty!

    Thanks Callenish! ;)

  9. lOL Im working on a new vest to go with my frock coat. I recently purchased another pair of leather pants that I will split the seam to lace the sides up. And of course me wench costume..no pics of that yet. But I do have my sword and dagger.

    My Sword..


    My Dagger..notice tis a mermaid..


    And me again...With Captain Morgan :lol:


  10. This is mine..mind you my frock coat was still unfinished. I have yet to take any more pics with my stuff due to my leg. Christine luv I did finish my bodice. Working on my skirt now..Will show as soon as it is completed. :)


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