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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Still feeling icky and im bored. However I am playing with my new Potc action figures. *grins*
  2. Home of the King's Pyrate and other scurvy sea-dogs, we wish to send an invitation to all those who are seeking another safe port full of intresting topics and a chance to meet others that do not dwell within the Pub. Come by for a drink and bid the King's Pyrate a hearty 'ello! Mantanzas Bay Buccaneers *assisting King's Pyrate in getting his forum going *grins*
  3. *Gasps huffily* So not a heretic, I think I may have to cross blades with ye Will! *grins then laughs* As for A bony juicy salty popsickle---If my teeth touch a bone Im outta there, no cannabilism for me! *Wait that so did not sound right* And yes I know tis intestine but I like boudain too! Just don't tell me what it is afore I eat it. As for Bacon I just do not like the taste of it, and it's alwas limp. I like it crunchy just like my frenchfries, If it's limp I won't eat it.
  4. Evil or not I want it so freebase me some to Texas would ya..oh and keep it cold *grins*
  5. Oh should I not have mentioned that? *blinks innocently*
  6. By the Valar I did not know Ben and Jerry's made a mudslide..*scampers to the nearest store to raid it..
  7. *Glares at William* And here I thought my confidences were secret. You should have rounded it off though by insisting this "Friend" Also does not eat any meat on a bone or with fat or gristle. This "friend' may sound weird but is a true "friend" And will most certainly back up her friends with all she has till her dying breath. Wethere this "friend' partakes of bacon or not. I did hear she likes Sausage though. *grins*
  8. Speaking of choclate I would kill for a mudslide right about now...
  9. Hmm My mother is in Los Banos last I heard and Im not sure where that is in relation to the Disney studio. But I would love to go there. I should be there for two weeks and I know my daughter would get a kick out of going there. Ill give you more info Bess as i get it.
  10. $50.00? Wow This could get intresting! Shimmies more then does a few hip rolls and snakes. Christine you are lovely as always..and im hopefully going to California in july!
  11. I love to dance as well But Ill not get down to me skin to do it unless it's in veils. *grins* Still My leg is allowing me to dance so here goes.. *Shimmies to the beat then breaks it on down!*
  12. *Grins at William then slowly approaches* Then consider your goodies Plundered! *Laughs* Ok well a piece or two anyways. For when Im over this cold.
  13. Covers her eyes and finds a place to sit shaking her head.
  14. PyrateLeather ye definitely look vile and lecherous, Like some sultan surveying his harem. :) :) :)
  15. Ok Pardon my pun...How will getting into your chaps affect your ankle? I have two pairs of chaps One pair have ties and the second pair has a zipper and both are loose enough to get into. Second try liniment. If it works on the horses it will work on you too!
  16. ^ Has a really cool Light plate he picked up from Hot Topic, I think i need a few of those meself!
  17. Toys R Us is getting the toys. Our shipment come in today and will be out on the morrow. I know not what all as I did not see them yet but I do know that one is a smokin' Cannon!
  18. Patrick I must confess If I saw ye boarding me ship I would dunk me ownself! Quite fierce ye look! Congrats!
  19. Laughs Ill have what he's having and Ill be takin him too! Isn't he cute the lil blighter....
  20. I had heard before he fell from the tree that he had an accident on the jet ski and thus the head injury. My question is what the hell was he doing in a coconut tree to begin with?
  21. Ahoy Bunny long time no see, welcome back even for a visit as you have been missed. Hello William, May I have a small nibble of something if you do not mind overmuch?
  22. Thank You Captain Gray and Blue Mermaid That idea sounds wonderful. I shall begin straightaway to bombard him! Nay I would not do so but still it would be amusing.
  23. i have not met any face to face but I have spoken to Lady B and Merrydeath over the phone. And some others over AIM.
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