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Red Maria

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Everything posted by Red Maria

  1. What as Capt. Sparrow's dad? His Uncle? That could mean the swishy drunk thing is genetic! Does paint a picture doesn't it.
  2. I found this intersting bit in "Pirates: Myths &Realities" by Robert C. Ritchie: "There were two groups who did not share in the contract (articles)... Physcians were also forced o board to watch over the men's health. Once on board the experts had to make their mind up about their future. If they freely joined the crew & shared in the booty they could go home without risk of being jailed for piracy. However if the man wanted to return home, he got his comrades on board to his old ship to report to hios family and the authorities that he had been siezed against his will. Some went so far as to get a certificate from the pirates attesting to their innocence. ... If the ship had a physician he might get more than a share ..." Sometimes it was a share and a half. "These actions might thwart leagal charges when they returned home, but the law was unforgiving if the kidnapped person ever particapted in sharing the booty. Possesion of stolen goods automatically brought a charge of piracy" I guess it was hard to have your cake and eat it too. Medical personell did serve aboard pirate ships. Sometimes willingly, sometimes not.
  3. I raise me cup in salute to a friend. Long may he sail ! Survived another year with his head intact Happy Birthday Zorg!
  4. Yes Disney thought POTC would be such a monster hit that they didn't bother to do any merchandising! Boy somebody really droped the ball on that one! Seriously. The script is still being worked on. Ask Iron Bess! On POTC/CBP the writers were on the set the whole time revising the script. That happens often. I won't even get into the re-writes on the LOTR trilogy. :) Let's hope things work out and there is no strike. (fingers & eyes crossed)
  5. Izzy You're a sweet person and I hate to be rude and please don't take offence but the word is input not imput. I so sorry but the library person in me just came out!
  6. Found it! the title is: "The Surgeoness: The Female Practitioner of Surgery, 1400-1800" by A.L. Wyman in the periodical "Medical History" v.28, 1984 pgs.22-41. If anyone wants a copy I will photocopy it for the price of the copies plus postage. :) There is also a book the titled "Health, Medicine, & Mortality in the Sixteenth Century" Charles Webster editor. There is a good essay in there about education and training of various types of medical practioners in Britian during the 16th c. While earlier than Golden Age of Piracy many things stilled appiled then as they did later. I am trying to track it down to get the essay. My copy is packed away and in storage.
  7. Capt Grey Not necessarily. Women were trained as surgeons up till the 1820 or so when surgical colleges first appeared. Some even had eccleastical liencese and practiced leagally. I have even found one women in Portsmouth Engalnd who had a licence in both surgery and physick (medcine) named Mary Rose. Her practice was restricted to in port Naval personell so she never as far as I know set foot on a ship. I have a pesona with another pirate crew partially based on Mary Rose except my charecter did set sail on a ship. It wasn't easy for a woman to train as a surgeon but it was possible. I have somewhere and article about feamle surgeons from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. I'll try and dig it up.
  8. The Depp-meister has done it again! He's been nominated Best Actor for a BAFTA (British Academy of Film & Televison Arts). It's the British equivelent of the Oscar. This brings the number of nominations up to 3 for Capt. Sparrow. Very unusual for a comic performance. I'd be highly surprised if he doesn't get an Oscar nod. Another Hip Hip Huzzah for Captain Sparrow!
  9. Cheng I Sao eventually was pardoned and allowed to keep her considreable treasure. Eventually she retired to Canton and ran a gambling house/bordello. :) I supppose you've got keep busy when you retire!
  10. It might also behoove you to make friends with people with colorful birds. :)
  11. Yep that's the statue! Thanks Merrydeath
  12. Popeye's home is in Chester, IL. right on the banks of the Mighty Mississippii. It was the home town of his creator. A few years back I traveled through Chester with Zorg and his wife, She Who Must Be Obeyed. They took a pictures of me beside a bronze statue of Popeye over looking the river. I think I took some pictures of them but, the photos are packed away. I wonder if Chester is planning any celebration. I think Zorg told me that Popeye was based on river sailors and not sea sailors. Is that right Zorg?
  13. Reasonabley priced too. You won't see ostrich feathers at $9.00 a pop! :) If I get a new tricorn I'll have him make it.
  14. There is The Hat Matters Thern Martenson proprietor in Henderson, NV. He has a wide variety of feathers (not just ostrich) and other hat trims. Alas he has no website. However he does have a phone. The number is (702) 433-6002. He does all sorts of millinary work and is a sweetheart of a guy. :) He also does quiet a number of Faires. He was at the last Pirate Faire in Ojai, CA.
  15. The Depp-miester seems to me on a roll! SAG awards are a really good Oscar indicator. A good thing for a job well done. :) 3 cheers for Capt. Sparrow! Hip hip Huzzah! Hip hip Huzzah! Hip hip Huzzah!
  16. John Actually from 1100-1500 C.E. is considered Middle English. Old English aka Anglo-Saxon was ca. 450-1100 C.E. So the Common folk would be speaking Middle English. The court , however, was speaking French. I don't think that Ricahrd I let alone Robin Hood or the Sheriff of Nottingham. There are both Old & Middle English manuscripts at the Library. And Alan Rickman acted rings around Kevin Costner!
  17. According to "Historical Costumes of England ..." by Nancy Bradfield it was during the reign of William III (1689-1702) . "The hat was had a rounded crown and a wide brim; this was turned up, or cocked, on one or both sides, or sometimes on both sides and back as well, this being the first sign of the triangular cocked hat. The edge was usually decorated with braid or gold or silver lace." By Queen Anne's time (1702-1712?) it was the only fashionable headgear. I've been thinking or retiring my old cavalier hat and getting a tricorn meself.
  18. What no Thomas Tank or Sponge Bob Squarepants! I mean there is even a pirate in Sponge Bob. I don't like Survivor but I do like Rupert. He's a true pirate at heart. :)
  19. Rupert made it to the All-Star Survivor! Jon did not http://entertainment.msn.com/news/article....spx?news=145812 There is karma after all :) I actually may watch an episode or two till it gets too ugly.
  20. I'll be attending the shantyfest at the pub on Friday, berthin overnight on the Swift and helpin' out on Saturday. See ya there! :)
  21. Sounds like you're feeling a bit better Bess! :)
  22. I just came across a very favorable review of this title in the International Journal of Maritime History v.15:1 June, 2003 pg.230 Age of Sail: The International Annual of the Historic Sailing Ship London : Conway Maritime Press ISSN 0-85177-925-5 http://www.chrysalisbooks.co.uk/books/book/0851779255 Has anyone read this periodical? If you did what Do you think of it? Thanks
  23. JoushuaRed If you read towards the begining of this topic you'll see that I posted a link to Chrisitie's site with a picture of the chest. Pat Croce bought that chest at the Driscoll Piracy Library (from the Kanasa City Public Library) auction that was at Christie's a few years back. He will display the chest at the pirate museum he is opening in Key West. So maybe it will be on display at the next PIP! As far as I know it is the only one of Tew's. There was also a sword that was found in the chest that also supposedly belong to Tew. Unfortatley there was no picture of that just the catalog description. I tried to see if Chrisite's could get one from the person who bought but for privacy reason they wouldn't do it. The Kansasa City Public Library didn't have photo of it in there archive either. But it a beatuiful and very pracitcal period treasure chest! :)
  24. Why not give Foxe a visit? Or he should know places to see. Foxe are you out there?
  25. Iron Bess you got to see this!
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