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Red Maria

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Everything posted by Red Maria

  1. The figurehead I mentioned is from the chourus of "The Good Ship Venus" one of the great all time bawdy songs. The sea diety could be Mannan or Mari or ... The dragon devouring a lion is found in Islamic astromical texts of the middle ages representing an eclipse. If I had a pirate ship I'd call it The Eclipse. Why?! There's disaster coming I yea be seeing an eclipse! Why are you eying me so strangely?!!
  2. I checked out the site and it looks like a good school. And learning foil till the historical classes begin, like I said, would be a good thing. I like the historical program. But I don't see either the sports fencing or the historical sword play offers saber technique or any European cut (as oppose to thrust) technique of swordplay that is neccessary for saber or cutlass work. Maybe there is someone at the Academy who can teach it to you privately or you might want to check out Sword Forum International at: http://forums.swordforum.com I think you have to register first and use your real name. If you go to the Historical European Swordsmanship forum. See if there is anyone t in your area who teaches it. The are some very fine swordsmen/women on that site. There is also a section on theatrical combat and living history/re-enactment you might want to check out. Let me know how things are going!
  3. I hope noone was mistaking that I said Paisley should only study fencing or just foil. I meant it's a good start, a foundation. By all means Paisley get itno the historic swordplay but since that class doesn't start till February... You have to begin somewhere! I have neither the length nor breadth and of experieince of either of you gentleman (Deacon & Hawkyns) but, I have worked with both fencing masters and fight masters. I know that sword work or any martial art is a work in progress that there is always something new to learn and someone new to learn it from. OTOH a person should be careful who he/she studies with lest he/she picks-up bad habits. I think you know what I mean. :) Oh yeah! I agree about the swords being addicting.
  4. Is this a class in sports or theatrical fencing? A good grounding in sports fencing is good so keep up with the foil. I had two years of sports fencing (foil & epee') before I studied thetrical fencing which has included some historical swordplay techniques (Medieval 2-handed broadsword, Reniassance rapier & dagger, & small sword). The more knowledge and practice you have the better swordsman/woman you'll be I know I am way out of practice and have got start crossing swords again) . Study saber as well since it's most like cutlass techinque. Cutlasses were more often used used aboard ships than a rapier which could get caught in rigging. As in all sword play be it sport or theatrical...SAFETY FIRST! If the History Channel airs the "Conquest" episode about pirate combat you might want to tape it. There some good sword techiques displayed and show the types of swords pirates would have used. Also a couple of friends of mine are in that episode. Look for Mario with the black hair among the pirates. Among the merchants look for Eric rotund dark hair and mustache. Mario 'kills' Eric in the episode. ;-) I call that six degrees of Red Maria! The class sounds good but remember to keep studying and study with reputable people. I hope that helps. Good luck.
  5. So yea be knowin' how ye should be treatin' yer featherd friend... http://www.theonion.com/3939/opinion1.html
  6. A figurehead of a whore in bed astride a rampant penis Sorry couldn't help it. Some sea diety perhaps or a dragon devouring a lion.
  7. Great photos except for the one of me. I look like a dwarf! Honestly I am not *that* short! OTOH it does show cleavage. :)
  8. I've heard you should shake sticks at snakes. It makes them unhappy. :) But seriously she adorable. What's she going to be for Holloween? A pirate perhaps?
  9. I had a blast! Literally! Thanks to Capt. Gary that is. Gary thanks for showing me how to load and fire the cannons. I really enjoyed that. I enjoyed meeting those of you who I have only known online. Touring Gentleman, Mad Gracie, Lucky Penny, PQ and the rest. I look forward to next year!
  10. I weighing achor and getting outa here buckos! I won't be at the computer till Mondat or maybe even Tuesday. Lookin' forward to seeing the scurvy lot of you at Ojai.
  11. You might try Jas. Towneshead & Sons. They have period pewter hip flasks. http://www.jastown.com/pewter/pewter.htm Also Smoke & Fire Co. has period glass bottles: htpp://www.smoke-fire.com Or if you have a Trader Joe's nearby go there and pick-up a bottle of Planters Rum Pyrate XO Reserve. It comes in a period style bottle.
  12. Lookin forward to learnin' to fire them gun Captain. And of course crossing blades with me friend Iron Bess! As far Jeff is concerned... he looks af if he's been on that there Atkins diet! I supppose death should come between a man and his love life :)
  13. My take on the compass is that it isn't a compass but a pedulum made up to look like a compass. Pendulums are used magickally to find treasure. That's why Sparrow was turning about so. That's something one would do with a pendulum.
  14. I'm rarein' to go! I even pullled my flushable porta-pottie out of storage! None of those nasty rent-a-potties for this gal! :)
  15. OTOH the naked men (even though the best parts were *fuzzed-out*) were *very* nice.
  16. I only watched it to see a commercial shot here at the Huntington and out of mild curiousity. I t was OK but I couldn't understand the loigc of Tribe Morgan almost voting off the scout leader who is the only one in the group who has survival skills! For the most part they seemed a bunch of idiots. I might tune in from time to time to check on good ol' Rupert but I can't stand the idiocy or the politicing. Therefore I won't watch it on a regular basis.
  17. That was me. American Neptune is published by the Peabody-Essex Museum has one of the largest maritime art & history collections in the U.S. . you can find them online at: http://www.pem.org/collections/maritime.php It's mostly America and usually 19th century but I have found good articles on 17th-18th c. maritime history, including article on pirates. Check it out Cpt. William! :)
  18. My that was quick! If only the bills I am forced to pay arrived to thier destination that fast! Glad you like them.
  19. There an interesting article on Blackbeard in American Neptune v.61:4 Fall 2001. The article cuts through the myth of Blackbeard and relies on contmeporary accounts that fit BB more in what is known of early 18th c. pirate society. If anyone wants a copy let me know privately and I will send you a copy for copying costs and postage. If you're coming to Ojai I bring you a copy and just charge for copying.
  20. Oh that would be most welcome kind sir! :) Remember Happy Hour at Tizzy's is 4-7! ;-
  21. Except for the fact that, due to great ego problems, they have Elizabeth I there (as the Pirate Queen no less! ) It's the only venue where you'll see a many great pirates crews in all their glory on the west coast. The encampments themselves are worth the visit. The Port Royal Privateers (of which I am a member) will be presenting "The Tryal of Anne Bonny & Mary Read, a play which is *mostly* taken from the actual trial trannscripts (with a few humorous additions) of the those two most famous women pirates. It's the only place on the west coast to see this play. So I think it would be worth your while to come and see the faire. :)
  22. There be a new book on pirates for the kiddies. It's callled "How I became a pirate" by Melinda Long and illutrated by David Shannon.Harcourt Press. It's the tale of Jeremy Jacob and how is kiddnaped by pirates and instructed in pirate talk and etiquette (there is none). He learns pirates don't have to eat spinich or carrots but there is "No Tucking in!" so here learns it best to be a little boy after all but still remains friends with the pirates. The illustrator is coming to the Huntington Library on Oct. 18 (Unfortuately he coul;d come on Oct. 8 when PRP will be there) It's a delightful book and the illustration are great. In fact there are a couple of pirates that look like members of this fourm! The head of of childrens and public program gave me a poster (to be sent to the little hurt pirate) and a button that say "Ask Me How I Became a Pirate" and a tatoo (also to our little pirate). I'm keeping the button! :) So if you live in SoCal come to the lecture and get book signed. Maybe even in pirate garb!
  23. Hands down "Mariners Mirror" It's published by the Society of Nautical Research. Here are some titles of articles from the current issues (v.89:3): Where did Drake Careen the Golden Hind in June/July 1579?: A Mariner's Assesment by Sir Simon Cassles (good article) Image and Reality in Eighteenth-Century Naval Tactics by N.A.M. Rodger (theorectical vs practical navy tactics. Good diagrams) There are also article about the failed attept by the British to burn the Algerine fleet in 1679 There is also a section were subscribers can submit inquries like this time there is on on lighting below deck on 18th century vessels asking for what was used etc. It'll be interesting to see the replies. The journal (published quarterly) comes with membership to the Society. It costs $60.00 per year, which although pricey it makes up in research value. If I didn't get use of it at work I'd get a subscription! The membership also includes free admmitance to National Martime Museum (GB), Merseyside Maritime Museum, & the Royal Maritime Museum. There is no website listed but here's address: Membership Secretary Society for Nautical Research c/o National Maritime Museum Greenwich, London SE10 9NF GREAT BRTIAN There is also "International Journal of Maritime History"published by the International Maritime Economic History Association. Pulished 2 x a year. Subscription price $45.00 (but worth it for the book reviews alone!) www.mun.ca/mhp "Sea History" published by National Maritime Historical Society(USA). Published quarterly. $35.00 for membership. www.seahistory.org
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