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Everything posted by DocF225

  1. A brief peek under me kilt should confirm same
  2. Does it mean anything if it took me more than 15 minutes to complete the puzzle?
  3. No, I'm a Biiiig Pyrate
  4. It's coming up with what I want that seems to be the trouble. Jest when I think I've got ME figgered out, something messes it up. Damn this short attention span. I have come up with a list of what I don't want though. I don't need another "Mom" I already have one. I don't need or want a "shrink". I'm fine with myself by myself so I'm not lookin to change. I have plenty of my own baggage so I don't need anybody elses thanks.
  5. ** Tries to reconcile a Nun with a wicked side** A little wicked is a good thing from time to time.
  6. Sooooo Rum, Chocolate and Treasure is it? I knew it wasn't "a sense of humor" and some of the other bunk I've heard tell that be interestin to the ladies..... **Checks the stocks** ....Hmmm plenty of rum, a tidy amount of Belgian chocolate and well the treasure chests arrrrr quite full. Guess the Plunder Bunnies have been avoidin the cabana.
  7. On the way to a reenactment, stopped for the obligatory cup of coffee. I had on me kilt, shoes and a modern t shirt (too tough to drive in a full plait). The poor young lady at the deli was flabbergasted. Kept starin at me.
  8. Tried bein a gent; got passed over for a scoundrel. Tried being the scoundrel got bypassed for a gent. Think she finally married some rich knucklehead Ne'er could figure that out. Oh well, least my dog loves me....
  9. figgers.... another pretty- boy, pyrate wannabe... got all the lasses swoonin and fannin themselves.... Where's me rum dammit...
  10. Chili... maybe some biscuits or cornbread.
  11. ** scribbles in a note book.... Morgan... Guinness...**
  12. With a cutlass through his rib cage?
  13. Prolly just grill up some yard bird with rice and a salad.
  14. Oh ....missed a preposition or two.
  15. Hey, wishes that suck might not be all bad......
  16. Had a crap day so I too stopped off for Pizza on the way home. Two slices of Buffalo Chicken pizza and a couple Beers (root beers of course) a meal fit for a pyrate (this one anyway)
  17. MMMM coffee and bacon.... could I change one of my wishes????
  18. Fair Winds and Following Seas A sturdy ship And a star to steer her by.
  19. Crickets, the humm of a computer fan and a little thunder off in the distance....doesn't bode well for golf tomorrow.
  20. getting ready to hit the hammock. got an early start tomorrow. Ferrying my bud to the airport in NYC for his vacation to Australia to visit his father. Tryin to figure if I can fit in his luggage.... oh and listening to a labrador retreiver snore...
  21. W.E.T.S.U. We Eat This S**t Up. J.P.N. Just Plain Nuts
  22. ...like the fire hydrant at the entrance to the dog park.....
  23. a flight of "Blackhawks" warmin up to go who knows where and do who knows what. Rattlin the winders they are.
  24. Long Island Sound about 0500 on our way Noreast to the Cape.
  25. After 3 hours of mowing in 90 degree heat and humidity,I'm drinkin water, lots of water, with maybe a Gatorade chaser. Now off to the air conditioning....
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