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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. Ahh... I'll make you two sets of axels for 2 sets of caps I just need to know the width of the truck base, and the width of the wheel so I can get the axel spindles the right length. I'll make the axel spindles 1" in diameter so they'll fit. I'll leave them un-drilled so you can finish them to taste... Edit: The Wild imports ones are turned, just not completely rounded out on the spindles. Then they're hand finished... gives the illusion of being hand carved.
  2. Given measurements, I'd be more than happy to make a trade... a set of axles for a set of truinnion mounts? I'll be making the same setup come february, and have no access to a welder...
  3. One thing I am going to do for mine is take a 2x2 or 2x4 and cut to 2 inches longer than the length I actually need, and turn the actual axels on the ends of the boards, then cut off the excess where it was chucked into the lathe... leaving the part of the axle actually under the truck square. Makes it a bit more structurally stable, IMO. If you have access to a lathe, you might try that method... Otherwise, if you'd like to try that method but don't have access to a lather, send me measurements, and I might be able to turn you some axles cheap. These axles would bolt (or nail, or screw) to the bottom of the truck rather than punching holes in your truck frame. (Similar to the Wild Imports setup, which is mostly correct)
  4. Well, I spent a couple hours at the wood shop today... It's a bit rough, and old looking. It's approximately 3 inches across or so, by about an inch and a half thick. Here's a picture of some real deadeyes to compare it to:
  5. too rich fer my blood... doubloons have been scarce these days
  6. Keep me posted mate... I plan on doing the same thing come February...
  7. The Iron Lotus, of course...
  8. I highly recommend Perdersoli... Dixie Gun Works sells a nice kit for a Queen Anne Flintlock.
  9. I am the Captain of the Iron Lotus. I am also the Commodore of the Allied Outlanders Fleet. The Iron Lotus is a Pirate "Household" within the SCA... We attend SCA events and Ren Faires, among other things. Our goal is to have fun, while promoting a bit of history. We also hold Cannon-firing Demonstrations, which are quite popular. Under my command are the Iron Lotus and the Everlasting Virgin. The Iron Lotus is my "flagship" and the two "ships" operate somewhat on an independant basis, each with their own goals to follow, but working together to promote Nautial/Pirate/Privateer Personas within the local SCA groups. The Iron Lotus was founded in May, 2003, at a local SCA event... Me and a few like minded pirates gathered together and held a "Ship's Meeting", where we discussed forming a Crew. We decided to have an independant Household, and held a Captain's Vote. They agreed that since I had done much of the legwork to get this venture started, that I would make a fine Captain. We adjourned the meeting, and the Iron Lotus was born. A few months later, my Quartermaster approached me with a tale of how he won a ship in a drinking contest... A Spaniard from Southern Ansteorra(our SCA Kingdom) had a ship group that he had tried to start, but was really doing nothing with... so he bet my quartermaster in a drinking contest, which lost him the Ship. The Ship was named the Drunken Gunnar, and so the Iron Lotus Fleet was born... The Iron Lotus Fleet acquired yet another Ship on her first Anniversary, in 2004. It started out as a joke, some of us had raided a ship-shaped park, and claimed it for the Iron Lotus Fleet. We named it the Everlasting Virgin, and has since became a ship in it's own right, with it's own crew members and Captain. The Iron Lotus Fleet's goal became to unite most of the like-minded pirates in our SCA Kingdom. Early in the Summer of 2005, The Drunken Gunnar's Captain decided to retire from his Captaincy, and passed his ship down to his Quartermaster, Bulwyf. Bulwyf quickly decided to cut and run, and the Drunken Gunnar decided to leave the Iron Lotus Fleet. Now we have negotiated a Letter of Marque from the Baroness of one of our Local SCA groups... We also have negotiations on the table to acquire a 15+ member Ship named the Esmerelda for the Iron Lotus Fleet. The Allied Outlanders Fleet currently has 5 Ships that operate within 3 or 4 of the SCA's "Kingdoms". You'll have to ask Admiral Kaulum for more details on how his portion of the Fleet was formed.
  10. I finally tried Captain Morgan's Tattoo... It mixes well with fruit punch, but other than that, blech.
  11. I saw the topic title and thought immediately of my ex-girlfriend...
  12. Aye... that it does Keeping with a piratey theme, however, I be comandeering (hi-jacking) this thread to show off a piece of plunder I be fixin' to send to the Captain of another Crew who I be declaring war on... Ths name of the "Ship" I be declarin no quarter on is 'Lady Rose', obviously... the underhanded scurvey wench who captains the shoddy vessle has affronted me fer the last time, sez I! So, I be sending her this burned wooden ship model, to depict a representation of what her ship would look like, if we were in period and I were really giving chase... I also intend to challenge said Captain to a duel on the Rapier field, to settle the conflict betwixt us. Another Irony is that I also sent her a Black Spot... which I stole the idea from our very own Petee...
  13. From one Captain to another... It 'elps if'n ye post where ye sails from... That way, local pirates might know o' yer whereabouts an' answer the call to the sea. For myself, the Iron Lotus is based in Central Oklahoma, but has members as far north as Kansas, as far south as Dallas, TX, and as far west as El Paso, TX.
  14. If ye be wanting a reasonably close *functional* cutlass, the American Iron-Mounted Hanger from Old Dominion Forge looks pretty close to me... the guard just needs to be blackened is all. The one on the website has sold, but he might make another for ye if ye ask real nice
  15. If I were given the choice, I would rather have a small axe and a sturdy knife than the music... but *if* these basic survival tools were already provided, I'd take: Music: The Bilge Pumps: Brigands with Big'uns Type O Negative: October Rust Pirates of the Carribbean Sountrack 1 burned CD of Evanescance's best songs 1 burned CD of various Rock songs Book: Some sort of survival book Pleasure: Unlimited supply of either Rum or Cigarettes... I can build me a raft.
  16. *drool* That would SO hang on a mug strap on my belt... Put me down for one when you decide to sell them... Aye
  17. eh... wouldn't that be go to *your* room, Rue?
  18. I'll have access to the shop again in november... first up will be Deadeye's... deadeye.
  19. If ye get the right axe, it will also cleave a heavy brass tankard in two as if it were butter...
  20. *shakes head* Damn my eyes... now I 'ave to poke 'em out right proper, or find some bleach. Nay, methinks they be scarred fer life
  21. Back to the Future III Great set of movies, aye
  22. I got annoyed and tossed the sheep to the sharks... it kept following me around bleating "da-a-a-a-addy, da-a-a-a-a-a-addy..."
  23. The goat was lost when I got hungry at the last event we went to...
  24. yep... Another thing I plan to modify in the next one.
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